I am One of the Slowest

1083 Words
I looked around and noticed the big difference between this place as compared to Lucas’s house. This place is obviously inferior. I was more surprised when I noticed two women looking at me with frowns on their faces. Obviously, they are more surprised than I am.   “Ah, I’m Aldrea,” I initiated and extended my hand for a handshake.   “Oh…” one of them said and took my hand. “I’m Faith. Welcome to the most difficult training ground for warriors.”   I smiled upon hearing what she said. She is a petite woman but definitely one with a strong will. That is obvious with her statement. One look and she’s my exact opposite.   “Pleased to meet your acquaintance,” I said and bowed my head while slightly bending my knees.   She did the same thing but touched the ground with her knees while smiling at me. She must be from the Lulu minority group. I have seen people visiting the palace with this kind of greeting. She was so kind that she left a good impression on me.   “I’m Daisy,” the other lady said and reached for my hand. She did not greet me as Faith did. She just bowed her head and never smiled. I did the same thing. I know this tribe. It is the one with many women warriors – the Shin minority group.   “I’m new here,” I said softly. “Please help me survive. I heard that life here is not an easy one.”   Daisy frowned but suddenly changed her expression the moment she realized that I am in front of them. However, her expression did not escape my eyes. Meanwhile, Faith just looked at me with understanding eyes.   “Indeed, it is not easy to be here. After all, not everybody is accepted in this place. Only those who deserve it by virtue of skills can enter. By the way, from which tribe are you?”   That question left me quiet. That is difficult. I haven’t asked Lucas what tribe he came from. I swallowed hard as I looked at her in the eyes.   “I-I am from sir Lucas’s tribe,” I answered softly. That’s right, he said he would take me under his wings. This should not be contrary to what he said.   Again, Daisy’s shocked appearance did not escape my eyes. Why? Is sir Lucas’s tribe that well-known or the other way around?   “Oh, I have to say that your appearance is totally different from his,” Faith said and smiled. “Anyway, welcome. Don’t hesitate to ask if ever you need anything.”   “Thanks,” I said and looked at the bed beside Faith. “May I know where my bed is?”   “Ah, here,” Faith answered and showed the bed next to her. “Your clothes are in the locker beside this bed, too.”   I nodded.   “Thanks,” I answered and walked towards the locker. Opening the locker, I saw a few changes of clothes. I swallowed as I looked at the color and style. Brown – the color that I don’t really prefer to wear. Anyway, what can I do? At this point, I should be thankful that these are provided for me. After all, I didn’t bring anything from the palace when I escaped because I did not want to alert anyone of my plans. There was no movement that I was able to hide inside the palace. Everywhere, there has been a spy sent by Queen Mira. I felt that because she knew even the things I discussed with my maids.   “We usually wake up at four in the morning and start with our training. The master wants us all to be up and doing our own set of exercises when he has his rounds. We are not allowed to be late; otherwise, we will be punished. Master Boltimor hates it when someone seems not serious about the training,” Faith explained.   I nodded.   “Thank you. I understand,” I answered.   “By the way, it’s your first day so if you don’t have any friends here, would you like to come with us? I mean we are roommates anyway,” Faith offered.   “Thank you,” I answered again. “I would love to.”   She smiled and looked at me. The corner of my eyes caught Daisy’s sharp eyes as if she is not pleased with how Faith is treating me. However, she did not say anything. I didn’t make a big deal out of it, too.   I slept late that night. After dinner, we were called inside a small place to talk with our team. I was designated to a team where I don’t know anyone. I was just welcomed for a few seconds by the trainer then he suddenly gave an instruction.   “Team Mind Warriors, we are gathered for a new game tonight. Each of you will be given a bag of some supplies to last this game. You should enter inside the cave and go out through the other end. You have the entire night to survive. You may work as a team or as an individual. Just make sure that you come on the other side where we will be waiting for you the earlier time possible. The one who comes first wins and will have the chance to fight for the earmark this season. Warriors, take your supplies now!”   At that, I saw the members rushing towards the front. Each got one bag and ran towards the entrance of the cave. Following what each one is doing, I took one bag and entered in with most of the team members. Things are happening fast and I didn’t even have the time to process the instructions given. What was all about that earmark thing? I didn’t even have the chance to ask. Too bad I don’t know anyone on this team. Ah, what matters now is that I should be able to go out on the other side of this cave.   I walked and ran. However, I realized that no matter what I do, I am still the one lagging among my teammates. Along with those who are left with me are those who are obviously wounded in the past. I can see them walking with some injuries in the feet or other parts of the body that are causing them to move slowly. 
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