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Chapter 3 No Matter The Feeling Diana felt so bad but she really needed to get the camera to Oscar. "Is defamation all you think about? Is it the money? How much is the person who sent you paying you? Name it and I'll pay," Myles said as he walked over to his desk and took out his checkbook. "I don't need money... " Diana lied, making eye contact with him. He stopped and turned to her. He was calm but his eyes showed no feeling which tore Diana's heart because she really wanted to read him. "Then what is it?" Diana said nothing. Myles strode to her, grabbing her hair handful and crushing his lips against hers violently. Myles tossed the camera somewhere. She kissed him back, she savored the sweet taste of his lips once more as he deepened the kiss. She wrapped her legs around his waist and felt his erection. He took her to his bed...... Next Morning Diana's eyes snapped open and the light almost blinded her. She stretched, trying to know where she was. Vast bed, large room with expensive artifacts. She wondered how her night had been so peaceful. The bed also felt so soft. This was definitely not her one-room apartment and she didn't have anywhere that had such a comfortable bed. Her couch was too old and weak to feel this soft too. As she ran her fingers on the soft bed, she suddenly remembered yesterday. She sat up and looked around. The delicate designs of the wall, the durable leather couch, this guy was rich. Then last night came to memory. The guy was incredible and they could've done it till morning but he stopped and let her rest. She blushed when she remembered how good it was. She wished that she had gotten herself drunk but she was sober and remembered every intricate detail. She bit her lower lip when she remembered that she told him not to stop because she really liked it. She got off the bed, grabbing a white robe and went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth with a new brush she found there. The door to the bedroom opened when she came out after taking a hot bath. It was Myles. He was in grey sweatpants and sweatshirt. But you could see his toned abs from underneath and Diana felt proud that last night, his body was all hers. He was with a tray of breakfast. She also remembered how he found out that she had been sent. She got into bed again. Diana stared down at the white duvet. "Are you going to call the police on me?" She queried, feeling scared. He sat on the edge of the bed and tipped her chin up to meet his gaze and he was grinning at her. He smelled nice and intoxicating as his shampoo scent filled Diana's nostrils. She resisted the urge to inhale the nice scent. She had used the same shampoo but the scent blending with Myles aftershave made it more intoxicating. "Last night was amazing. Thank you," He stated and Diana was astonished. What was he talking about? Had he forgotten that she was trying to get him framed? Myles was acting like nothing happened last night and that scared the hell out of Diana. "Come on, eat, you must be really tired." He passed her the tray of two burnt toast. "Sorry it's a little burnt but I don't know how it tastes." He frowned a little and took one of the toast and bit into it. "How does it taste?" He grimaced. He looked so cute doing that. After chewing slowly he shook his head at the taste. "At least it's not poisoned." He swallowed and took the last one. "Then let me cook us something then. You don't look like you cook," Diana offered, getting off the bed but remembered she couldn't wear her dress here. "Can I borrow one of your shirts?" "What do you need my shirt for? You can walk around naked, I don't mind," He teased but still threw her one of his white shirts and she quickly wore it. "So what do you plan to do with your life after you leave here?" He asked out of the blue. He was also considerate and wanted to know about her. No one ever cared what she wanted to do. No one had ever asked her such a question. Dianna buttoned the shirt as she thought hard about what she'll do with her life. "I don't know but I really have a passion for orphans. I want to be there for them, physically and emotionally. They really need us... " Diana blurted out and he just stood there, staring at her. "But aside from that, I also want to work in a very big restaurant," She added with a big smile. Myles smiled at her small dream. She wasn't extravagant. She was far from that. "That's pretty cool then but if you become my mistress, you won't have to worry about that. I'll take care of your every need. All you have to do is to be in my bed every night." He followed Diana outside while she headed to the kitchen. "That will be a waste of my life. I refuse that position, Mister Winchell," She said in a professional tone. "Oh, why's that? Didn't you enjoy last night?" Myles queried as he sat on the counter Diana was working on. "Of course not." "Then I guess I heard wrong when someone was moaning and screaming last night and she even cried when I told her to rest." He smirked at me making her blush like a tomato. Diana remained calm to save the little pride she had in her. "I'm not going to answer that," She retorted calmly, pouring the milk into the bowl and adding the flour. "Come to think of it, Danger, if you become my mistress you'll be doing practically no hard work. I'll give you everything; money, jewels, cars, in fact, everything a young lady needs and wants, what's there to lose? Besides that too, I'm great in bed. You shouldn't look further, my lady," He explained with his head high. He got a big ego over there and Diana wanted to prick it so bad. But he was jovial. He was carefree and was treating her like he's known her all his life but he didn't know her. He didn't know her and maybe he was being like that because he thinks she was too easy to get last night. "And if you don't want me anymore?" "I'll provide you with something so you won't be miserable but with you, I doubt we'll encounter a problem like that. You're perfect." He cupped her cheeks, making her look directly into his eyes. "You are making me feel good again and I love it. I haven't felt like this in a long time and I hope this feeling of satisfaction will remain. Please accept my generous offer," He whispered. Diana said nothing and just turned to continue with the food. "Where do you want to travel to when you become my mistress? Rome? Alaska? Africa? Canada? Paris?" He questioned. "Material things are okay but I don't want that. Emotional attachment is also important," Diana told Myles honestly and he nodded. An iPhone rang beside him and he took it and answered it. "What is it, Frank? Huh? I'm not coming to the office today...... So send the documents over and let me sign them..... No, cancel that meeting, tell him I'll meet him next time," He told the person on the phone and she gawked at him. He gave her a lopsided grin and continued to talk with the man. Diana fried the pancakes and got the food ready. She poured the pineapple juice when he was done with the call. "Why? Aren't you going to work?" She pretended to be mad at him. "Why should I when I have a guest here?" He pouted as he grabbed her waist, trapping her in between his legs as he sat on the counter. "I'm leaving after I'm done eating," Diana said, trying to pull on a serious face. "No way. I won't allow you." He cupped her cheeks again and kissed her passionately. She kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. He bit her lower lip as he smiled against her lips. He got down from the counter, deepening the kiss. There was something about him that she couldn't grasp. He was too sweet that it made Diana's heart hurt. Sweet is bad! He picked her up and placed her on the counter instead, pulling his shirt over his head. They got back to making out, his fingers were slowly unbuttoning her shirt when someone interrupted them. "Oh, sir, I'm sorry." Frank bowed, turning away from them. Myles quickly hugged Diana, covering her almost naked body. "Myles, I know him," Diana whisper-yelled, burying her face in Myles naked chest. "Really? He's my secretary," Myles said in a sotto voice and chuckled. "Frank please, wait for me outside," Myles told him. "Yes, yes sir." He bowed again and left. Diana raised her head and saw him lock gaze with her before he left. She was really going to get it when she gets back home. Diana thought sadly. ****
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