Chapter 6 Two Parties Exchanged the Agreements

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The Lynds had abused Tina for years, and the villa was the only shelter she had, so she must not allow them to snatch it away. "No Way! This house is the only thing my mother left for me. I will never give it to you. I don't need you to negotiate with the Knights. I'll talk with them by myself!" When she intended to leave, Mark hurriedly ordered the servants to stop her and said with his face flushed with anger, "Do you think it is your house? You are my daughter, so everything you have is mine. Sylvia just wants to help you, but your attitude is very bad! This matter is not negotiable. I have already prepared the property transfer agreement. Sign it right now!" Then, he took out the agreement, put it on the table, shoved a pen into her hand forcibly, and said, "Hurry up! Sign it!" Tina held the pen tightly when she found the transferee was Jessica. They really loved her! She slammed the pen on the table, and her beautiful face was cold and pale when she said, "I will never sign it! You can give up the idea now!" Sylvia secretly gritted her teeth with hatred. She had wanted the house for a long time because she wanted to completely crush Tina and Tina's dead mother, Tiffany Jones, who had secretly left the house to her daughter. This matter had been hidden so well that Sylvia hadn't found it out until not long ago. She would never let this wicked girl possess such a good thing. It was a great opportunity now, so she must not miss it! "Mark, we are doing this for her good. We want to help her marry Arthur. How can she..." She said and wiped off tears from her face, looking very pitiful. Seeing this, Mark became angrier with Tina and said, "Do you want to play it the hard way? Fine! Even if you don't care about your marriage with Arthur, don't you care about your brother's future?" Tina asked alertly, "What do you mean?" Sylvia walked over. Jonah was her son with her ex-husband, and Mark had always disliked him. She had to pretend to detest her son because she must please Mark and convince him that she had married him for love. "Very simple. If you don't sign the agreement, we will immediately let Jonah drop out of school!" "What?" Tina thought it was ridiculous and retorted, "Come on! He is in college instead of high school! He is an adult. Even if you are his parents, you can't let him drop out as long as he is unwilling. What's more, his grades are excellent!" "What if he's mentally ill?" Hearing this, Tina flew into a rage and retorted, "You are mentally ill!" But Sylvia showed her a piece of paper, a written certificate of Jonah's mental illness. "Impossible! It's fake. Jonah has always been healthy! How could you even falsify this kind of thing?" Mark sneered, "We did not falsify anything! This is a medical certificate issued by a doctor in a public hospital. Last time, he beat his mother for you, so he must have a mental illness, right?" Tina clenched her fists and yelled angrily, "Shut up! I don't believe it. You must have bribed the hospital and the doctor." "We don't need you to believe anything!" Seeing her dare to yell at him, Mark immediately yelled back imposingly, "We are his parents! If we ask the university to allow him to drop out with this certificate, will his teachers and schoolmates disbelieve us?" Sylvia immediately echoed, "That's right! Even if the university insists on keeping him, we will send people to keep making fusses in the university until they agree. I believe they will make minor sacrifices to safeguard major interests and let him drop out in the end!" Seeing their treacherous faces, Tina shook her head with a bitter face, "You don't deserve to be his parents!" "Do you deserve to be his sister? Are you going to ruin your brother's future for a house?" Sylvia fought back mercilessly and sonorously without feeling her actions were inappropriate at all. Tina was torn, so she gritted her teeth in silence. Both her mother's legacy and Jonah's future were important to her. "Why don't you speak? Do you think we're joking with you? I'll call his school right now and tell them that he is mentally ill and needs to be locked up so as not to hurt the other schoolmates!" Mark said and took out his mobile phone. Seeing this, Jessica panicked. Didn't he say that he would just threaten Tina with Jonah? Why had he taken out the phone? Why did the medical certificate look so real? Jonah was her half-brother. To be honest, she felt pity for him because her parents had abused him since he was a child. But she didn't dare to make them unhappy, so she could only turn a blind eye. Although she hated Tina, she did not bear resentment toward Jonah. She was only unhappy with him because he was more intimate with Tina than with her. She wanted to stop Mark but was grabbed by Sylvia, and then Sylvia gave her a warning look. Jessica felt distressed because she couldn't help her brother, so she vented her anger at Tina and said, "Don't you love him the most? He has broken his hand for you once. Why can't you give up a house for him?" At the thought of her perfect brother's incomplete hand, Tina felt a sting in her heart and finally said, "Fine, I will sign it!" Hearing this, Mark immediately hung up the phone, and Sylvia hurriedly handed her the agreement and the pen, waiting for her to sign. Tina smiled, "No hurry. Although I agreed to sign, you must sign another agreement with me to prevent you from using this fake medical certificate to harm Jonah in the future." Mark said impatiently, "What agreement? I'm warning you not to go too far. Otherwise, I would call his university right now." Hearing this, Tina rolled her eyes. She knew how deceitful they were, but now she could only try her best to nip the problem in the bud. She took over a piece of paper, wrote something on it, and then handed it to Mark and Sylvia. After they read it, they found it just said that they couldn't say Jonah had mental illness in the future and must guarantee that he was healthy. There were no other excessive requirements, so it was just a guarantee agreement. "Great!" After Mark and Sylvia signed it, Mark didn't give it to Tina but looked at her and said, "I'll give it to you after you sign the property transfer agreement." Tina picked up the pen and quickly signed her name without saying anything. After the two parties exchanged the agreements, the three who had succeeded in their conspiracy looked extremely happy with the property transfer agreement in their hands, in stark contrast to Tina's miserable situation. Tina took a deep breath and said indifferently, "Since you have gotten what you want, I don't need to stay here anymore. Bye!" "Stop!" Mark suddenly shouted and then gave his order to the two servants, saying, "Snatch the agreement over from her hand and tear it up!"
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