The Notes

1489 Words
{Mia’s POV} Soon a notebook and pen was sat on my lap, my throat felt horrible and the more I spoke the worse it got. It would be easier for me to just write out everything for now. I opened the notebook, flipping to an empty page and began writing about the incident. “I was asleep when I heard a noise come from the kitchen. I thought maybe it was Riley or Sam, that maybe they had come back to talk to me. Then I heard my bedroom door open and two large men walked in. One was holding a rope, the other was holding a knife. I grabbed my lamp and smashed it over the head of the man who had the knife. He got up not long after, and I threw my blankets back sending them over the one with the knife’s head. I tried to make a bolt for the door, but once he pulled the blanket down he and the other man ran after me. He grabbed me pinning me to the wall, and I felt a sharp pain in my side. I looked down, and saw the knife was stuck in me. My heart began to race, and I punched the man in the face, he staggered back which gave me enough time to pull out the knife he stabbed me with from my side. I ran after the one who stabbed me and began swinging the knife at him, finally catching him in the neck with it. His neck began profusely pouring blood, he fell and finally stopped moving.” I showed him my first page as I began writing on the next one. “The other man yelled at me, saying that I killed his brother, and screw the mission, now he planned to kill me. As he ran at me I ducked out of the way and lodged the knife in his heart. I ran past him to the front door and turned to see him fall to his knees, then onto the floor, I killed them.. I soon began to feel the effects of my stab wound, I looked down noticing my side was gushing blood and I was beginning to feel dizzy. I slumped against the wall and slid down it, once I reached the floor I gripped my side, holding pressure on it. Then everything went dark.. after that I just remember waking up here.” I finished handing him the page. He read the page quickly, his eyes stopping on the last sentence. “You don’t remember waking up when we were leaving your house?” He asked. I shook my head, I tried thinking back, but everything was just as I had written. It was horrible, traumatic, and the reality that I killed two people.. it was a lot for me to process. I picked up my pen and wrote. “Did I really kill them? Are both of them really dead, did anyone check?” Nicholas signed, “I’m sorry Mia.. they’re both gone. I had Riley stay with the bodies until her brother and the police showed up.” I nodded, my mentality taking this moment to attempt to run away from me. My mind didn’t want to know what I had done, I didn’t want to know. I only did it to protect me, but I never thought a day like this would come. Just then a knock came to the door. The doctor walked in with a plate of food and a bottle of water. “Here you go miss Mia, please eat as much as you can, just don’t overdo it.” He said smiling, he sat the plate down in front of me and left the room. I looked over at Riley. “Do you know where my purse is?” I asked, my voice gravely. “Yeah, Sam and I grabbed it from the house a couple of days ago, I put it over here.” She said walking over and grabbing my purse. She brought it to me and I awkwardly looked through it. “My pills aren’t in here..” I said looking over to the two of them. “We’ll go find them, for now eat up, and rest!” Sam said walking over and giving me a hug, Riley joined her and soon the headed out the door leaving me alone with Nicholas. “You okay?” He asked. That was a loaded question right now. “Not really..” I spoke softly, turning my attention to my food. As hungry as I felt, I didn’t really feel up for eating. Honestly, I just wanted to go back to the fields from my dream, the ones that were covered in flowers, right beside the forest. That’s what I needed right now, to feel calm, be relaxed. Instead I was terrified of everything, I’m in a hospital, I don’t know where. I’m alone with a man I hardly know. I’ve just been stabbed, and I’m still in a ton of pain, and to top it all off, I’m a killer. I sighed pushing my plate to the side and opening the bottle of water. “You need to eat too..” Nicholas said, his body shifting in the chair beside me. “I know.. and I will.. eventually.” I said leaning back, pain shooting through my side as I did. “I just..” I paused taking a breath. “It’s a lot. I was almost kidnapped.. and killed. I don’t know what they wanted from me, but had I not fought back, who knows if I’d even still be alive.” I said bringing my hands up to my face and placing them over my eyes. I felt a strand of hair that was in front of my face, it was slightly greasy. I looked over to Nicholas. “Could you ask the doctor if I could shower?” I asked. “Of course, whatever you need..” he said standing and leaving the room. I sat for a moment with my thoughts, I just want to shower, maybe change clothes, get as comfortable as possible, then I’ll eat. I need to feel more relaxed, which was going to be hard. I needed my birth control meds, which thankfully my friends were on their way to get. I stayed on birth control for a while before and the entire time during and after I was with my ex. I didn’t want children with him, maybe they should have been my first clue that we weren’t compatible. “Good news, doctor said you can shower but you may need help doing it.” He said walking back in. “I think I can manage, just need to get in there. You don’t happen to have any of my clothes here do you? I want to change into something more comfortable, something besides this hospital gown.” I said looking down. “I will get Sam and Riley to pick some clothes up for you, until then I’ll have some clothes brought over from my house, and you can wear them for now.” He said walking out into the hall, I assumed to make the calls. A few moments later he came back in. “Alright the girls are going to get you some clothes, and some food from your favorite restaurant, and Riley’s brother is on his way with some clothes. I can help you get into the bathroom at least, if you need help.” He said, his eyes were staring right through me. “Thank you.. I think I could use the help if you really don’t mind.” I said shyly. He walked over, moving my covers back and unhooking some of my cords so that way I could go. He picked me up bridal style, like I weighed nothing. “Not at all.” He smiled carrying me to the bathroom and carefully setting me down on my feet. He held onto my waist, making sure I was steady before he let go. “Thank you Nicholas.” I said, nodding to him. “No problem.” He said smiling down at me, he turned making his way out of the bathroom and closing the door behind him. “If you need anything I’ll be right here!” He said and I heard his footsteps walk to the other side of the room. I walked over to the mirror, slowly, and carefully. I pulled off the hospital gown I was in, and took off my underwear. I undid the bandages on my side, and I studied myself in the mirror. I was still bruised, and had dark circles under my eyes. My side had stitches in it, and it looked terrible. I looked over myself, and I felt sick to my stomach. A shower is exactly what I need.
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