Chapter 4 Your Dress Style is Sexy!

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"Sir..." Tina raised her head, grabbed his arm with her fingers, and said with tears in her eyes, "My life is miserable. My mother died when I was a child. My father doesn't care about me. My stepmother has been bullying me. I need to raise my younger brother, but my stepsister is always making things difficult for me..." "Shh!" When Samuel gently pressed his finger on her lips with a slight coolness, Tina's mind could not help going blank. He was too charming! "Don't repeat your own words to play the victim again, which just makes you look funny!" he sneered. Tina felt distressed after hearing his words. The light in her eyes gradually dimmed, and she said frustratedly, "But if I can't catch up with him and explain now, our engagement will be canceled. Can you sell this coat to me? I will pay you the money." "It's just a piece of clothes, so you can wear it forever if you want. But now, I need you to meet a person with me. Let's go!" Then, he took the lead to walk out. Seeing such a good opportunity, Tina decided not to waste time begging him anymore and immediately ran in the opposite direction like a gust of wind. Soon, she was out of his sight. She thought he was ridiculous! How could she accompany him to meet a person at such a time? She had an emergency now and must solve the problem as soon as possible! While Samuel was sullen when finding Tina running away, thinking she was such an ungrateful woman. When his assistant, Victor, trotted over and saw him, the latter let out a sigh of relief and said, "Mr. Langford, thank God you are still here!" Samuel frowned slightly. "Why? Did you make a mistake?" Victor's face turned pale, and he wondered how he had known it. He bowed to Samuel in frustration and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, Mr. Langford. I was too tired just now, so I typed the wrong number when I sent you the message. Your room is 6344, but I sent 3344 to you, so I rushed over to stop you. Thank God you haven't checked in yet!" He smiled happily and flatteringly, but when he saw Samuel's cold look, his smile froze, and he said embarrassedly, "I was wrong. Please forgive me, Mr. Langford." Samuel said with a sullen face, "Do you know what a ridiculous thing happened to me today because of your mistake?" A ridiculous thing? Mr. Langford had used such a word. Victor couldn't imagine what had happened to him because he believed no one dared to offend him! Had he been harassed by a woman? But Victor believed Mr. Langford would just kick whoever attempted to seduce him out of his room without hesitation. Thinking of this, Victor peeked into the room and was surprised to see a torn woman's coat. If Mr. Langford had an interest in women now, Old Madam Langford would be on cloud nine! A very passionate scene suddenly popped into Victor’s mind... "Stop looking into the room with your wretched eyes! I need you to investigate a person!" Victor immediately nodded his head obediently, "Yes, Mr. Langford. Who do you want me to investigate?" A cold light flashed across his eyes, and he said word by word, "Tina Lynd!" * Tina sneezed so violently that tears welled up in her eyes. When she had finally run out of the hotel, Arthur and Jessica had been gone, and she had failed to reach them by phone. Now she was walking in the dark street alone. As the cold wind blew on her exposed calves, her nose was running, and she felt thoroughly miserable. When she looked at the moon in the sky, her mind was a mess, so she decided to find a place to sleep first. She couldn't go back home. Jessica had seen the farce just now, and she would point at her and scold her if she returned home. Tina had to find another place to avoid trouble for the time being! She had no money now, and the clothes inside the coat were very revealing, so she felt ashamed and bitter at the same time. She had thought it would be a sweet Valentine's Day night, but it turned out to be a disaster. She had wanted to please Arthur and had prepared for this night for a long time. She had encouraged herself many times before she had finally plucked the courage to do it, but unexpectedly... Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling sad, so she called her good friend Cindy Young with a heavy heart. Cindy answered the call quickly and then drove over to pick her up without hesitation. Seeing her messy appearance, Cindy couldn't help laughing, "Your dress style is sexy!" Tina rolled her eyes at her and said, "Stop making fun of me! Start the car! I'm very tired now." Cindy then drove the car back to her small apartment silently. After entering the door, Tina immediately took off the coat, threw it away casually, and quickly changed into clean clothes, feeling much more relaxed. Cindy complained, "I thought of such a good idea for you, but you've blown it! It's a waste of my time!" Tina soothed her helplessly, "Cindy, man proposes, God disposes. I tried my best, but what happened today was unexpected. I don't want to talk about it now, and I just want to go to sleep first!" Cindy kept silent, walked over, and picked up the coat on the ground. Suddenly, her eyes lit up because she found this was a tailored suit which was extremely expensive, but ordinary people could not buy one even if they could afford it. She knew Arthur's financial situation roughly, so she didn't think this coat was his. Had Tina met a big shot? Thinking of this, she couldn't help clenching the suit with her fingers, but she decided not to think about it now because she would know what happened tomorrow. The next morning, Tina was woken up with a terrible headache by the annoying ringing of her mobile phone. After looking around, she did not see Cindy and guessed she had gone to work. When she picked up the phone irritably, her stepmother Sylvia Wood said in a penetrating voice, "Where are you now? Come home as soon as possible. Your father and I have something to ask you!" She snorted, "Why do I have to go home whenever you ask me to? I have other things to do now, so I don't want to waste time talking nonsense with you. Bye!" "If you dare to hang up, I will punish Jonah. You don't want him to pay the price for your fault, right?" D*mn it! Sylvia used Jonah to threaten her every time, but he was her biological son. How could she be so cruel? Tina snapped, "Sylvia, you're his mother! How can you be so cruel and shameless?" Sylvia sneered and said impetuously, "Since he has such a good sister, he doesn't need a loving mother anymore. Come back quickly! Otherwise, you can't blame me for being brutal!" Then she immediately hung up the phone. Tina gritted her teeth, got up, and got dressed. When she was about to leave, she looked around the apartment but didn't see the coat. But she did not have time to look for it now. She took a taxi back to the Lynds, and when she entered the door, she found almost everyone was at home. Mark Lynd and Sylvia were sitting in the chairs, and Jessica was standing beside them, but she did not see her younger brother, Jonah Smith. She couldn't help feeling nervous, so she asked coldly, "Where's Jonah? What have you done to him?"
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