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"You!?" I slightly yell at Khai. He is walking with me while his arms are crossed over his chest. "What are you doing here?" I ask, manage to be polite. "I'm going to the bathroom." "You are?" I look at him suspiciously. He nods his head, looking straight in the hallway. "If so, why are you following me?" "I know you need my help." He then looks at me. When did I say that anyway? I stop walking and face him. He also stops walking. "Hey, are you trying to mug on me again?" I question while raising my eyebrows. He suddenly laughs at my question which caused me stunned seeing how his heart-shaped lips parted and his white exposed. Did he just really laughs? Out of nowhere, I heard a strange sound coming from my chest. I haven't seen his laughs for three years and I missed... What? What am I saying? I look away and start walking away from him. "Hey," he calls and followed me but I ignored him. "I am not mugging you. I just wanted to help you because it seems like you don't know where the faculty is." He says. "Well, I don't need your help. Okay? Go away." I say with a bit of stuttering. What's happening to me? Why I feel nervous? "You're crazy, Cali," I whisper to myself. "I will just walk with you there." He says. "No. You don't have to do that. I can manage myself. Just go. Okay?" "I won't go." Like what? Why is he doing this? Why? It annoys me. I stop walking and face him, raising my eyebrows in annoyance but I manage to look kind. I need to calm. "Go," I say in my calm tone of voice, pleasing him through my eyes. I saw his shoulders move in his breathing. "Okay. Just walk straight, turn to the left, walk upstairs, and turn to the right. There you will see the faculty room." He instructed. Nodding my head, I say, "okay. Thanks." Turning my back at him, I walk away from him. Thank goodness! He is not following me. But how did he know where the faculty is when are both new in here? Never mind. I followed his instructions and later on, I got to the faculty room. I knock on the door twice before entering inside. There are no teachers inside. Maybe they are still in their class. I look for Professor's Tin table and get her class records after that I return to the classroom right away. After an hour, finally, our class has ended. It's going home time. Steph didn't really come back. That b***h. She really escapes in our classes. I wonder where did she go? Never mind. I will just ask her later. I fix my things and went out of the classroom. Before going out of the building, I go to my locker first to get the uniforms. I'm glad that there is no tale following me. After I get the uniforms, I walk out of the building. It was then I remember Steph is not around. I need to take public transportation again. I sigh out and start walking on the road. As I walking down the road, a memory sank into my mind. ~*~ For the first time in my history, I got a perfect score in math. Well, thanks to Khai. I understand well what he wrote than the actual discussion of Teacher Belle. And for me to thank him, I bought a sandwich and cold water for him. Presently, I am waiting for him here inside of the campus. After ten minutes, students who attended Math classes are coming out. I saw Khai. "Hey!" I call him. He immediately turns his head in my direction. He is a bit surprised to see me. I walk towards him. "How was your math class? No wonder you are so smart in math." I say while giggling. "It went well. What are you doing here by the way? Why didn't you go home?" He asks. "Oh. Actually, I was waiting for you." "Me? Why?" He asks, we started walking along the road, beneath the street lights. "Well, I wanted to say thank you. Because of you, I got a perfect score earlier. Thanks." I say without looking at him. "Is that so? Then buy me..." He wasn't able to finish his sentence because I handed him the paper bag I was holding. I know what he will be going to say anyway. "Here," "What is this?" He asks flatly. I look at him. "Open it," I demanded, and he opens the paper bag. A smile curls on his lips when he saw what's inside. It was then I notice that he has a dimple. He looks... Handsome. "Thanks," he says while smiling, then he looks at me. I quickly look away to avoid his gaze. I don't know. I just feel strange. "Um. You're welcome. I will go home then. Bye." I say, waving at him. I was about to walk away when he holds my wrist. "Why?" I ask him. "Do you want to eat dinner with me?" ~*~ Anyway, why the hell did I think about that? Never mind. It's nonsense. I sigh out, get my phone, and composed a message for Steph. I don't want to take a bus so I will ask her to fetch me at the bus station. Unfortunately, I run out of load. What the hell? Why do I have to be unlucky today? "Are you alone?" I was shocked when someone spoke beside me out of nowhere. It was him again. How long does he intend to follow me? I didn't answer him, instead, I walk away. As usual, he followed me. There he goes again. "Are you alone?" He asks again, but I didn't answer him. Isn't it obvious? Does he see anyone else with me? Why is he asking? It's annoying. "I'm alone too," he says. So what? Why is he telling me this by the way? Why didn't he call him... Ah, never mind. It annoys me a lot. "I'm hungry too." "Then go home and eat. Why are you following me?" I ask him in annoyance. "Do you want to eat dinner with me?" ---
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