The Breakup

1716 Words
{Nicholas’ POV} The doctor called for Linsey and within 10 minutes she was here in front of me in the waiting room. She was wearing a low cut dress that showed off her cleavage and a pair of strapped black high heels. They made her long legs look even longer. “Nicky!” She called to me as she walked over pulling me into a hug and kissing my cheek. I grabbed her shoulders, pushing her back slightly then holding her in place. “What’s wrong darling?” She asked looking up at me with her deep brown eyes. Her blonde hair fell in front of her face, she swept it behind her ear and stared at me with confusion painted on her face. “I don’t want us to see each other anymore Linsey.” I stated blandly. I liked Linsey, but I wasn’t in love with her. She was strong, and pretty, but she could be a brat at times. “What? You told me I was going to be your chosen mate! Your Luna!” She shrieked, her voice was suddenly so high pitched and whiny. “Things changed, I don’t love you, I never did, and I just don’t want to mate with you.” I said crossing my arms over my broad chest. “Nicky, baby, please! It’s me, we’ve been together for over a year, we had all these plans! I was supposed to be your Luna!” She cried out. “Obviously all you cared about was being Luna! Now if you’ll excuse me I have places to be!” I said turning to walk away. “Wait!” She yelled running over in front of me and sniffing my shirt. “You smell like another woman!” She whined. “You cheating ba*****!” I grabbed her by the arm and pinned her to the wall. “You’re not my mate, and not my girlfriend. We are nothing, and whatever we did have is over now! You don’t get to behave this way because you don’t get to be Luna! You were never really Luna material, I just put up with you because I was lonely!” I sneered. She shouldn’t have disrespected me. I may be cruel, ruthless, but I would never cheat. My father used to bring women home and fu** them in front of my mother. She eventually died because of this, being mated to my father is what nearly killed my mother, and I would never forget that as long as I lived. Tears brimmed in her eyes as she bolted towards Mia’s room, I’m guessing she sniffed it out, but I didn’t have time to think about that. I chased after her, she burst into her room and ran for the bed. I grabbed ahold of her and yanked her back towards me. “I’ll kill this wh***!” She screamed. I dragged her back out of the room and mind linked some warriors to come help me. They showed up grabbing her and placing her in shackles. “For attempting to kill my mate, I am now placing you under arrest. You will spend your days in the dungeon until I decide what to do with you!” I sneered with disdain. “No! Please! I’m sorry!” She cried as the warriors dragged her away. I walked back into Mia’s room, there she laid, still unconscious, nothing but the beeping of the heart monitor to let me know that she was okay. The small flutter of her chest showed me her rhythmic breathing and soon my breath fell into step with hers. I sat in the chair beside her once again and softly stroked the hair from her eyes. I ran my fingers through her long, brown locks before coming to the end of her hair and holding it out softly in my hand. Being near her was like a drug, it made all of the hair on my body stand on end, and her scent drove me wild. I had to hold back myself and Bane from jumping in the bed beside her and cuddling with her tiny form. The only thing that I needed was for her to be okay, I sighed heavily and stood from my place, I began to pace around the room. “It’s not right!” I stated to Bane in my head. “What isn’t right Nicholas?” He asked, sounding annoyed that I was even talking to him. “We’re supposed to be with a strong she wolf, someone who can rule this pack with no issues, someone who can run this pack with an iron fist! She needs to be feared, as well as respected!” I sneered. I looked over, her small frame was weak, pathetic, no one would ever fear her. “She is our mate, and I will be with her. If you don’t like it, then you can let me take over.” He snapped back. He knew just how to tick me off, I suppose that’s only customary as he has been with me since birth. Most werewolves don’t gain the ability to speak with their wolves until their 18th birthday, but I have been speaking with Bane ever since I can remember. Oh no.. mother.. what will she think of this? She always hated Linsey, but will she hate a human girl more? I’m sure that word has already gotten back to the pack house, mother is probably already on her way here to see what the fuss is all about. I had to think of something to say to her quickly. Just as I finished that thought a knock came to the door, I didn’t even have to open it, I knew it was her. Mother always did know when the worst occasion to come by was. I walked to the door, dread filling every ounce of my being, and I flung open the door. There she stood in a knee length black dress, with a black floppy hat, and her rose gold sunglasses. Her thick black hair fell to her mid back, and I could see the icy blue eyes peering out over the sunglasses. “Nicholas..” she began walking into the room. She turned to me as soon as she walked past. “I hear that you’ve found your mate, and you finally got rid of that horrid Linsey girl!” She said in an almost cheerful tone. One would think she was happy that I lost out on one of the best chances for a strong Luna I had. “Yes mother, I did.” I stately blandly, completely uninterested in this conversation. “Well, where is she? When can I meet her?” She asked turning around and finally looking around the room. She gasped as her eyes fell on Mia, tears began to drip from her eyes. She ran over clasping her hand in both of hers. “Son she’s beautiful..” she spoke softly looking over her. “What happened?” “Two wolves followed her home after we parted ways, they attacked her, and tried to take her away. She fought back, killing both of them in the process. Sadly she was stabbed and lost a lot of blood.” I spoke lowering my head, “You left her alone? No wonder she was attacked, every pack and rogue gathering would love to torture you. Taking her would be the easiest way to get to you. Son, you’re going to have to keep her safe!” She spoke. She leaned down planting a small kiss on her head. My mother was a white wolf, a wolf with great healing prowess. She gasped, pulling back quickly and looking over Mia. “Incredible!” She spoke softly tracing Mia’s facial features with her fingertips. “What are you talking about mother?” I asked walking over to stand beside her. “She’s special darling, just like you!” She spoke in a hushed tone. “I can sense something akin to a dam within her waiting to burst.” She said placing her hand on Mia’s cheek. “Her wolf has been sealed away, and she can’t get out.” She said closing her eyes, when she opened them they glowed a bright white. “On the next full moon she must be mated to you. That night you must mark her, and claim her as your own. Then and only then her wolf will be freed. Her wolf is one thought to have been lost in time. She will bring about the end to the war among all of the packs across the country. If these instructions are not heeded, then you my son, will doom us all!” She spoke in a strangely hypnotic voice before her eyes closed once more and the light that once spilled from them was gone. She fell to her knees, and sighed heavily. “Are you okay mother?” I asked reaching down and helping her to her feet. She nodded, gripping her head slightly. “Thank you Nicholas, I think I need to go lay down for a while. Please, just allow me some time to rest, we’ll talk later in your office. I’m sure you want to know more, but I need to rest, and do some research. I’ll mind link you as soon as I’m ready to meet, okay?” She asked. I could tell that the vision she had took a lot out of her. “Of course mother, just one question before you leave.” I said calmly. “Of course son, what is it?” She replied. “When is the next full moon?” I asked, seeing as how this information was now very relevant. “You have two weeks before the next full moon son, so not much time at all. You need to figure out how to explain all of this, and help her through it. She is strong my boy, I can feel it, she needs you though, just as much as you need her.” She spoke before turning and walking out the door. Her frame slowly disappearing down the hospital corridor. “Two weeks..” I thought to myself.
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