The Flowers

1253 Words
If I’m dreaming, then don’t wake me up. The applause from the audience washes over me like a fine wine and I almost feel drunk. The spot light fades away. That is my cue to exit the stage and make my way back to the dressing room. When I go back through the red velvet curtains I am happy to see the other singers waiting for me. “Oh my! Honey, you were really somethin’ else out there! I’m Jessica by the way, but you can call me Jessie.” My fiery friend takes me by the arm to lead us all down the hall. “That was great! Which club are you from? I haven’t heard of you before.” Says another lady to my left. A young blond named Betsy. “Well..this is my first nightclub job in the city. I kind of bounced around as a freelancer for a while.” She looks surprised. I am worried maybe they won’t believe me. I should have planned for this a little better. Then she just smiles. A small voice from behind me says, “I’m just glad Kitty is gone..” We all stop and turn around to see the curviest member of our group with a bright red face and curly dark hair. “Somebody had to say it! We were all thinking it!” A chorus of laughter breaks loose. I am still smiling and shaking my head when I open the door to go into my dressing room. But what is all of this?! A dozen beautiful flower bouquets have filled any extra space the room had to begin with. Pink and white roses, zinnias, and star gazer lilies. They smell wonderful but I do not see where they are addressed to anyone. I wonder.. Was all of this supposed to be for Kitty? I guess it would make sense for her fans to have been expecting her to perform this evening instead of me. My two handsome new bosses flash into my mind. One of them could have gotten the flowers for me. I wonder which one? I wonder..who would I rather it be? It is hard to choose just based on looks. I would be happy with either. I giggle to myself. As if choosing who I want flowers from, is the same as choosing who I would rather have s*x with. Smiling to myself I shake my head. I am still buzzing from the thrill of being on stage this evening. Oh this evening.. it was amazing. I have stars in me eyes. I am still floating in a haze of happiness trying to process everything. The girls were great singing and dancing around me. They are each so talented and so sweet. I need to thank them some how for accepting me as one of their own so quickly. The band and I worked together flawlessly. Those cats can really jam! I was surprised to hear them putting their own personalities into the song to make it sound even better. And The Moonlight.. It was so easy to get swept away with the songs and pretend to be some love struck dame while I was engulfed in such a perfect atmosphere. Mmm. I remember Ben too. A subtle glow from the lamp on his table allowed me to make out the features of his handsome face. His dark narrow twinkling eyes watched me intensely.. lustfully. I could almost feel him drinking me in. A shiver runs through me. A movement in the corner of my eye gets my attention. Standing in the doorway is the good looking Mr. Cash with a bouquet of colorful lilies in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other. How long has he been standing there? He raises one eyebrow and flashes me a charming smile that makes him appear even more handsome. I am happy to see him. After all, he is the reason tonight happened in the first place. So I decide to let the thought pass. *** My adrenaline is pumping. After the spotlight went off and the show was over, I almost felt frantic. Like a child that loses sight of their mother for a second at the grocery store. I am not sure how I ended up with this bottle of champagne in my hand, but I have got to get it to Raine before I lose this rush. Oh, I almost forgot..the flowers I got for Kitty are still behind the bar. I crumple the card and toss it in the trash. Good riddance. My mind keeps replaying Raine on stage, retracing her every curve. What a woman! She is my perfect fantasy. The way she bats her long lashes and smiles at me through her twinkling eyes. Along with the sound of her voice drawing me in to her luscious lips and wet mouth. My dirty thoughts start to take over where my conscience ought to be. I can not help it when eyes begin to undress her ample breasts and enticingly thick hips. Raine is walking into her dressing room as I come around the corner. The door is left open, letting light spill into the hallway. When I look in through the doorway I see her bent over smelling a bouquet of lilies with her eyes closed. Oh my god! This beautiful creature. Something stirs inside me. Then I notice she is actually surrounded by flowers. Instantly, I feel a wave of anger rise up into my chest like a ball of fire. I am wondering if Ben and I are after the same thing.. “Andrew! How can I ever thank you for tonight? I thought I was coming in for an audition and now.. I don’t even know what to say other than thank you.” She is looking up at me with tears in the corners of her beautiful blue eyes. Her perfect pink lips turn from a smile to kiss as she pulls my cheek down to meet them. I give her the flowers in my hand. “You don’t need to thank me. Some things are just meant to be. You’re going to be perfect for the Moonlight.” And for me. “And don’t worry about Kitty’s things either. I’ll have all of this moved out before your next performance.” I say glancing around. “I suppose all of the flowers were meant for her too, but you certainly are the one that earned them tonight .” She looks disappointed as she bites her bottom lip. It is sexy as hell, but still makes me feels bad about hurting her feelings. I did not exactly lie about the flowers, I couldn’t be sure if this was Ben’s doing or not. Though I am sure it was him, it has his over the top signature. He has always had to outdo me in everything we have ever done. Business, women, life.. I am going to get myself worked up over nothing while I am trying enjoy this beautiful dame in front of me. I quickly change the subject by gesturing towards the bottle of champagne. “Come on Sweetheart, lets go celebrate and get to know each other a little better.” That seemed to be what she wanted to hear. She gives me a genuine smile that makes her adorable dimple show.
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