Waking Up

1609 Words
{Mia’s POV} It was so strange, I could have sworn I was in my home, those men came and attacked me. I killed them, I remember looking at their bodies, I’m a murderer, but when I opened my eyes I was in this beautiful place. There were hills for as far as the eye could see, each one covered in flowers. I was standing at the edge of the fields, my back was to the entrance of the woods. I could smell the pine from the trees being me, the scent so strong that it nearly burned my nostrils. Then I’m front of me, the sweet scent of wild flowers. The air whipped around rapidly, my small frame nearly falling over as it hit me. I turned to the woods and could see a pair of huge eyes staring at me. The strange thing is, I wasn’t afraid. Whatever animal this was, it didn’t want to hurt me. I peered into the darkness of the forest, trying to get a better view of my watcher. I could see shaggy fur, large paws, sharp teeth. The creature began walking closer, and that’s when I saw what it was. The creature was a wolf, a massive one at that. It stood well over my height, it’s massive paws came to a stop, one of them lifting up and pressing against what seemed to be an invisible barrier between the two of us. I walked to the barrier, and lifted my hand placing it where this wolf’s massive paw was. “Beautiful!” I spoke softly, looking at this amazing creature. I’d never seen a wolf that looked like this. The barrier began to shimmer, then it flickered in and out of existence for just long enough, that I could hear the wolf say. “Soon.” The gust of wind came back, spiraling around me. The wind drew out my breath, and I began to suffocate. It lifted me into the air and then I woke up. My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly gasping for breath. Arms steadied me, and I could hear a voice telling me. “Breathe Mia!” I saw Riley run out of the room. “Doctor, she’s awake!” She yelled. I turned seeing Sam, she was the one holding onto me, she looked around the room trying to find something. I felt like I was choking still, my throat felt as though it had something stuck in it. Soon a man ran in, he looked to me with worry written on his face. “Okay Miss, I’ll get it out just lay back and calm down!” He spoke frantically. “Get what out?” I wondered. I looked around the room and that’s when I noticed all of the machines I was hooked up to. I could feel something in my throat, it felt like it was suffocating me. Tears began to slide down my cheek. The doctor ran over after putting on gloves and began to undo some straps that were adjusted to my head. Then he grabbed the machine that was sticking out from my mouth. He pulled on it gently, and I could feel it coming out of my chest and throat. The feeling was unexplainable, the tube came out and I began to cough and pant for breaths. The doctor then pulled an oxygen mask over my face and looked at me. “Breathe in..” he said softly. I took in a deep breath. “Now breathe out..” he told me. I listened, we repeated this a few times before my breathing turned to normal. “W-Water..” I spoke carefully, my throat felt as though it had gravel in it. “I’ll go get you some!” Sam said quickly running out of the room. That’s when I noticed Riley hadn’t come back yet. “Alright Miss Mia, now that you’re awake I’ll go over your chart with you.” He said walking to the door and grabbing the chart. He walked back sitting down in a rolling chair and scooted up to my bedside. “You came in with a stab wound, sadly the knife did puncture your lung causing some issues. Once you got here we were able to repair your lung, but we had to intubate until your lung healed up some. That’s why you woke up in such a state.” He said flipping through pages. “I’m going to go ahead and do some blood work, and send for an X-ray, and an ultrasound just to check how everything is healing.” He added. He stood up unwrapping his stethoscope from his neck. He walked over placing it on my back. “Deep breaths for me, please.” He said kindly. I did as he asked, breathing in and out, it felt straining for some reason, but I was able to do it. “Alright, your lungs sound great, and I think after a few more days here you should be good to go. You may feel some discomfort in your chest, and your throat. That’s normal, and nothing to worry about. If you have any questions there is a call button on your bed that is hooked up to this pager.” He said pulling a device from his pocket. “I will come here if you need anything, for now, you need rest! I’ll get some food sent to your room right away, and your friends should be back soon with your water.” He said slightly bowing and leaving the room. I laid back down, only just noticing the pain in my side. I gasped as the pain radiated, and slowly began to go away. I closed my eyes and remembered the place that I was in. I didn’t hurt there, it was so beautiful. “Mia!” Riley and Sam burst through the door and running to my bedside. “I’m so glad you’re okay!” Riley cried, tears streaming down her face.” “Here’s your water.” Sam spoke, her face also stained with tears. “Thank you both.” I said sitting back up slightly, pain shooting through my side once again. “Slow sips!” Sam added. I nodded, opening the water and taking small sips from it. “Much better.” I said finally feeling a little more normal. “What happened?” I asked looking between the two of them. “The last thing I remember was fighting those men.. I-I killed them..” I spoke quietly, my heart aching slightly. “You did what you had to Mia, they were trying to attack you, and take you! You saved yourself, and there is nothing to worry about. Everything with the police has been handled for a couple of days now.” Sam said. “A couple of days?” I shouted. “How long have I been out?” I asked, honestly afraid to know the answer. “Four days..” Riley said looking down. “Four days? I’ve been asleep for that long?” I asked my head throbbing. I gripped my head and laid back carefully. “Stay calm Mia, you still need rest, plus there is a meeting later.. You’re going to need all of your energy for that. Now that he knows you’re awake, he wants to explain things quickly for some reason..” Riley said looking confused. “He? Who is he.. who are you talking about?” I asked her. About that time a large man walked through the door, following him was a tall woman. They both had icy blue eyes. The man.. he was the one from the club.. I remember he was so nice to me. I looked over and Sam and Riley, both of them looking uncomfortable. “Alpha!” They said in unison bowing to him. “Mia! So nice to finally meet you darling!” The woman said rushing over to my side. Her hair laid straight, it was about to her mid back, and was as black as night. The only thing I could look at were here icy blue eyes, they were so much like his. I was afraid to look over at him, his sudden presence making me uneasy, or maybe it was her.. My thoughts were spiraling in my head, and I didn’t know what to say or do.. I stared at the woman trying to figure out what was happening. “H-Hello..” I spoke softly, still getting used to the pain when I spoke. “Oh dear, please don’t strain yourself!” She said patting my hand. “You truly are lovely.” She said looking me over. “Okay, well I’m off, good luck at your alls meeting!” She said smiling and standing back up. She turned leaving the room, leaving me there with so many questions. I looked over to Riley and Sam, then over at the massive man beside them, he was holding the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “Im sorry, my mother can be a bit.. much.” He said walking over and sitting beside me. “Are you feeling alright? Do you remember what happened?” He asked sitting down beside me. I nodded. “Could I have a pen and notebook?” I asked hoarsely. “Of course!” He said looking over to Riley. “There should be one at the nurses station just outside, can you go grab it?” He asked. “Yes Alpha!” She bowed leaving the room. This was just getting weirder and weirder!
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