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Chapter Eight - Things Go Messy "Who's that upstairs?" She raved and Myles went speechless. Mrs. Winchell glared at Myles as she walked upstairs to see who it was. When she entered the room with Myles tailing behind, Diana was pomading. "Oh, who the hell is this one?" Barbara Winchell asked and that got Diana's attention. She turned and saw the woman, who Myles was standing behind. Diana was done taking her bath and she was in Myles white robe. She stared opened eyed at the woman. Myles, on the other hand, was mesmerized when he saw beautiful Diana had become after taking her bath. Her wet hair and beautiful face all cleaned up. She was indeed one in a million. "My son should come and scrub your back for you? What impudence? Are you having an affair with my baby boy?" "What?" "No, no, mother. That's not it." Myles crossed Barbara and stood in front of her. "She's a w***e, can't you see? She wants to take advantage of you because you're rich. Have you seen a well-cultured girl who lowers herself to a man like she's doing now?" She spat after running her eyes over her from head to toe. "That's not true, mother. You don't even know her." "Shut up and get out of my way and let her deny it." She pushed Myles aside and faced Diana who was looking away. Her heart pounding fast in her chest. "Aren't you here to take advantage of my son? Tell him," Barbara demanded. Myles just stared at Diana. He was confused. What his mother was saying was too hard to believe. "Yes, you and David paid me to get the tape but I quit. I didn't want to do it anymore. But I'm not taking advantage of your son," Diana found the courage to bite back. "What? You were part of the scheme, mother?" "Yes, I was. If you couldn't do that task, that doesn't give you the right to come back here if you're not a w***e. Oscar told me you slept with my son. I couldn't think anything less from a street savage like you," She spat and the words hit Diana hard. "I'm not a street rat, I have a home," Diana defended, even though tears filled her eyes. "That apartment building in the slums? I've bought that land, it's only a matter time, you'll all be thrown out unto the streets where you rightfully belong. And if you think opening your legs for my little boy will give you a ticket to become rich, you're mistaken. He's just using you to pass time, don't even think he'll go anywhere with you, you are just a house for pleasure," Lady Barbara laughed. Diana was in tears now but she refused to break down and cry in front of that woman. "And you, Myles. She was sent and paid to come and get that tape, you better shed her off, throw this savage girl out of this house immediately." "Why would you want to frame me with that?" "So you'll settle down immediately to cover the news, that's all. Just throw this girl out, that's all." "No, mother," Myles retorted, walking closer to Diana. He pulled her to his side, catching both of them by surprise. "What?" Diana looked up at Myles, even she didn't know what he was doing. "I like Diana, mother and she's going to be my escort to your anniversary with dad tonight. That's if you want me to be there," Myles smirked when he saw his mother fume at that. "There's no way you're attending that high-class anniversary with this savage, Myles. You dare not." "Then we're not coming." Barbara eyed Diana before she huffed and left. Myles let Diana go with the grin on his face. Diana wiped her tears and sniffed. She grabbed her clothes from the floor. She had always been humiliated but she has never been called an easy woman before. It was only with Myles that has gotten her that name and it made her very sad. Myles might be thinking the same way that she was an easy woman, to accept such a proposition and come to do such a dirty job. "Where are you going, Diana?" "I'm going home. It's now clear that your mother sent me and she clearly doesn't like me so what am I supposed to do here?" "What nonsense are you saying? To hell with what my mother thinks, you're in my house and I want you to stay." "What? After knowing I was sent?" Myles smiled, taking a step towards Danger, almost cornering her. She felt uneasy in Myles presence so she dropped her gaze, nervously. "I already know that but I still sent Henry to fetch you. I don't care even if you succeeded with what you were sent to do." He shrugged nonchalantly, slipping his hands into his front pockets. Diana was surprised by his words. "You want me to stay?" "If you leave, you won't get to eat any chicken wings, remember? I plan to order some more," Myles joshed and Diana rolled her eyes at him. "Why are you making me stay?" "Because I like you, Diana and you are the perfect girl who can stand my mother and you are the first person who was not intimidated by her words but you defended yourself." "What defense?" She remarked rhetorically. Myles laughed at her. She huffed and plopped down the bed. "You can spend the night here too, no, no, I won't touch you but that comes with a condition, Diana." He plopped down next to her. "What condition?" "Please promise me that you won't let any man touch you, at least for now, please." Myles words came out and sounded too possessive. Danger felt a little uncomfortable with that. "What absurd thing are you saying?" Diana chuckled. "I'm serious, Danger," Myles said seriously as he grabbed her hand. Diana rolled her eyes at him. She wonders which man will make her feel like having s*x again, the way Myles makes her feel that way with every innocent touch. Myles touch made her feel loved and wanted. He was gentle and portrayed so many emotions she couldn't fathom. The guy was good! She blushed at her dirty thoughts. "Alright. And don't make fun of me like what you did earlier, like attending a party with me." "I wasn't kidding, Danger. I was damn serious." "Really? No way, I don't want your mother to humiliate me again by calling me a street savage, there's a difference between living that life and hearing it from people." She pouted, looking away. Myles touched her chin and brought her gaze back to his face. "Of course not, she wouldn't dare do that and I will take you there, provided she calls me to attend. You are going to be my date to that party," Myles whispered as his breath fanned Diana's face. He licked his lips, staring unblinkingly into Diana's piercing green eyes. Her face alone drew him to her. He didn't like leaving her unloved, he wanted her to feel loved because she was having trust issues. He leaned in and touched her lips softly with his. Diana responded to the kiss slowly, moving with his slow pace. Myles wanted to take things slow in order not to scare her because she wasn't used to such affection. He broke the kiss after exploring her mouth. He tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear as they panted for breath. "Come on, let's watch the anniversary on tv, I'll show you, my family," Myles broke the silence. He grabbed the remote controller and switched the television on. The anniversary was playing live on television. They were decorating their family house for the grand event. Diana watched in awe after crossing her legs under her to sit comfortably. "Is that a hotel?" She pointed to the big hall on the screen. "No, that's our family house. I used to live there but not anymore." "How rich are you? Isn't it just your parent's anniversary?" Myles shrugged. "I don't want to scare you but this big." Myles opened his arms a little wide to represent the size of the wealth. "I'm sure it's bigger than that. Wow, a life like this will be awesome," She breathed as Myles collapsed unto the bed. "It's boring." "How can it be boring? With the snap of your fingers, food is being served, another snap, your bath is ready and that and that." Myles laughed at that. He placed his head on Diana's laps, looking up at her. Diana smiled at him. "There's no privacy, that's why I moved here. I wanted to do things on my own and not depend on anyone," He pouted. "Look, there's Riley, the movie star!" Diana bellowed and Myles turned to the screen to take a look. "Oh, that's my big sister." He stated nonchalantly. "What?" "Yeah. She's a pain in the ass but I love her to death," He chuckled, sitting up when he heard his phone buzzing in the back of his pocket. Diana continued to watch the screen. Wealth was beautiful. "Where the hell are you, Myles? Your suit is ready, you ordered an Armani suit, right? and the program is about to start." A female voice screeched through the phone. "I'm not coming, Riley. Mum doesn't want my date there," Myles pouted at his sister. "She's just bluffing and you know it. Why? Which of your classy girls are you bringing?" "Not her type of girls, this time, Riley and she's angry so we'll just stay away." Danger was just focusing on the preparations on tv. "It doesn't matter you bring her, I've talked with mother, we need you here. So hurry up. " "Can you pick a dress for her please?" "What? Okay. Just hurry up." "Alright." She hung up and I smiled. "We are going, Diana." "Where?" "This party. Come on, wear one of my shirts and let's go." Myles quickly stood up. "What? No. I can't. I've never been to a party this classic. Your mother will not allow me." "I just talked to Riley and she said she's talked with my mother and she has agreed so let's go." Myles took her hand but she shook her head. "No way. I don't want to come on television." "Oh come on." "No, you go ahead. I'll wait for you here." "There'll be lots of food there." "Really?" Diana's eyes lit up. ***
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