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I throw myself on the sofa as Steph and I got home. Very tiring. It makes me hungry. Steph throws her bag on the couch, removes his shoes, leaving her socks, then walks through the kitchen. "What do you want to eat for dinner?" She asks from the kitchen. "Do we still have pork? I want to eat bacon." I lazily say while my eyes are closed. "There is no pork! Are you okay with chicken!?" My eyes suddenly open when I heard 'no pork,' no way. I am craving bacon. I want to eat bacon. I got up from lying. "No! I will go to buy pork! Where is the key?!" I ask, yelling. "I left it inside the car. Buy cheese and chicken tuna too!" "Okay! Be right back." I say and leave the house. I park the car in front of the convenience store and went out. Good thing, the store hasn't closed yet. "Pack this for me, please," I told the cashier as I give her the bag of meat, can of chicken tuna, and packs of cheese. "Yes. That would be 445 pesos." She says after packing. "Okay. Wait a sec." I get my wallet in my pocket... Wait... Where is my wallet? Didn't I bring it with me? Oh no! I'm doomed! I look at the cashier and she is raising her brows at me. She must be annoyed. Ah, what should I do? "I will pay for that and this." Someone has spoken beside me and hands his card to the cashier. My eyes are shocked to see him. What is he doing here? "Here, Sir." The cashier hands him the paper bag. "Thanks," he says while smiling and looks at me. "Here," he hands me the paper bag. But I didn't get it to him, instead, I ask him a question first. "What are you doing here?" I ask, but instead of answering me he holds my hand and drags me out of the store. I pull out my hand on his grip as soon as we got out. "What are you doing here? Are you following me?" "No," he answers instantly. "I just happened to stop by. And you? Ah, were you craving for bacon?" "What?" How did he know? Ah, what a dumb question from me. Of course, he must know since I bought a bag of pork. He must know since... Here I am again. I am bragging about the past again. "I'm not. Steph asks me... Wait, why I am explaining to you? Give it to me. I need to go back home." I say. "I will drive you..." "I have my car," I say, then I took the paper bag to him. "About this, I will pay you tomorrow. Don't worry." After I said that, I went to my car and left. He's a bit annoying. I mean, he is annoying at all. Who asks him to pay this for me? Why is he talking to me like we are still friends? He is annoying. Why on earth do we have to meet? "I'm home!" I yell as I enter the house. Walking through the kitchen, I place the paper bag on the table with a bit of annoyance. "What's wrong? Did something happened?" Steph ask me while she is peeling a potato. I took a glass and pour it cold water and drink it before answering her. "Nothing. I'm hungry so make it faster." Then I walk out of the kitchen and head to the living room. "Why don't you help me!? Things will be easier if we work together!" She shouted. "Work together, my foot," I mumble. The next morning. After our third class this morning, Steph had to go somewhere. I don't know, she didn't tell me. Meanwhile, I am on my way to the admin office to purchase uniforms. We are told that by tomorrow we should be wearing uniforms, otherwise we cannot enter the campus. After I bought three pairs for me and Steph, I go to my locker room. I can't carry them so I will leave them there until our class for today is over. "Do you want to eat lunch with me?" I was startled when someone appeared beside me out of nowhere. Ah, what is it again? "What are you doing here?" I ask him with a trace of annoyance. Closing the door of my locker, I look at him with my eyebrows raised. "I studied here." Wow! What? Is he being sarcastic now? "Leave and don't follow me," I say and walk away. What does he want? I peek behind me to see if he is following me and yeah. He is. He's annoying. People might think that there is something between us. I walk faster as I could to escape his sight, but I failed. Now, we are walking together. "What are you doing? Didn't I told you not to follow me?" I manage to calm my voice. He might think I am bitter to him. But I am feeling uncomfortable now because some students are looking at us. I can tell that they are jealous of me. "Have you forgotten your promise to me?" "What? Promise?" He nods his head. "You said you are going to pay me back today." Oh right! About that. I forgot. "Oh, right. Wait a sec." I stop walking and was about to open my wallet but he stops me. "Buy me food instead." --- @ROOFTOP I was just looking at him while he is eating a sandwich. He never changes. He still has the habit of asking me for food instead of money. Eating a sandwich with cold water, talking coldly but calm, rarely smiling but warm. He may grow up a lot, but nothing of him changes. It's still the same ever since before until now. "Have you been well?" All of a sudden, he asks. I quickly look away. "Of course. Why would not I." I laugh a little. I hope I am not lying. "Is that so? It's good to hear." "Yeah." Why I am talking to him? I should leave. We are not friends anyway. "I'm going," I say as I stood up. "Where are you going?" Why do you ask? It has nothing to do with you. "I have a class." "I should go too." He says as he stood up. "Why?" "Aren't we in the same class?" Ah, what the hell! Why am I acting clueless all of a sudden? I bit my lower lip in embarrassment. He chuckled silently. "Let's go." He says and walks out of the rooftop. "Why does he have to be my classmates? It makes me uncomfortable." I murmur, shaking my head. --- Our first subject in the afternoon has ended and our professor for the next subject has arrived, but Steph hasn't come back yet. Where on earth did she go? How dare she escape our class? I'm lonely here now and feel sleepy at the same time. Should I sleep until the class will over? I think I should. I was about to lean my head in my desk, but Professor Tin call my name. "Yes, Professor?" I ask while raising my right hand slightly. "I left my class record in the faculty. Can you get it for me? It was placed on the third table." "Yes, Professor," I say then I stood up and left the room quickly. As walking down the hallway, something sank into my mind. I don't know where the faculty is. Why I am so being careless? I should have asked her. Should I go back and ask her? No. No way. I will just ask the old student. But the hallway seems so empty. Perhaps it's because of class hours. What should I do now? "I bet you need my help." ---
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