Episode 13

2030 Words
Caught unexpectedly by the most frightening sight is vastly nothing Sage Preston had thought. Her legs shivers as the new waves of freedoms washes over her. The bond of her being tied to Harry Crescent breaking off entirely since he is dead. Very slowly she marched forward to the fountain but her legs suddenly stopped before she could make it there. Her heart won't persuade her brain and all she could think of now is to run and run until she gets to her pack where obviously her Alpha will protect her. Still stunned by the reality, she turn around making to go back home when she overheard the approaching footsteps that almost stop her heart. Sage knows better than to wait and see who is coming so she quickly ran to a shrub where she hid herself but watch from her hiddenite place the fine polished boots that walks now towards Harry's body. The shivering lady had to covers her mouth with her palm to keep from screaming out while she watched the silhouette of a man walk towards Harry's body. The man is huge and he got his hair short and blonde. Slowly the man Bent over Harry's body and then give a low wicked chuckled. " Now your mate is mine, forever " Upon hearing this Sage Preston stiffened in greatest awe. She recognized that voice even though she had only listen to it once. In her shock, she couldn't help but gasp in awe. This sounds she made makes Kyro Crescent who actually has been the murderer to turn around. The Dominant Alpha of Crescent pack took a sniff before getting the exact hiding place of Sage. Slowly he began to head over there but trust Sage to never wait for him at all. The lady bursted out from the shrub and ran out, using her speed to escape while leaving behind just whoosh of air. Sage ran all the way back to moon pack in fear. However Kyro Crescent didn't chase after her. He realized she had caught him red-handed so he decided to alter his plan. The lady arrived at her home in sweat. She rushes in and goes at once, with a bustle into her room while passing by her parents but didn't pay her respect. She is very shaken at the incident. At once her father who had arrived from work to see her not at home got confused by her behavior but Harow seem less concern. Preston get up from the couch he sat on with his wife and headed at once to Sage's bedroom. He reached for the doorknob and turn it but sees the young lady had locked the door from the inside. This act alone put the man in concern. He lean over the door and give it a knock. " Sage? " He called but no one answered. " Sage? " No reply came still and seconds crawl by. What comes next was the sound of Sage weeping silently. For a lady who had never seen a life being taken ever, she couldn't think straight at all. This unexpected turn makes Preston heart leap for huge concern. He knock repeatedly but still the lady didn't open up so Preston decided to call upon the beta who had left home since morning. The worried man rushes to the living room where he pick up his cellphone and put a call to Gage who answer at first ring. " Yes Dad? I am on my way already. I am sorry I took ... " " I don't know what is wrong with sage. She won't open up her door " Preston cut in urgently. " You are the only one who can talk to her Gage. Please come fast enough " " Sage? " The beta asked in confusion. He didn't wait for any reply before he nodded. " I am almost home Dad. Wait for me " Preston disconnected and sagged his shoulder tiredly. He slowly walk to the couch and settled down in it as he got busy with his thoughts. Things has happened and it has gone really disturbing. He had taken the wrong step his early life and it has resulted to unpleasantness. His twins are his pride so he love and worry for them. He didn't notice Harow who keep looking at him in curiosity, wondering what had has happened to Sage. Truth to Gage's words he arrived in less than ten minutes, riding speedily into moon pack. He is supposed to visit Quincy Moon and explained to him the activity of the day but Gage goes to his home first, to attend to his sister. The beta in his Glory step into the comfy living room to greet his parents before asking for his sister. " In her room " Preston replied. " She won't open up " Without any response Gage goes straight to stand behind the door. He tried opening it but give up when the door won't give way. " Hey Sage? It's your brother. Open up. Let's talk about it " He whispers softly, hoping there will be incoming footsteps but there isn't. Gage become more worried in no time. He shared a glance now with his parents who had come to stand beside him in concern. " Was she in the house all day? " He asked in confusion and Preston turn to his wife for answer. " I think she went out few minutes ago. It wouldn't have been up to Thirty minutes. I am sure " Gage dropped the idea of knocking. He walks into his own room and return with the key to Sage's. They shared a lot of things and keys are one of them. Gage open the door and step in to see Sage at a corner, sitting down on the floor and shivering in real fear. Her parents were surprised at this because everyone only Remembers her as the most cheerful lady. At once Gage goes to her in deep concern, going down on one knee before her. " Hey ... Oh my goodness. Sage what goes wrong ? Are you hurt? " Sage couldn't reply. She only continues to wallow in tears. The image of Harry's dead body won't leave her head and she couldn't help but continues to shiver. " Sage what is wrong? Talk to me. Did anyone hurt you? " This time the beta asked by holding up her arm firmly. This physical contact brought sage back to reality. She slowly choked back tears and then look up to her brother whom she immediately grip his hands. " Gage you have to help me. I don't want to get married to The Alpha. I can't go to him. That was his plan. That was his ... " " Quincy? " " No. Kyro. Kyro Crescent. I saw him. He killed Harry. He murdered his brother inside the fountain... " Tears won't allow Sage to finish. Her brother was taken aback and so was their parents. They knows if truly Sage is speaking the truth then there will be some score to settle. Some conflict. They were still in this shock when the cars cruise into the Moon pack. The siren of the cops cars came before the werewolves troop out from their abode to see what is going on and why the cops are there. Gage slowly left his sister to walk to the window. There he peer out to see Alpha Kyro of crescent pack alighting from his own car which has entered after the cops own. " Alpha Kyro is here Sage and I think he is here ... For you " Gage announced, stunning the lady so much. She quickly made it to her feet and goes to see things for herself. " This is not right. Why has he come with the cops? Why has he ... " " Isn't it obvious? " Sage's mother chipped in, earning everyone's attention. " You murdered Harry and he comes for you " Abruptly the twins stiffened. They slowly turn to settle their gaze on the woman who they understand to he their mother. Now Sage shook her head slowly, concluding there must be a story behind her birth. She wonders why her mother would say such bitter words. Preston was about to give a suggestion when the knock came to their door, inviting then out, especially Sage. With no where to run to, the Prestons all walk out, Sage glueing next to het brother for protection. They met Alpha Kyro, a rigid man with blonde hair but handsome face standing Right before the house, awaiting Sage particularly. Behind him are the solid cops that have arrived to take Sage away for murder. " You are under arrest Sage Preston " The Alpha of crescent pack announced before signalling the cops to take her. " She committed no offense. My sister is going no where " Gage, the beta defended as he pull Sage behind him. " No offense at all " The people, resident in Moon pack had began to walk out of their house that night to witness what is happening. The beta indirectly has challenged the Alpha so publicly and this didn't go down well with Kyro Crescent at all. Gently he walk towards Gage and scoff crazily at his face. " You thought because you are now a Beta you have got what it takes to make orders? " " No " Gage replied with his jaw gritting together. " I know the rules and regulations. You can't just barged into a pack and decided to arrest a werewolf in it without consulting the Alpha first " This reply from Gage makes Kyro step back gently before bursting into dry laughter. Everyone watched and listen to the unpleasant sounds as they wait for his own reply. " Oh really? " He challenged before looking about. " So where is this do called alpha of moon pack? You mean the one who is also serving a jail sentence in his own house ? Who is on a house arrest? Who wouldn't dare set foot out of that demonic building of his unless someone important to him died? " Silence stretched and Sage's heart fell. She realized Kyro Crescent is right. Quincy would never step out of his building. He only come out when there is a very important task to do. This discovery fears Sage so much. She knows Gage can't win the battle against the Cruel Alpha and she would hate to put her own twins brother or parents in a bind so she decided to follow the cops silently with the hope of sticking to the truth. The moment Sage step out from behind her brother, the cops immediately took hold of her wrist. However Kyro offered to take the lady into his car and rude her by himself to the station. When his fingers came in contact with sage's soft skin Kyro couldn't help but feel lustful. He had wanted to have his way badly with her. " Get into the car Sage. It's over for you " The Alpha stated, caressing her body in a Secret way. The car door was about to be open when a hand from nowhere suddenly pushed it closed and perfect decorum spread rapidly in the wide open place. Alpha Kyro Crescent gritted his teeth. He wonders who have had the nerve to stop him from his task. He vow to make whoever that did it pays so he look up slowly only to see the leader of Moon pack standing before him. Everyone was stunned. Obviously no one ever expected Quincy Moon to show up but he did with his eyes cold and expressionless. He slowly reached out to Sage and then pulled her to his arms. Joy and relief overwhelmed her so much. Sage rested her head against his chest in glee. Who would have thought the man with darkest secrets will appears st the dark hour without being his dark self? " Impossible " Kyro Crescent mutters under his breath in astonishment.
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