I Need to Shield Her

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Lucas POV   “Aldrea’s a silent type,” Marcus said.   I nodded as I stared at Aldrea’s back. There she is again, looking out of the window. I know that she is looking at the mountain in front of my house, but her eyes are beyond what she sees in the natural. For days after she woke up, she has been behaving like that. She doesn’t say much. She just answers whatever is asked of her. Most of her hours in a day are spent like this though – looking out of the window and not saying anything. One thing is constant with her though. Every time I talk to her, I see sadness mirrored in her eyes, the kind of sadness that can make someone shed tears.   “Aldrea…” I whispered.   “Hmm?” she was surprised when she turned her head to look at me. “Sir?”   I was taken aback. How did I get here? Without me knowing it, I am already near her.   “Ah, I...” I swallowed before continuing. “How are you? Are you okay?” Is your wound still causing you pain?”   She smiled lightly as she looked at me. Shaking her head, she returned her eyes to the view before her.   “No, sir. I’m fine. Thank you,” she answered.   I nodded and smiled back.   “That’s good to hear. Can you remember what happened to you now?” I asked. That’s right, even after days of staying here, she has not revealed who she really is to us. She just told us that her name is Aldrea. As to who she is and the reason why she was found wounded in the middle of the forest, she hasn’t told us anything about it.   She shook her head.   “No,” she answered as she looked at me again. “I am still confused as to who I am and why I came here.”   I nodded to show that I understand her situation.    “It’s okay. Don’t force yourself. Your memory will soon come back. Anyway, just tell Marnelli or Marcus whatever you need. Just don’t go out of the house. Our master is not a kind one.”   “I understand,” she said. “Thank you for saving me and letting me stay here for a while. Don’t worry. I’ll leave as soon as I can remember who I am and where I live.”   “Oh, please don’t misunderstand what I said,” I said immediately, surprised at what she answered me. “I’m not asking you to leave this place. I’m just concerned about your safety.”   She smiled.   “Thank you, sir Lucas. I appreciate all that you’ve done for me so far.”   I smiled awkwardly. How foolish of me to ask her questions that could make her misunderstand what I really want to say. Ah, I’m feeling frustrated with what I did. I was nervous the moment she turned her eyes on me. How weird.   “Excuse me, sir. Master Boltimor is asking for you. I just dismissed the junior assistant he sent to call for you.”   Marnelli’s voice cut my thinking. I turned my head and nodded to her in acknowledgment of what she said.   “I-I need to go,” I said to Aldrea and smiled awkwardly again. “Marnelli will be here to help you.”   She nodded and then looked outside the window again. I nodded and then turned my back. This woman makes me feel conscious about everything that I am doing. Why do I always embarrass myself before her?   “S-sir…” Marcus said nervously as he followed me.   “Why?” I turned my head and looked at him, irritated.   “M-master Boltimor…” he said, fear evident in his voice.   “What about him?” I asked.   “W-what if he knows about Aldrea?” he asked nervously.   I let out a heavy sigh. I know that is not an impossibility. There is nothing that can be hidden in this place anyway. Secrets can’t last forever no matter how much one tries to hide them. Whatever. I already decided to keep Aldrea here as long as she wants, and I am willing to afford her the protection she needs regardless of the price that comes with it.   “S-sir, were here…” Marcus said again.   I nodded. We have arrived at the master’s door without me realizing it. These days, I often experience this. I am always preoccupied with so many things on my mind that I am not aware of what I am doing in the present. I looked at Marcus. One look and I know that he knows what I mean. I breathed heavily before opening the door of master Boltimor’s library. I knelt on the floor the moment I opened the door.   “Master, I am here!” I shouted. That’s the greeting I am expected to say by virtue of my training.   “There was a weak man who was found in a ditch," he said immediately without turning his head to look at me. "The farmer who found him clothed, nursed and fed him. Out of goodwill, the farmer treated him well and gave him all the necessities of life. Considering him as his own, the farmer trained him until he got stronger. One day, the farmer’s enemies came and started ruining his crops. However, instead of helping him, the once weak man whom he saved, fed, and clothed, helped his enemies and ran off with them. In the end, the farmer lost something out of his goodwill. Tell me, Lucas. If you are that farmer, would you go after that man and make him pay for what he has done in exchange for your kindness?”   My head remained bowed before him. He knows about Aldrea! Knowing master Boltimor, I know that this story is his way of demanding my explanation. However, there is a misunderstanding here. His version is totally different from mine. There are some things he needs to know and realize.   “I won’t, master,” I started. “I won’t make him pay since I only returned the things done for me by other people when I was once in that weak man’s situation. I did not save that weak man, expecting him to return the same favor or any other compensation for my kindness. I saved, clothed, and fed him because I am doing what was done to me before. No matter how bad he paid for my kindness, I can’t go after him and punish him for what he has done.”   “Hmm…” he said softly. “Nice answer. Then what are you planning to do with that woman you have been hiding in your house?”
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