Taking The Stage

1049 Words
Inside the dressing room I find myself a bit frazzled. The room is huge, but has been jam packed full of large trunks and rolling armoires. Clothing and costumes are scattered and piled up everywhere. After I take a quick look around, I sit down at the lavish vanity. Make up, perfumes, costume pieces, and jewelry cover nearly every inch of the table. I hold up a huge diamond and topaz necklace in my hands and let it sparkle in the dressing rooms many lights. That spoiled, messy woman ran out of here without a care. I am sure she will be back to get all of this, but until then I am surrounded by complete chaos. There is a slight knock at the door and it opens before I can answer. To my surprise, four beautiful ladies walk in. Each in a different brightly colored dress and carrying a large matching feathery fan. I am remembering Kitty’s dress and guessing their act in my head. Kitty is probably center stage, standing out in her white amongst the other bright colors.. that actually doesn’t sound too bad. “Honey you better get ready! It’s almost showtime!” This woman talks with an authoritative, yet kind voice and I can tell already that she has a fiery personality to go with her fiery red hair. Her expression changes from a smile to a frown as she puts her balled-up fists on her hips. “Wait just a minute! Now who’s gone and licked the red off your candy?! I see! Honey, you just sit right there and don’t worry about a thing!” She starts giving orders to the other three girls as she walks over and lets my hair down from its clip. Minutes later I am standing in front of the mirror, transformed. The four sweet ladies are standing behind me admiring their handy work. We were relieved to find something in my size. A long black strapless mermaid dress covered in sparkling sequins. It is absolutely stunning. Kitty may not find this dress when she comes to collect her things.. My wavy long hair is down and elegantly parted off to the side. At first I tried to protest to the big gaudy diamond necklace, but I have to admit I like the way it hangs from neck and lays spread across the top of my cleavage. Long black gloves under thick diamond bracelets provide the finishing touches. My role in tonight’s performance is pretty simple and straight forward. I get the impression Kitty did not want to be doing too much leg work, so I do not have any choreography to remember. There will be three songs performed and thankfully I know them all by heart. “Angel On Earth,” “Sweetest Love,” and “Falling For You.” The last one is actually one of my favorites right now. Based on those three songs alone, it would be easy to guess how Kitty was feeling at the time she chose them; however, right now, I am feeling extremely confident. I can do this. All at once we are leaving the dressing room and walking down a hallway that leads to a large red velvet curtain. Our heels are clicking on the marble floor. The jazz band has just joined in with the piano to play a familiar tune and the ladies around me are giggling with excitement as we move closer to the stage entrance. This is it. *** The nerve of this guy. Who does Johnny Johnson think he is? We are all sitting around the circular table in my personal VIP section near the stage. I am facing Johnny and his date for the evening. He is wearing an all white suit with black pinstripes and his date is squeezed into a little red dress. Seated next to them are his two companions: a bodyguard and a cheap lawyer. Out on the table are different business contracts and proposals. “Listen Johnny, I told you.. I’m selling my half of the shares. We completed the contract and now I’m out. I have other business arrangements lined up.” His jaw tightened and he gave a me a tight smile. He was not pleased, but I am not in the mood to feed his ego. “Going straight on us are ya, Benny Boy? Suit yourself. You’re missin’ out on a great deal.” He waves a hand at the lawyer and the papers are being put away. Another round of drinks eases the tension and music suddenly fills the awkward silence between my unhappy associate and myself. The chandelier lights above begin to dim until they are completely out. It’s showtime. Raine has been on my mind since the moment I saw her. Every time I think about her my pulse quickens. Even now as I sit in the dark I can feel my anticipation is turning into a hunger. A hush falls over the audience and a soft chorus of voices can be heard coming from the darkened stage. The spotlight suddenly switches on to illuminate the owners of the four angelic voices. My regular girls are standing together, half hidden by giant colorful feathers. Which reminds me, I’ll need to give them all a little apology bonus for putting up with Kitty as long as they did. The feathery fans begin to sway in a mesmerizing way as a new sultry voice begins to sing. In unison the fans slowly part like a flower opening up to bloom. Different sounds of delight are coming from the audience as all eyes are now on Raine. Her voice and body language are full of emotion. Each line is sung with a perfection that stirs the listener. For a moment our eyes meet and a soft smirk plays on her lips. I am struck! Where has this women been up until now? I am trying to think of my current desires and they all fall short to this sudden need to have this woman in my life, to get close to her. When the waiter comes back around, I give him my attention long enough for me to write down some instructions for him on a piece of paper.
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