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Our dance class has ended. It was so uneasy for me because Khai is my partner. Looking at each other's eyes, holding each other's hands, and even pulling closer to each other's body that we could tell our temperature, was very uncomfortable to me. And it's annoying because I think it was only me who is feeling uncomfortable. Khai was acting as nothing happened between us, and he even managed to smile at me, huh? Because of that, Steph is nagging me right now here inside of the comfort room while we are changing uniforms. "I'm telling you, Cass. No, I am warning you, do not let your heart beats again for him! Do you understand!?" She warned while crossing her arms across her chest. "What made you think that? You know we're over for a long time." I say while combing my hair. "I know. But..." "But you don't trust me, is that it?" I cut her line. She shrugs. "It's not like that..." "It is." I turn around to face her. "Steph, I'm not as same before. I have moved on and let go of the past so don't worry. Okay?" She raised her brows and looks at me suspiciously, "really, huh? Then why do you want to change a partner so bad earlier? Don't tell me?" She questioned. "It's because..." I'm uncomfortable. I don't want to get close to him. Why? Because these days Khai is tailing me. How can I say this to her? If I will tell her, she will definitely attack him. Ah, why is this guy is giving me a headache? Steph is still looking at me while his brows are raised, waiting for my answer. "I know you don't like me to be with him, that's why. Why? Am I wrong?" "Good thing you know that." "Of course. But I'm sorry, Professor Jen didn't let me change a partner. Now, I have no choice but to see him tomorrow after class for practice." I say, sighing heavily. Why does it have to be him? "That old woman. She's annoying! Anyway, it's okay. Just make sure to not do crazy things. OK? I trust you. Don't break it." "I know. I know. You can trust me." I say and give her an assuring smile. "Okay. Let's go. We might be late in class." She says. I agreed, then we exit the comfort room and go back to our room section. Sooner our class for today has ended early. Steph and I decided to go to the mall for groceries, we also watch movies and eat dinner before we go home. I take a shower before I go to bed, and I was about to sleep when my phone beeps. Looking at the phone screen, a message from an unknown number pops up. I open it. FROM: unknown number /Are you asleep?/ My brows arched, "who is this?" I ask myself. TO: unknown number /who r u?/ FROM: unknown number /so you're still awake? What are you doing?/ And why is he asking? TO: unknown number /I'm asking you. Who r u?/ FROM: unknown number /(laugh emoticon) go to sleep. See you tomorrow. Good night, chubs./ "Khai!?" I yell as I suddenly got up from my bed. "This jerk. Where did he get my number? Hmm. And chubs? How dare he call me that?" TO: unknown number /hey, Khai, you don't call me that way!/ After I sent it, I put my phone inside my drawer. I lie down again and I breathe in annoyance. "He's really annoying!" I scream. ~*~ [SATURDAY] "Is this all yours?" I ask Khai while looking at the instruments here in his room. "Yeah," he answers while focusing on answering our assignments. "So, you mean, you can play piano, drum, violin, and guitar too?" "Yeah. I can play. I didn't put them there for a display." He says. "Oh my god! That's awesome! Hey, Khai. Can you play guitar for me?" I ask in excitement. He stops writing and lifts his head to look at me. "Later. Let's finished our assignment first." He says and goes back to writing. "Come on. Please? Play guitar for me, please?" I beg. "Can't," "Hey, please?" "Later," "Hey, Khai! Come on!" I came near him and holds his arm. "Khai, please? Just one, please?" I beg while smiling widely and doing puppy eyes. "Okay. Okay. But in one condition." "Sure. What is it?" I ask brightly. "You will do your assignment after." "Deal," I giggled. He stood up and gets his guitar then he sat on the sofa next to me. He then starts to strum the guitar and sing. I didn't expect him to sing. /I have loved you only in my mind But I know that there will come a time You'll feel this feelin' I have inside/ /You're a hopeless romantic is what they say Falling in and out of love just like a play Memorizin' each line I still don't know what to say What to say/ I was just staring at him while he is singing in acapella. I didn't know that he has a good vocal. /Don't know what to do Whenever you are near Don't know what to say My heart is floating in tears When you pass by I could fly/ /Every minute, every second of the day I dream of you in the most special way You're beside me all the time All the time/ Khai ended the song but I still could hear his lovely voice while singing. It was so good and I want to hear him singing again. "Hey," he spoke. "Huh?" "Shall we start doing our assignments?" "Uh... One more time, please? Sing a song to me one more time." I pleased. "Can't. Let's finished our assignment first." He says and was about to set aside his guitar but I stop him. "Khai, please? Please, please, please! Last one. Please?" I give him puppy eyes again and a small smile grew on his lips. "Why? Was my voice sounds good?" He asks. I nod my head instantly. "I didn't know that you're good at singing. And I want to hear you sing again. Could you sing a song for me? Again?" "Of course, but let us do our assignment first. I promise to sing a song for you once we are done." He says with a small smile. "Really?" He nods his head as an answer. "You promise." I smile at him widely, and I was a bit surprised when he cupped my face. What is he trying to do? Khai slowly moves his face closer to mine. He looks at my face as if he is examining it. "Hey, Khai..." I uttered. "Hmm? Chubs?" "What? Ch... Chubs?" I questioned, confused. "Well, your cheeks are chubby." He says and removed his hand from cupping my face and moves away. He then goes back to answering his assignments. But wait... Why my heart is pounding so fast? And I feel the hotness on my face. Oh my god. No. No way. I took my ballpen and starts answering my assignment. However, as much as I wanted to keep myself focus, I can't. Khai's face, his voice, as well as his touched are bothering my mind. This can't be. No way. No way. I'm not fluttered. I'm not. "So, what song do you want me to sing for you?" Khai asks me as we finished doing our assignment. I change my mind. I don't want him to hear sing right now for some reasons. "Uh... I think I should go." I say while putting my things inside my bag. "So soon?" "Yeah. I forgot that I have a plan with my mother today," I lied. "Is that so. Okay. I will send you off—" "No, I will go by myself. See you at school. Bye." I say and hurriedly exit his room before he could speak. I run faster as I could be to get away from their village. Why I am running? This is crazy. ~*~ [THE NEXT MORNING] "Hey, what's wrong with you? Didn't you get enough sleep last night?" Steph asks me while we are on our way to the school cafeteria. I keep yawning since in our first class. I don't know why I couldn't sleep last night. "Yeah. I don't know either why I couldn't sleep." I say and yawns again. "Hey, you are not thinking about him, right?" She asks suspiciously. "What? Of course not! You're crazy. Why would I think about him?" "Good. I'm just worried." "Worried, my ass. See you at the cafeteria. I will go to comfort first." "Alright. Hurry." She waved her hand to me. "Okay." Then I walk the other way, heading to the comfort room. As I walking down the hallway, I saw Khai, walking in my direction. However, he is not looking at me, instead, he is looking at the field and he seems to have a conversation with someone on the phone. Luckily, many students are passing by so I have a chance to hide. When I am already close to him, I suddenly stop walking when I heard his conversation from the other line. "I'm not joking, Vivian. Go to sleep." Vivian? Did I heard a name, 'Vivian?' Right. I forgot... I forgot that they are together. ---
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