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KHAI's POV Eating alone in the morning in a huge dining room and a long table with a lot of food is my daily routine ever since now. My parents are both busy with our business. Not new. I don't have siblings. I want of having one but mum doesn't want to, my dad either. I live my life alone even though I have them both. It is funny, isn't it? Even though they are around, we didn't talk too much to each other unless its a card day. They only care about my records at school. What a boring life. I put the spoon and fork I was holding, drink water, stood up, took my bag on the couch, and exit the house immediately. Approaching my car, before I could get in, my phone ring. I took it inside my pocket and look at the screen. It was Vivian who is calling me on w******p. I answer her call as I open the door of my car and get inside. "What?" I ask. I heard her loud sigh on the other line. "What are you doing?" She asks in a lower tone of her voice, sounds exhausted, or perhaps she has scolded again. "I'm about to go to school. Why?" I answer. I connect my phone to my wireless AirPods and put it in my right ear so I can put my phone to the other seat. Then, I fastened my seatbelt, starts the engine, and drove my car away. "Oh, right." She heaved a sigh again. "Okay. Be safe, bye..." "Wait." I stop her from ending the call. "Hmm?" "Are you okay? What's wrong?" She scoffs. "Why are you asking? Are you worried about me now?" She's acting childish again. "Tell me," I demanded. "Nothing. I just... I'm just bored here. f*****g bored. My school is annoying, I mean, all of my classmates. Why am I left alone here? I want to go back there. I want to be with you again." She sighs loudly. "I want to home so bad!" She shrieks. "Crazy. Go to sleep. I'm hanging up." "Wait up. I have a question." She asks between yawning. "What? Hurry and go to sleep." "Have you two met again?" She asks. "Why?" "I'm just curious. It's been three years since you left and you just came back there. I wonder if you two met again. So, have you met her again?" 'Yes, I've met her.' As much as I wanted to tell her that, I cant. Not now. I once lost her from my sight, I can't bear if I lost her from my sight again. "Why are you curious? Are you jealous?" I ask and laugh a little. "Why the hell would I not be jealous? You are my..." "Shut up and go to sleep. Bye." I cut her line. I heard her laughs. Crazy. "Okay. I'm going to sleep. Bye. I'll call you later." "Don't call me," I say then I hung up the call before she could. After a few minutes, I arrived at school. I parked my car in the parking lot area. I get my bag in the back seat then I exit my car. Unexpectedly, I saw Cali with Steph who just came out also in the car. My eyes met Cali but she immediately avoided my gaze. So I had to look at Steph her best friend. She looks at me in disgust while raising her brows. Yeah, I know she's mad at me. No, she's angry at me. "Let's go, Cass!" She says, rolling her eyeballs at me then she holds Cali's arms and they walk away. I am just watching Cali's back while she is walking away from me. Until now I still feel the fear I felt before when she walks away from me. "Khai!" My thoughts were ruined when I heard Alex's voice. He puts his arms on my shoulder as he approaches me. Alex is my best buddy since when we are a kid. His parents are close to my parents as well as Vivian's parents. "Hey, stop looking at her. Follow her! Come on, let's go!" He says and pulls me away. I'm watching Cali's back from a distance while we are on our way to our room section. Watching her makes me remember our good old times being together. I missed it. I missed her. "Why don't say it to her?" Alex suddenly spoke. "What do you mean?" I ask flatly. "Tell her that you still love her. That you want her back. That's your purpose here, isn't it? What are you waiting for?" "It's not easy. Repairing broken trust is like gluing a broken glass back together. It's never quite the same as it was before it was broken." "So what are you going to do? Dude, are you giving up?" "I never said that. I'm just waiting for the right time." ~*~ CALI's POV "Okay, you have two minutes to go to your partner!" Professor Jen yells as she claps her hand. We are here right now in the school gym for our dance subject. This is crazy. I didn't expect that we have this minor subject. And what crazy the most is that Khai is my partner. As much as I wanted to switch a partner, but I can't because Professor Jen didn't allow me. This is really crazy and annoying. After two minutes, Professor Jen yelled, 'stop' and now we are facing our partner. But I didn't look at his face, instead, I am looking at his shoulder. I don't want to look at him. "Okay. No talking. Listen to me. All right. Stand straight and look at the eyes of each other!" Professor Jen commanded while she is walking around. What? Look at each other's eyes? Well, I cant. I mean, I don't want to. "Cassandra? Why are you not looking at your partner's eyes?" Professor Jen asks me so suddenly which makes me shock a little. "Uh... Well, Professor, I'm sorry but can I exchange a partner? Please?" I ask her again. She raised her eyebrows at me. "What's wrong? Why do you want to change a partner so bad?" She asks me in confusion. "Uh... Well, I am not just so uncomfortable..." I wasn't able to continue my sentence because Steph spoke. Oh yes, Steph. You are my savior. "Professor!" She called Professor Jen while raising her right hand. Professor Jen looks at her. "I want Khai to be my partner. Can we switch a partner?" Steph asks professor. Oh, please, yes! Say yes, Professor Jen! I scream in my mind. "Enough. There will be no exchanging partners!" Professor Jen looks at me, "train yourself to be comfortable otherwise you have to drop in my class and take it on next semester." What? "I'm sorry, Professor," I say in apology. "Again! Stand straight and look at the eyes of each other!" She yells. Why is this old woman is so heat headed? Gosh! I left no choice but to look at Khai's eyes. While looking at each other's eyes, Professor Jen starts to discuss why does it need eye contact. Whatever. "Do you still feel uncomfortable?" Khai asks me in a whisper. "What? Um. A little bit." I reply to whisper. "Should I close my eyes?" "No. Don't bother. Professor might scold you." I say. So what? What do I care? "It's okay. I don't mind." He then closes his eyes. He is crazy seriously. "Hey! What are you doing?" I ask but in a whisper. "Closing my eyes so you won't feel uncomfortable." He is so crazy! "I told you don't bother! Open your eyes before you will get scolded." "I don't mind." He is giving me a headache. I peeked at Professor Jen and she is busy discussing. Luckily, she is not facing in our direction. "Khai! Don't be childish! Open your eyes!" I shout in a whisper, kicking his foot. "Be quiet. She might hear you." Ah, why is he being like this? I exhaled. "Khai, I'm serious. Open your eyes. Come on." Thank goodness he did. I breathe in relief. "You're annoying," I say, rolling my eyeballs at him and a smile curl on his lips. And I hate that smile of him. ---
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