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Chapter Nine - Anniversary Tonight "Are you sure about this?" Diana asked Myles for the tenth time that night. Myles pulled out behind the mansion and breathed out. "I'm positive, Diana. This is a very important occasion for me, I would want you to accompany me, please. I'll pay you." "I'm only coming here because of the food, are you sure I can eat whatever I want?" Her green eyes lit up and Myles nodded with a smile. "Of course. I'll take you there and you can eat all you want." He encouraged and she nodded. "Alright, let's go." They got down and went inside through the back door because they couldn't be seen especially since Diana wasn't dressed up. She was wearing Myles' shirt. Riley met them in the hallway and gaped at her. Diana was wearing Myles' shirt, in his bedroom shoes and her black hair was almost butt length. She needed not only a dress but a complete makeover. "She's here," Myles spoke up. Diana, on the other hand, was looking around, marveled. "Hello." Riley waved to get her attention. She smiled widely when her eyes locked with Riley. "Hi." She waved back unsure and Riley smiled. "She's your fan. Sign her an autograph after, will you?" Myles asked. "Of course. I will." "What is an autograph?" Diana asked confused and Myles smiled when Riley raised an eyebrow with a chuckle. "I understand." She nodded to her brother. She had understood where she was coming from. "Let's talk, Riley." "Alright." "Myles, I don't see any food around, did you fool me?" Diana pouted and Myles smiled. "There is. Please wait for me inside here, okay. I'll come for you so we can get some food." "No. I'll let Tina get her something," Riley suggested and Diana's eyes lit up again. Myles found that so adorable. "Alright." She happily entered the room, Myles had pointed. "Wow, where... Where did you get her from?" "Please don't ask me, Riley but all I will say is she wasn't raised like us but I like her. Can you believe that she defended herself against mom? She wasn't intimidated when mom called her a street rat she defended herself. She's wild and untamed and that's what makes me adore her." Myles laughed. "What?" "Yes. This is my perfect revenge to annoy mother and to make sure she stays out of my love life for good. I will make sure to keep her closer to me now that she hates poor people." "That's great. I can't believe it. How was mum's reaction when she wasn't intimidated by her?" "She got furious, that's why she didn't want me to come to the anniversary," Myles explained. "Myles, there's something about that..... " "Hey, Myles, what are you doing here? You suddenly decided to attend our anniversary without that street savage?" Lady Barbara asked when she spotted her children talking in the hallway, she was already dressed magnificently in her expensive gown. "I'm sorry but I didn't ask for permission," Riley whispered with a forced smile. "No. We aren't here to attend the anniversary, mum. I came here to pick something up from my room. I have to go." "Are you going to miss such an important event just because of some street savage?" "Then let her escort me, mother. If you really want me to be here then let her attend with me." Myles retorted and Barbara couldn't say anything again. Myles gave his sister a small smile and entered her bedroom. Diana was seated in front of the full-length mirror and was eating the fruit cake with her hands. She had the icing all over her lips. "This is good, Myles..... " "We have to go, Diana. You can eat later." Myles said as he took a tissue and wiped her fingers off the icing himself. "Wipe your mouth with this." He handed her another tissue as he grabbed her hand and pulled her with him outside. "Do you want to disgrace us by letting such filthy girl into this house?" Barbara asked the moment they came out. "Mother, will you stop it?" "Just take a look at her, Myles. She's of nothing. I can't believe you like her and still keep her by your side." Barbara assessed Diana head to toe. Diana didn't speak this time because her words hurt. She felt so uncomfortable and her eyes were glassy from unshed tears but she knew better than to cry in front of her. "Let's go." Myles pulled her away. She continued to wipe her mouth and dropped the tissue quickly in a bin just outside. "Why are we leaving? I thought you said we were going to attend the anniversary?" Diana asked and that made Myles stop and turn to face her when they were outside in the backyard where he had parked his car. He saw that Diana hadn't wiped the icing at the corner of her luscious lips. Myles groaned inwardly when his eyes fell on her invitingly pouty lips. "Why? Is something on my face?" Myles lowering his lips onto hers caught her by surprise. He kissed her passionately as he explored her mouth and finally licked the icing off the corner of her mouth in slow motion. That left Diana breathless. Her breath got hitched in her throat and she was left speechless by the kiss. A flash of light caught Myles attention and he pulled back, breaking the kiss. He saw that a paparazzi had taken a photo of them. He ignored the man and took Diana's hand again as they walked to his car. He was about to open the front door for her when Mrs. Winchell called. "Myles, your father wants you beside him as he addresses the audience," Barbara said and Myles' eyes lit up. His father wanted to acknowledge him now? He thought he had disowned him? "Really?" He was about to run inside when he remembered that Diana was there. "No, no. Go inside and change. I'll let your sister take care of this one here." She threw Diana a dirty look. Myles smiled and went inside. "And you? You can't go inside looking like this and there's no dress for street savages like you." "Please don't insult me, ma'am." "Of course not. I just want you to know that my son doesn't need you anymore." "He'll have to tell me that." "Of course. Follow me, I'll show you why he doesn't need someone... like you." She gave her a disgusted look and went ahead. Diana followed her silently as she looked around in amazement. The house was beautiful. The woman took her to their second vast hall which made them look like dwarfs because of how big and strong the pillars of the halls were. She switched on the flat screen television to watch the anniversary which was playing live on the tv. Diana watched silently but smiled when she saw how handsome Myles looked in his messy black hair and white shirt. He stood proudly beside his father who his son resembled greatly. "....I wouldn't have gotten to where I am today if I didn't have some important people in my life. Especially, my loyal wife and lady Marcia who's gracious daughter will soon become my daughter in law....." Diana's eyes widened at that when the gracious daughter was put on screen. She sat there gracefully with her black hair carefully tied into a ponytail and to be honest the girl was beautiful and looked well bred. She gave a small smile and waved to the applauding crowd. "That's her. She's a woman since my son is a man, he doesn't need a girl like you, no, no. He needs a woman from a reputable home and a woman who's well refined. I hope you understand, missy. Do you even deserve that name?" Mrs. Winchell stated and Diana's eyes fell because tears were falling from her eyes. She didn't know what to do. "Just because he was drunk or somehow stupid that night to have s*x with you doesn't mean he likes you, no. No man can resist that temptation but after that, they come back to their senses and they realize the mistake." "Myles won't do that." "So you want to compare yourself to this refined young woman? Please." Lady Barbara laughed. Diana couldn't stop the tears from falling. "Do you even have a surname, to begin with? Which family are you even from? Tell me little savage girl! Are you Diana Savage or Diana Danger?" She made fun of her. She knew perfectly well she was without a family. Her words hurt so much that Diana broke into tears. She cried so hard that they came out as hiccups. "Now leave and don't come back." She spat and Diana nodded. She turned around to leave only to be stopped by Mrs. Winchell. "I think the bedroom shoes belong to my son. Remove them and place them in the corner." That made more tears fell from her eyes. She slowly removed the shoes and stepped back. The coldness in the tiles burning her bare feet making her wince. "Don't steal anything on your way out." She yelled at her as she left barefooted. She has never felt this humiliated in her life than in the Winchell mansion. "I'm glad she now knows her worth." Mrs. Winchell grinned. *****
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