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~*~ "Do you want to eat dinner with me?" He questioned which made me look at him. He is also looking at me. Is that an invitation only? Of course, Cali. What do you expect? "Your treat?" A small smile slipped out on his lips. "Yeah. My treat." He says. "Okay. Let's go!" ~*~ I stop walking and face him while smiling in sarcasm. "No thanks. Steph is waiting for me at home. Bye." I says and was about to take a step but he spoke. "How about tomorrow?" What? Why would I eat dinner with him? Is he crazy? "I'm not free," I say, not looking at him. "When is your free time then?" Why is he asking? "I don't have free time. Bye." I say then I walk away before he could speak. Why is he doing? What does he need from me? I throw my bag on the sofa as I got home. My day doesn't really go well without Steph. If only she was with me, Khai would not have tailed me. But speaking of that b***h, where the hell did she go, huh? Why did she escape in class? "Oh, you're home?" "Steph!?" I yell when I saw her. She just comes out of the dining room. I guess she just finished eating. "Where the hell have you been?" I ask while raising my eyebrows. "Sorry, I went on shopping. Have you eaten? I bought food for you. Go eat." She says while walking through the stairs. "You went on shopping? Wow! Did you escape our classes just to went on shopping? You're crazy. If your mother will know about this, your dead!" "Don't worry. She wouldn't know about it." She laughs. "I also bought one for you. So keep your mouth shut, bitch." She winks. "Oh, right. Did you buy me a uniform?" "Yeah! b***h!" I mouthed and walks through the kitchen. "Thank you! Do we have an assignment?" She asks in a yell when she got upstairs. "Why bother to ask? Studying isn't your thing anyway." I yell back and she laughs from upstairs. Ah, she's so crazy. I sit in a chair and starts to eat. She didn't even wait for me to eat. Ah, I hate her! I hate my day! After I ate my dinner, I quickly go to my room. On my bed, I saw three paper bags. I open them all and saw a dress that Steph has bought for me. She didn't buy these for me to shut my mouth but she bought these because... All of a sudden, the door of my room had sprung open. It was her who entered. "Do you like it?" She asks me with a bright smile as she sat down on the couch. "Why did you bought these? I told you..." "I like them, that's what you told me so I bought them before the others will. So, stop saying it is okay and learn how to be grateful." She says and I laugh. "Fine! Thank you. I really like them. Luckily, it wasn't purchased yet." I say. "Yeah, you're lucky, indeed. Many girls there want to buy that. Fortunately, I took it first." She says, her tone of voice seemed strange so I look at her suspiciously. She avoided my gaze, "what? Why are you staring at me like that?" She asks, uncomfortably and rubbing her ears. I got it. She is lying. "Could you tell me what exactly happened, Stephanie?" I ask, crossing my arms across my chest. She turns her gaze back to me. "What? Nothing happened. What are you talking about?" She laughs. That's a forced smile of hers. "Do you expect me to believe that? Come on, tell me." "Argh. Fine. This is what happened." ~*~ [FLASHBACK] STEPH's POV After I bought my clothes, I stopped by at Zarah boutique to check's Cass's favorites dress, and yes it was still there. I know she has been wanting to buy that for a long time but she was just holding back. That girl is not a spender compared to me. Anyway, I will go to buy them for her. She will look gorgeous in that dress. I walk towards the dress section and quickly picked the three dresses but a girl also picked them. We look at each other. She raised her eyebrows at me. I guess this girl is in middle school. "Hands off, please." She says. Hands off!? Wow! "I'm sorry, but I was going to get them." I manage to say politely. "You haven't paid for them yet." "What? Yeah, I was about to though." "I want to pay for them now too." She protests. Wow! This girl. Is he trying to get on my nerves, huh? Keep calm, Steph. Keep calm. She's just a kid. "You see, I picked them first," I say with a bright smile. "Oh?" her eyebrows raised. "Yep." "But," she looks at me from head to toe. "Aren't you too old for these?" I was shocked by what she said. Wow! She's... Seriously. I scoff. "What did you just say? Too old?" I laugh. I think I cannot keep calm right now. She's f*****g annoying! "Yes. I mean, they don't look good on you." She smiles in sarcasm. "Hey, kid. You don't talk to me that way." I say in a serious tone of my voice, looking at her sharply. "Why? Did I offend you? Oh, I'm sorry. I am just saying the truth." She smiles, widely. I took an exhaled to calm myself. Well, I will not be going to give up what my best friend likes. "Is that so? Excuse me!" I call the saleslady. She approaches us immediately. "Yes, ma'am? How can I help you?" "Are they sale, right?" I ask her, referring to the three dresses. "Yes, ma'am. Now it costs only 50 dollars." "Oh, 50 dollars. Pack them for me. I will double the price." I commanded, giving the high school girl a shape smile. The sales lady looks surprised. "No. Pack them for me. I will triple the price." The high school girl says. She's fearless huh. "How much is the original price, Miss?" I ask the sales lady, but my sharp gaze remains on this high school girl. "Pardon, Ma'am?" "How much is the original price?" I ask her again. "Ah, it costs... 1500 dollars, ma'am." The sales lady told and seems this high school girl shocked and nervous about what she heard. "1500 dollars? Okay. Pack them for me. I will triple the original price." I say. The girl looked annoyed and she clenches her fist. "Hurry, please. Thank you." I say then I sarcastically smile at the high school then I take a step away. But then, she pulled out my hair and we start fighting, pulling out each other's hair. [END OF FLASHBACK] ~*~ I told ya. I wasn't wrong. I sigh out. "So, are you okay? Did you get hurt?" "Don't worry, I'm okay." She giggles. "Jeez. Thank you," I smile at her. Steph is really like my sister. I'm glad I have her. "You are welcome. Go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." She says and stood up. But I spoke before she walks out of my room. "Wait..." "Um?" Should I tell her about Khai tailing me? Maybe not. She might fight with him. "Don't ever leave me at school again. It hates being lonely." I say. "Okay. I'm sorry. I will not leave you behind again. Goodnight. I love you!" She then walks over to the door. "Okay. Good night. I love you too," I reply before she closes the door of my room. I put the dresses in my closet then I go to sleep. Tomorrow is another day. I hope Khai won't bother me. ---
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