Out With The Old, In With The New

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Kitty is holding her hands on her hips. She is wearing a white dress that is covered with white feathers cascading down the long floor length skirt. Her face is bright red and her big blonde curls are shaking out of anger. I was not anticipating this and we all look a bit shocked. Some people around us are trying not to stare. “What is goin’ on here?! Did you just give her MY job?!” She pauses to stare us down. I look over at Drew, who gives me a nod to continue. “Kitty, I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have found out like this.” I give my best effort, but I have the feeling words are not going to do the trick. Not for someone like her. “You’ll be sorry for gettin’ rid of me! Where Kitty Kanipe goes, her loyal fans follow!” She turns so quickly and marches off that she leaves a trail of little white feathers floating behind her. Raine is sipping intently on her drink trying not to laugh at the scene that just took place. I don’t blame her. Drew however, has quite a smug look on his face. He enjoyed that too much. “Now Benny, you’ve got to let the ladies down easier than that. The trouble you get yourself into!” Drew clicks his tongue at me and sips his drink before adding, “You may be okay with her walking out, but your paying customers won’t be.” He is being sarcastic as usual, but for some reason I can not stand how much he is enjoying himself at my expense. In front of our new acquaintance, too. Let’s see what he thinks about this.. “Oh, I have a feeling these people are going to get more than their money’s worth. Raine, are you still interested in the job? It pays well and starts tonight.” It is the best I have to go with right now. I mean, she is absolutely beautiful. If she is brave enough to take the job there is no doubt in my mind she has what it takes to make it though at least tonight. Her bosom rises and falls as she takes a thoughtful breath to consider my sudden proposal. Obviously, the events that just unfolded did not come across as professional as I would have liked. And I hope I have not offended her. She is peering down into her drink with a furrowed brow, when suddenly she starts smiling. As she raises her face up to look at us, I can see that she has the cutest dimple in her cheek. “Mr. Edwards, I accept! You won’t be disappointed! Thank you!” She is beaming with her perfect smile and sparkling blue eyes. “Great. It’s official. But please no more of this Mr. stuff. You can refer to us by our first names from now on. You can can me Ben.” I can not help but smile, her happiness is infectious. Unfortunately, my time with this beautiful dame is cut short when Johnny Johnson walks in. As usual he has his small rag tag entourage with him and some sleazy date. He makes eye contact with me so I give him the signal to meet me at my VIP table. I follow his eyes as they leave me and trace up and down my beautiful new acquaintance. For some reason I can not stand him looking at her like that. I take a step around her to block Johnny’s view. “Miss Raine, I look forward to celebrating with you this evening, however my next meeting just walked in.” I reach across her to grab my drink and finish it in a swift gulp. I turn to address my partner. “Drew, please show our new lead singer to her dressing room. Let the other girls know and tell them it’s showtime in twenty.” *** Events unfolded quickly. I genuinely felt bad for this Kitty lady. How embarrassing! Not to mention, I strongly believe that one woman’s misfortune should never be another woman’s gain. For a split second I was both ashamed and upset when I had been offered the job so sudden and unprofessionally. I was ready to insist on a formal audition just for the sake of earning the job, but I considered instead the fact that they were willing to give me the job with no audition and no references. This is exactly the situation I had given up on hoping to find. An opportunity was being delivered to me just as my martini had been, on a silver platter. Now that the job is supposedly mine, I am feeling elated. I had not realized the ball of anxiety that had built up in my chest as I prepared to argue my way into getting the job without having any proper requirements to show. I take another sip of my drink and then set it back on the counter before the bar tender comes to collect our glasses. Ben walks away with a swagger that makes me want to melt. Andrew, offers me his arm to hold onto as he escorts me towards the back of the exquisite club. Everyone recognizes him and moves out of his way for him to walk past. He is telling me the names of different employees and how much I am going to like working at The Moonlight Lounge. He thinks everyone is going to like me too, especially the girls. I am pretty sure he is referring to the backup singers. When we stop at the red door that has Kitty’s name on it, I turn to face my companion. I need to make sure this is serious. That poor woman was ready to go up on stage tonight and they were hiring me behind her back. “Thank you Mr.. oh sorry, Andrew, but I..” “Please, call me Drew.” His voice has a soft, deep, rumbling flow to it. “Of course. Drew, don’t take this the wrong way. I’m extremely grateful for this amazing opportunity, but I was hired without so much as an audition. What if..” Before I can finish my sentence, I feel a soft touch as Drew holds my chin between his warm thumb and index finger and raises my eyes to meet his. “Listen Sweetheart, if your voice is as beautiful as you are, then you’ve got nothin’ to worry about.” He gives me a charming smile before saying, “Good luck tonight!”
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