The Hospital

1389 Words
{Nicholas’ POV} Riley, Sam, and I finally made it to Mia’s house and all we could smell, even from outside ,was blood. We got to the door noticing that the locks had been broken and the door was ajar. I slowly opened the door, and found my mate slumped against the wall by the door. She was unconscious and her side was bleeding profusely. There was a pool of blood beginning to surround her, and her clothes were soaked in blood. I looked over seeing two 6’0 tall men on the ground dead. “How did she do this?” I asked looking around. I quickly dialed the pack hospital letting them know that there would be a woman coming there in critical condition. I also called my Beta and told him to get here immediately. I carefully picked up my mate, her body was so frail, and cold. Panic began to set in, why didn’t I listen to that mutt? I held her against my chest and breathed in her scent, planting a small kiss on her forehead. “Samantha, you drive!” I yelled beginning to walk out of her house. “Riley stay here and wait for your brother, explain the situation and you two handle the cops.” I ordered, suddenly I felt Mia shift in my arms. She woke up slightly and looked around at Riley and Samantha. “R-Riley? Sam? They were.. trying to take me.. I.. I fought with them..” she spoke softly, struggling to get the words out. “I did it.. I’m okay now, right?” She asked leaning her head back down and slipping back into unconsciousness. “Mia!” Riley yelled running over. “I’ll take care of her Riley, wait for your brother, you all handle this, I’m going to get her to the pack hospital!” I said running out the door with her cradled in my arms. Samantha hurried out after me jumping in the car and taking off towards the pack grounds. I held Mia in my arms tightly, and applied pressure to her wound to try to stop the bleeding. She was losing way too much blood, and her heart rate was beginning to slow down. After about 15 minutes we made it to the hospital and I bolted through the doors with Mia cradled in my arms. “Alpha, we have a room here!” Said Doctor Angelo. He was young, in his late 20’s, he was a very gifted doctor though, and the only one I would trust with Mia. I ran to the room where he pointed me, and laid her on the bed. I stepped back, my clothes and arms covered in Mia’s blood. Angelo lifted her shirt slightly so he could see the wound. “They hit her Iliac artery, she’s going to need a blood transfusion, what’s her blood type?” He asked. “I’m O negative, hook me up, we’ll do a transfusion straight from me to her!” I said sitting in the chair and rolling up my sleeve. “Yes Alpha!” He said. “I need a phlebotomist in here stat!” He yelled out into the hallway. Nurses were scrambling around and finally some nurses came in with carts with all of the equipment they’d need. The doctor hooked me up to a iv, then hooked me to a machine, then also put an iv in Mia. My blood began to pump through the machine and into Mia, and soon they began her surgery. They placed some of the blood that came from her wound into a vial and sent it off to run some tests. It was gushing so much they got quite a few vials while the doctor was trying to place a stent in the artery. After a while they came and unhooked me from the machine. Once the arty was fixed and the bleeding under control he stitched up the wound. “Okay Alpha, she’ll need plenty of rest, when she wakes up we’ll check her vitals properly and keep an eye on her, you’re free to go.” He said nodded to me. “Thank you Angelo, but I won’t be going anywhere.” I stated before moving my chair beside her bed. I reached down holding her hand, it was still cold. “She’ll be needing a warm blanket as well.” I said clasping her small hand in mine. He looked confused for a moment before turning and walking out of the room. He came back a moment later and began to place the blanket on her. A small growl escaped me. “Alpha.. I was just..” he began. “I’m sorry Angelo, I know.. I’m just on edge.” I said holding out my hand for the blanket. Why would the moon goddess pair me with a human, they’re small, fragile.. and weak. Yet, she was able to handle those two full grown wolves.. how? I pondered on this question while I covered her with the warm blanket. I sat back in my chair once again and clasped her hand in mine. Angelo walked out of the room, I knew that he had to know why I was behaving this way. He knew that I was burdened with a need to be by this fragile woman’s side, but he chose to say nothing to me about it. Instead he just left the room, and went about his day. I was thankful that he was like this, it was easier not to talk about it, and just pretend that this wasn’t happening to me. I needed to reject her, then my life would go back to normal. “I wont let you reject her.” Bane said in my head. “I don’t need you for that, I can do it with or without you, and you know that.” I sneered back. This wolf would take a fragile human as his mate, but I wouldn’t. I pulled back my hands from hers and began pacing around the room. “If you reject her, I’ll leave you wolfless, and without me you’ll be nothing but human as well!” He snapped back. I paused looking in the mirror behind me, “You would truly leave me wolfless because of her?” I asked him. His eyes came to the surface. “First.. I’ll kill that she wolf you spend all your time with, then I’d leave you wolfless. Without me, your enemies will no longer fear you, and you’ll be tossed out, a lone Rogue, easy for the killing!” He growled out. I swallowed a lump that was beginning to develop in my throat. His word were laced with venom, and I knew that what he said was the truth, he would kill Linsey, then he’d leave me to suffer the consequences. This wolf would get me killed if I rejected this human girl, but I couldn’t just keep her around. I had planned on taking Linsey as my chosen mate and making her my Luna. How could I do that now with my true mate here with me. I guess I could just mark and mate Linsey anyways, and make her my chosen mate. He didn’t say that I had to take her as my mate, just that I couldn’t reject her. “If you keep Linsey around, I’ll do the same thing. Get rid of Linsey, I want to be with my mate. I will be with her, or I will leave you, and without me, you’ll die!” He said before retreating to the back of my mind and shutting me out. He was willing to kill me for her, and now I have to leave Linsey.. after all this time? I ran my fingers through my hair and paced around the room. I walked back out into the hall and motioned for the doctor. He came over and bowed slightly. “Yes Alpha?” He asked. “Call for Linsey and have her meet me in the waiting room on this floor. I need to speak with her right away!” I said walking back into the room and shutting the door behind me. I needed to be close to her, even if just for a few minutes.
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