Due Date

1092 Words
Aldrea’s POV   Staring at the open like this does nothing much. For days, I have been spending long hours thinking of how I can go on with my life. No matter how hard I think, I cannot find a place that my father cannot reach. As the king, he has his ears all throughout the kingdom. I should know this he was able to find me when mom died no matter how secluded the place I was in. Except for this hidden place that my father has no idea about, I don’t know if there is another place in this kingdom as hidden like this. The problem is I that don’t know how to tell Lucas about my desire to stay here. Up until now, I haven’t told him who I really was. One thing is for sure though. Regardless of the price it takes, I am willing to do everything just to stay here.   “Aldrea…”   Lucas’s voice disrupted my contemplation. I turned around and looked at him. I was surprised to see him so close to me already. How did he reach this me without me noticing it?   “Sir Lucas…” I whispered his name as I stared at his face.   “I need to talk to you about something,” he started.   I looked at him in anticipation. He looks so serious. Oh my, is this the time when he will tell me to leave this house? I bowed my head and swallowed hard. Too bad I haven’t figured out where to go yet.   “I-is my time here over?” I asked softly with my head bowed. “Please, I-I s-still need a place t-to –“   “That’s not what I am going to say,” he said in a surprised tone. It is as if he was shocked at what I am saying.   I stopped and looked at him. He looks so worried as he stared at me. Did I misread him? Why does he look so worried and nervous? Should I not be the one feeling this? This is so surprising.   “I’m sorry,” he continued. “I might have given you the wrong notion. I am not asking you to leave. Truth be told, I want to keep you here. If you need the place, you can stay as much as you want. However, the master in this training field is not as kind as me. He didn’t want to keep anyone who is not from any of the member tribes.”   “Member tribes?” I repeated. Why do I have some negative feelings about this?   He nodded.   “Yes,” he answered. “We have some tribes that we can accept in this place. Aside from them, other people should have never been allowed entry.”   “And I am not a member from any of those tribes?” I asked although I already know the answer. There is no way I am a member of any of the member tribes in this training field. I have never been here and never heard about this before.   He swallowed hard as he looked at me with concerned eyes.   “I’m afraid that you are not. From your appearance alone, there is no way that you are one of us.”   “One of you? Who are you?”   “That I cannot divulge to you.”   “So, what does this mean? Is there no chance for me to stay?”   “No. I have made some arrangements with the master.”   “Arrangements?”   “Yes.”   “Please tell me about it. I am more than willing to do whatever it takes.”   “You are under my wings. I am affording you temporary protection provided that you enter in as a trainee.”   “A trainee?”   He let out a heavy sigh.   “This place is called Exercitatione. This is not a place for everybody but a place for those who train to be commissioned to fight for the minority tribes in Ekron kingdom. No one gets accepted here except trainees.”   My jaw dropped. There is a place like this in Ekron kingdom? How come my dad never knew about it? If he did, he would have ordered his army to destroy it. Since young, I remember that my dad hated the minority groups who tried to bargain with him in exchange for some concessions for their people. I can’t understand why my dad never wanted to recognize the small tribes. Up to this day, I was not able to know his reasons. Maybe staying here is not that bad after all. I was led here by an unknown power so that I can understand what these people are fighting for.   “Train me…” I answered with resolve. “I am willing to do whatever it takes.”   His eyes widened as he stared at me. It seems that he did not expect me to say that. He nodded as if he understood me finally after a few minutes. After that, he sat on the empty space near me and looked afar.   “I may not know what or who caused your wound when I found you but there is something I want you to know. I am willing to risk my position just to keep you safe in this place. There is one thing you have to know though. I am a different person inside this house and in the training field. You might get shocked if I didn’t tell you now.”   I nodded. I am positive that regardless of how he looks or how he behaves in the training field, I am confident that I would understand him.   “I understand,” I said as I looked at the place where his eyes are.   Silence.   “Your training starts the day after tomorrow. The master asked you to move to the place where all the trainees live. Don’t worry about clothes and all. Everything that you may possibly need is provided there. All you need to do is go.”   I nodded. So that’s how complete this training place is.   “Thank you…” I answered and turned my head to look at him. “Thank you for everything that you’ve done so far.”   He didn’t look at me nor answer me. He just continued staring far away.   “Make sure to stay strong physically and mentally. Life in this place is never easy.”
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