The Break In

1243 Words
[TRIGGER WARNING! This episode contains fighting with a knife, and death.] {Nicholas’ POV} I paced around my office, by this time it was 12:00AM. I mind linked those two to meet me in my office as soon as they were done at Mia’s house, yet they still weren’t here. I stomped around my office before a soft knock came to the door. Riley poked her head in the door, “Alpha..” she spoke softly and bowed her head. “Come in.” I said walking over to my desk and taking a seat. Sam and Riley walked in standing across from me. They both bowed out of respect then Sam began to speak. “We didn’t tell her anything Alpha, just like you said.” She began. I held up my hand, showing her I wanted her to be silent. “You two have always been irritating, but now you bring a young girl to our club who isn’t even a wolf? Are you two insane?” I yelled at them. “Alpha, she’s been our friend for years, she’s very kind and has never done anything to hurt us. We haven’t told her anything about any of this for obvious reasons, but she needed a place that she could go where she could feel happy and safe. The only problem being that horrible wolf earlier.” Riley spoke. I growled at the thought of that man’s hands on her body, the way that he was gripping into her made me sick. I looked back to the two of them, they were shaking, they must have thought that growl was for them. I pinched the bridge of my nose in between my finger and thumb. “Okay, you two need to keep her safe, and you also need to make sure that she doesn’t find out about any of this.” “Alpha.. if I may..” Riley began. Riley was the sister of my beta, she was a strong and kind wolf, she very rarely spoke out of turn so this behavior was unusual for her. “Please.. consider letting us tell her about us. She can come live on Pack grounds, and we can even turn her. She’s been miserable since her divorce, and her mind has been shattered. Her ex.. he was well.. abusive, and when she found out about him he became violent even going so far as attacking her. I fear she may not be safe in her home, it would be safer if she could stay in the pack house, she could share a room with me.” She pleaded. I sat back in my chair and pondered this for a moment. I’m known as a cruel, monster.. would a cruel monster help a girl he didn’t even know? I asked myself, then again I already helped her in that club, and if anyone saw me doing that.. they could see her as my weakness and go after her. They would be right, that girl.. she was my mate, and my wolf Bane was clawing away trying to get to her. “We need to go to her.” He said in my mind. “Not now you mutt, I’m in the middle of a meeting!” I snapped back. He could be so frustrating at times. I looked at the girls in front of me, my decision was already made but I needed to make them see things how I wanted them to. I needed to keep my image as the horrifying Alpha that everyone knew me to be. All of a sudden I had this sharp pain in my side, it felt like I had been stabbed. I took in a deep breath and tried to use my wolf healing, but there was nothing wrong with me. “It’s her, something’s wrong!” I said standing and running for the door. “I told you we needed to go to her!” Bane sneered in my head. If I had known that something was going on then I would have gone already. I just hoped I wouldn’t be too late. {Mia’s POV} I was sleeping so soundly, then I heard a noise in my kitchen which woke me up. Was it Sam.. Riley.. I prayed it wouldn’t be Danny. Sam and Riley had keys, but I had recently changed the locks so it shouldn’t be Danny. I laid in bed for a moment, just listening to the sounds to see if I could tell what they were. Suddenly there was a quiet click, then the sound of my doorknob turning. I laid partially under the covers watching the door as it opened. A large man walked in, behind him another tall, muscular man came through the door. What caught my attention was the large kitchen knife in one man’s hand, and the rope in the others. I began to panic, I wasn’t sure what to do, they got closer and closer to the bed and I did the only thing I knew I could. Quickly I grabbed my lamp and smashed it against the man with the knife’s head. He fell to the ground with a thud, making an awful groaning sound. “You bi***!” He yelled jumping up. The other man came around to the other side of the bed and held out the rope. “Leave! The silent alarm was tripped the minute you broke in here, so you better go before the cops get here!” I lied. “Oh no, not the cops!” The one with the knife laughed. “I don’t care about the cops, we’re here for you, and you’re coming with us!” I threw my blankets back sending them over the one with the knife’s head. I tried to make a bolt for the door, but once he pulled the blanket down he ran after me. He grabbed me pinning me to the wall then a sharp pain began to radiate in my side. I looked down, seeing the knife in my side. My heart began to race, and pure terror and adrenaline shot through me. I punched the man in the face, he staggered back which gave me enough time to grab the knife that was lodged in my side and pull it out. I ran after the one who stabbed me and began swinging the knife at him, finally catching him in the neck with it. His neck began profusely pouring blood as he dropped to the floor, his throat gurgling until finally he stopped moving. The other man was furious. “You killed my brother! Screw the mission, you’re dead!” He screamed running at me. As he ran to me I ducked out of the way and lodged the knife in his heart. I ran past him to the front door and turned to see him fall to his knees, then onto the floor. They.. they were dead, I killed them.. I breathed in and out heavily and began to feel the effects of my stab wound, I looked down noticing I was drenched in blood. My side was gushing blood and I was beginning to feel dizzy. I slumped against the wall and slid down it, once I reached the floor I gripped my side, holding pressure on it. I needed to get to my phone.. but I was so tired. I closed my eyes and slipped into unconsciousness.
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