Chapter 5 Everyone Knows about Your Affair

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Jessica smiled contemptuously, "Jonah is a good student, so he is studying at school now. But you're shameless! You cheated on your fiancé and went to the hotel with your lover!" "I didn't cheat on him. I told you it was an accident. I don't know that man at all! You're slinging mud at me!" Jessica trembled, ran to her father Mark, and said aggrievedly, "Dad, see? She scolded me!" Mark had always spoiled Jessica, so he patted the back of her hand softly with a gentle expression, then turned to look at Tina fiercely, "You are depraved and shameless! Why do you still have the nerve to accuse Jessica? You don't deserve to be her elder sister!" Elder sister? In her father's eyes, she was always wrong and inferior to Jessica, no matter what she said or did. All her father's care and love for her had died together with her mother. Tina endured the heart-wrenching pain and said with a stubborn look, "This is a private matter between Arthur and me. Dad, Ms. Wood, you have no right to conduct a joint trial on it. I still have to go to work, so I don't want to waste time here anymore." When she was about to leave, Mark suddenly shouted, "Stop! Look at this!" He picked up a newspaper from the table and threw it directly at her back! When Tina looked down, she saw the photo at the top of the newspaper at a glance, in which, she was standing beside the man in his suit coat with her legs exposed, and he was wrapping his arm around her shoulders. They were looking at each other, but because of the angle and the light, her face was clearly visible, while his face was fuzzy. Even so, his blurred side face looked shockingly handsome. They looked very intimate, and her clothes were in disarray... The title of the news was, Arthur Knight's Fiancée and Her Secret Lover Spent the Whole Night in the Hotel Together! Moreover, it was Orange Online that had released the news, which she was working in! How was it possible? Who had photographed her? "See? Everyone knows about your affair now! Do you think you can solve this problem by yourself?" Mark flew into a rage, and when seeing her dumbfounded look at the sight of the news, he got even angrier. Sylvia immediately patted his chest to help him breathe and then added fuel to the flames, saying, "Mark, I did not believe it when others told me it was hard to be a stepmother before. I have conscientiously taken care of Tina and treated her well with all my sincerity, but I didn't expect she would grow into such a depraved person. She went to date her lover instead of her fiancé on Valentine's Day. She had disgraced the Lynds! It's all my fault! I didn't educate her well! I am very much to be blamed!" Hearing this, Tina sneered. Sylvia was two-faced. In front of her, she was fierce and domineering, but in front of Mark, she was weak and nice. And her daughter Jessica had perfectly inherited it from her. "Ms. Wood, drop the act. It sounded as if you had really taught me something. What's more, you haven't even graduated from elementary school! Do you really think you have the ability to educate me?" Sylvia's lack of education and poor family background had always been her sore point. Hearing Tina's words, she almost lost her temper and rushed over to slap her, but her rationality stopped her in time. Then, she burst into tears, shook Mark's arm, and said, "Mark, did you hear how she spoke to me? I've done my best to take care of her for the past few years, but she has never called me mom. And she is always saying such mean words to me!" Mark hurriedly nodded. Seeing her crying badly, he felt distressed, so he was even angrier with Tina and snapped, "You wicked girl! Look at the mess you made! You don't deserve to be my daughter! You are a vicious shrew! You shamelessly made a mistake outside, but you are blaming your parents at home? Give me a cane!" Mark was a savage man who had served in the army before, so he had always resorted to violence when educating his children. As long as they disobeyed, he would beat them, and Tina was the one he beat the most. Seeing a servant quickly bring a thick cane over, Tina subconsciously felt scared, but she still raised her chest and said, "Dad, can you be reasonable? I'm your daughter! Why don't you believe my words at all? Why do you believe them without a shadow of a doubt?" "How dare you talk back? You're asking for a good s******g!" Mark was fuming with anger, so he raised his hand and slashed the cane at her. Tina ducked it quickly, but she was still scratched, and her skin turned red. Jessica was extremely excited to see it, so she added fuel to the flames, saying, "Dad, she is always disgracing you! You must punish her severely! Beat her harder!" Hearing this, Sylvia gently nudged her. In Mark's eyes, Jessica was a well-behaved, weak, and sweet girl. But her saying such words would inevitably make him think she was vicious, so Sylvia gave her a hint to shut her up. Jessica also realized she should not have said so. Therefore, when Mark glanced back at her, she immediately shut up with a gloomy face. Sylvia pretended to do the peacemaking, walked over with a smile, and said, "Mark, no matter what mistake she made, we should not hit her. Let's have a good talk with her. Although Tina has caused big trouble, she is a member of the Lynds. Now, our priority is to solve the problem of her marriage with the Knights." Then, she winked at Jessica, and the latter smartly took the hint and echoed considerately, "Yes! the Lynds' reputation is the most important thing. Dad, don't be angry with Tina. Otherwise, it would harm your health." Mark sighed with gratification, took her hand, and said, "If she were half as sensible as you, I would be satisfied." Then, he glared at Tina and said, "Learn from Jessica. You are older than her, but you can't even hold a candle to her." Tina felt pain. Although she had dodged some slashes, she had still been hit several times by the cane. Hearing his words, she felt things became more ironic. He had always thought so and said such words to gaslight her! Sylvia appeased Mark for a while, helped him back to his seat, and then said seemingly earnestly, "Tina, we blamed you for your own good. Your affair has already been exposed, so the Knights may fall out with us. As you know, most of our business relies on them, and we have in-depth collaboration now. If your engagement is canceled, we will suffer a huge loss, so you must find a way to get Arthur to forgive you." Tina looked at her indifferently and snorted, "I will explain it to him. You don't need to worry about it." Sylvia sighed, "After such an incident, your explanation will not work. We need to compensate them. But we are hard up for money now. It is you that caused the trouble. I remember you have a villa in your name, right? Why don't you give it to us? We will use it to negotiate with the Knights and try our best to prevent them from canceling the engagement." Sylvia pretended as if she were doing this for Tina's benefit, but Tina just felt disgusted when hearing her words. It turned out Sylvia wanted to snatch her only house property!
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