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Chapter Seven - No One Dictates For Me "How can she just disappear just like that?" Myles yelled at Henry when he had returned to his suite without Danger. "I tell you, sir. Maybe you should just forget her, it looks like she wants nothing to do with you." Myles groaned inwardly but refused to let it show. "I'd like to go see your father now." Henry bowed and left. Myles poured himself a drink and looked outside his window. He missed Danger already and he wanted to see her but he was wondering why she didn't want to see him. It was 4 pm so Myles changed into a white tee shirt and white shorts. He sat down and opened the bowl of cookies Danger had baked. He bit into one. They were tasty. Suddenly, he heard some noise downstairs. He rushed to the window to take a look. His guards were trying to stop someone who was sitting on the wall. It was Danger! "Miss, get down and go home," One of the guards told Diana to get her down but she shook her head. "Where's Myles? Go and tell him that I'm here or I'll jump inside or I won't get down," She yelled adamantly. Myles smiled at that and quickly went downstairs. "Miss get down or we'll call the police to come for you, you're making a scene," One guard yelled again but Diana still remained straddled on the wall. "Let me in then." "Danger?" Myles called and got her attention. The moment her green eyes feel on Myles she smiled widely. Myles smiled too. He thought she wouldn't come? Her green eyes ran over how handsome Myles looked in white. She bit her lips nervously. "Myles, they don't want to let me in." "Don't worry, Teddy, she's with me." Myles waved at his men and they nodded, walking away. "Okay, then catch me," Diana bellowed, jumping down into Myles' arms. He deftly caught her before she fell on her butt. He quickly stepped back, clearing his throat. He liked the effect Danger had on him but he had to restrain himself for a while. "Why did you come here on your own? I told Henry to pick you up and you didn't come with him." "Why didn't you come for me instead? I wanted you to come, I felt you were dictating for me." "I was busy, I was at the office." She looked around the big house and saw how enormous the house really was. "Rubbing your wealth in my face. Showing me you got bodyguards at your disposal," She snorted, touching a translucent vase. "Henry is like a friend to me. I'm sorry if you felt offended." She shrugged. "Let's go inside then." "You wanted to see me that's why I came so I have to get going because you've already seen me." Myles grabbed her arm before she left. "Don't. Let's talk inside, aren't you hungry?" Diana's eyes widened at that. "Food?" "I'll order." *** Myles was amazed at Diana's appetite. She wasn't fat to be eating that much, not that fat people eat that much. She licked her fingers, relishing the chicken wings. "Mm-mm, these are good, Myles, these are mwah!" She commented with love in her eyes. "When food or something tastes nice, you say it's sumptuous or delicious, okay?" "Whatever! Aren't you going to eat yours?" "Help yourself." She took Myles own and ate that one too. Myles just admired her. He loved her appetite. Not all girls cared about eating in front of men but she sure didn't care. She just enjoyed the food like she hadn't eaten for days. She had sat on the tiled floor to eat and Myles had also sat in front of her on the floor. "Have you eaten today, Danger?" Myles asked after a while. She shook her head. "And my name is Diana." "Huh?" "My real name is Diana. I got that Danger from my hood," She explained with food in her mouth. Myles nodded. Her name was beautiful just like her. "Why haven't you eaten?" "Because there's nothing to eat. To be frank I came here for the food. Last time, I saw you had so much in your fridge and you had even thrown some away so I hope you don't mind, Myles," She whispered. Myles shook his head. "You can eat whatever you want." "Thanks." "Why don't you agree to become mine? You won't have to worry about food, Diana. You'll live like a queen, no hard work." "You don't see s*x as hard work? Well, I do and I won't become someone's mistress. I want to become a very great woman." "You know you want me and I also want you, no one will get hurt in the end, you'll swim in money. When we're tired we both go our separate ways." "I'm not going to have s*x with you again, Myles Winchell. That night was a mistake, it won't happen again. Like I told you I came here because of the food and you're loaded, you don't run out of food, right?" Myles reluctantly nodded. He hated the fact that she only wanted to come there because of food. He wanted her to come there because she missed him or something. "Or should I stop coming?" "No. You can come here anytime you want. I don't want you to be taken advantage of because of food." "Thank you. When I become very rich, I'll pay you." Myles laughed. "Really?" "I'm currently looking for my parents, I heard from the nuns at the orphanage that they were loaded with goodies so I'm looking for them." "How are you going to find them?" "It's going to be hard but I've left word at the orphanage, so when they come to look for me, they will find me easily." "Didn't they leave you to your fate at the orphanage?" "How did you know?" Diana raised an eyebrow at him. "I've been muck racking. I paid someone to investigate that." "What? You've wasted the money, you should've interrogated me and given me the money instead," She pouted and Myles laughed at that. She was funny. "You care about money that much?" "Of course, money is everything. Do you see how you're enjoying yourself here? Is money, right? If I had money, I would've found my parents and won't be suffering like this. I wouldn't have gone through what I went through all these years." "You've gone through a lot?" Myles was suddenly interested in her life. "You have no idea, Winchell. Those lonely nights on the streets, hungry days, sometimes there'll be no food and you'll have to go to sleep like that," She laughed. "Sometimes, they'll be too little and you'll have to give it up to the younger ones among us because they deserve it." Myles didn't say a word. He stared openly at the girl sitting in front of her. That kind of life didn't reflect on her cute face. She had rather become very beautiful, even in rags. Even in that faded grey half-shirt and her messy black hair, she was flawless. The hard life has rather made her fierce and wild. "How did you get to know Oscar?" Her eyes widened at the name at first but she cooled down. "Oscar worked for David. The one who sent me to you. David is like the lord of the slums. He gave me a room in some apartment he watches over but he's the real devil. He claims all the women in the slums belong to him. He sometimes takes advantage of us. He was the one who broke my virginity when I was only sixteen." Myles felt mad at that. "He molested you?" Diana nodded. "It was horrible, Myles," She said sadly but got worried when she saw that Myles had gone silent. "He can't know that I come here. He'll kill me if he finds out that I do. He'll kill you too. Please don't ask me why," She pleaded and Myles nodded. "How many times has that animal abused you?" Myles asked clenching his jaw and fist. Myles wanted to beat the hell out of that animal but he barely knew him. He wanted to hurt those who hurt Diana. He wanted to protect her with everything he had but she was being a little distant. "After the night he molested me, I swore to myself that that night was going to be the last time, he'd ever touch me in his life and I've made sure of that," Diana said angrily. "You are very wild. Was that why you got the name Danger?" She laughed. "Well, I got that name when all the other guys thought they could also sleep with me after David was done but I kicked them, hurt them and made sure, they'd stay clear of me so whenever they'd see me they'll say I was something no one should venture because after that incident I hated men with all of my might," She yelled with venom in her words. "So why did you allow me to touch you that night? You showed no fear that night. It was as if you trusted me." "The moment I saw you, I knew you were different. And you were too." She stared straight into his eyes reading him. "Stay here with me, Danger," Myles blurted out and she laughed. "You heard the name, Myles, I'm dangerous and you'll get hurt when you get too close to me. I'm already irreparable. Just move on with some rich girl. I'll just keep on feeding here till you find someone you can love. Then I'll stay clear." Myles moved closer to her, sitting right in front of her, daringly. "I want to try, Diana. I want to try to get hurt. I want to try and get my heart broken by you I want you to push me away, but I dare you to give me a chance. I'm ready to protect you, Diana." Diana just sat there, staring at him. "You can't, Myles. I'm already hurt without any cure. I don't want to see you get hurt. You are a very honest and good man. You allowed me into your house and you've fed me. I don't want to see you suffer." She cupped his left cheek. "Let me heal those wounds, Diana." Myles leaned forward slowly and brushed his lips against hers lightly. Diana closed her eyes and licked her lips when Myles' lips left hers. "Let me make love to you again, even for just tonight," He whispered and Diana laughed, standing up after opening her eyes. "That's all you think about. That's where you're no different from the others, Myles. You all care about one thing and that's my body and that pulls me away and makes me scared because soon, you're going to push me away if you don't like me anymore." "I like you, Diana," Myles blurted out again, standing up too. "Like me? You don't even know me, you know what, let's stop this because it won't take us anywhere. I want to take a shower. May I?" Myles nodded and she went straight to his bedroom to take her bath. Myles ran his fingers through his hair in relief. He was glad that she was back into his apartment. At least there's a chance that he'll have another night with her again. Maybe if he gets another night, he'll get over this obsession. Deep down, Myles was scared he was only lusting after Danger, well a few hours ago he thought he felt lust but after seeing her and getting to know just little about her, he is too drawn to her now. He was getting something from the refrigerator when he heard Diana calling from upstairs. "Myles, come scrub my back for me." She yelled and Myles just smiled at that. Then Myles heard his mother ranting angrily as she came in. Lady Barbara looked so angry and red that she couldn't contain that anymore. "Where's the girl? Myles? I was told some girl came to see you, where is she?" She yelled and Myles quickly went to meet her. "What are you talking about, mother?" Myles tried to block her but she pushed passed him into the hall. Then she saw the leftovers of the two chicken buckets. She knew that that savage was really here. "Where's the girl? I know she's in here somewhere, where is she?" Mrs. Winchell asked, looking around. "Who told you that? I don't know what you're talking about... " Myles laughed nervously. "Myles? Why didn't you come to scrub my back for me, I was waiting for you in the shower... " Diana yelled from upstairs and Mrs. Winchell went pale. ***
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