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Even though I fell asleep early, I still woke up early the next morning. As I always do; I cleaned the house and cooked breakfast. If it used to be Manang who prepared Seniorito's food, now, I voluntarily arranged it on a tray. Manang entered the kitchen just as I finished. "Oh, Raya. You wake up early?" she commented and looked at the food I prepared. I saw her expression soften before she focused her gaze on me again. "I'll take it upstairs." I just nodded, even though I wanted to wince. She's the only one who can go upstairs, right? Manang approached me and carefully took the tray of food. She examined it for a moment before turning to me and smiling. "Thank you, hija," she said. I hesitated to smile back and scratched the back of my neck. "It's okay, this is my job." "Thank you anyway," she insisted, then patted my shoulder. She was about to walk away when I couldn't help but ask. "Manang . . ." I called. She immediately looked at me. "Hmmm?" "I am only wondering how you're able to feed Seniorito adequately in his circumstances. In addition, isn't he attacking you?" The side of Manang's lips lifted slightly. "His inner wolf already knows me, hija. He is accustomed to my scent and physical presence. That explains why I am able to approach him and communicate with him effectively in contrast to you and other species. When me and the beta confront him, the Alpha's inner wolf does not act aggressively." My mouth just dropped in amazement. Now I understand everything better. His inner wolf obsession is triggered every time he sees another woman. As they explained, it was crazy looking for a partner. "You've been asking a lot, lady. Shouldn't you be getting ready?" Miro got Manang and I's attention when he arrived. He sat in front of a chair and lazily looked at the food that was prepared. "Looks like you cooked for us too?" He sneered. I rolled my eyes at him. "It's good that you learned how to dress," I said instead of answering him. Yes. In comparison to the previous several days, I cooked more today. It seemed that I was obligated to include them in my work after I realized that we weren't really the only people living on the estate. Oh, I'm the only person. "You should get ready," said Miro, and began to pour food into an empty plate. I frowned at him. He felt my gaze and that's why he lazily raised his eyes to me and sighed. "It's your first day of school, lady," he stated. My lips parted as my eyes widened at what I had just heard. That fast? "I will give you 30 minutes to prepare. If you are not okay with that, I'll leave you," he threatened. I rolled my eyes. This dog is trying to scare me. Tss! "Then give me the address." "You can't enter without me." After momentarily pouting my lips, I soon realized that the academy was a pack house and quickly returned to my position. I pondered laughing as I fixed my gaze on him. "Is the school . . . ahmm . . . just like that?" I said, inaudible. His brows crumpled. "What?" "You know . . ." I tried to force a laugh again. "Full of awoo awoo." He automatically rubbed his forehead after I said that. I could clearly see the deep rise of his chest when he took a deep breath. "Just go, woman. Get ready," he said. I don't know if he's running out of patience. Manang chuckled and tapped my shoulder. "Alright, Raya. Go to your room to get ready. Don't worry. You'll see mortals at school too." I snorted again. Should I breathe easily because I have people to be with or worry because I can't tell which of them are wolves like them? In the end, I just put that out of my mind and chose to focus on studying. Just don't bite, then I'm fine there. I groaned gently. I gave them a little nod of goodbye before entirely turning away. I washed, brushed my teeth, and otherwise prepared myself as usual. Even more so, I was grateful that I managed to pack several significant items for school. As I turned to face the mirror, a little smile slipped from my lips. I'm wearing something simple. A white shirt that I dressed with pants. Even though I don't look that classy, I am satisfied that I look clean to anyone who sees me. We can do it, Raya. For the dream. When I was satisfied with myself, I left the room. I started walking towards the kitchen when I was stopped by Manang and Miro's serious conversation. Their faces showed surprise and concern. I was nervous for a moment. It's crazy to think, but Cleon immediately came to my mind. Did something happen to him? Is he lost again? "He said that?" Miro confirmed. Manang immediately nodded. "Just now, he only asked for a certain person." Miro did not answer immediately. His look showed deep thought. "He asked for her?" he blurted out, apparently not for Manang but for himself. "Do you think this is a good sign?" it was Manang. Miro put his elbows on the table and then rested his jaw on his hands. "I am not sure about that. Just watch his actions first." Manang nodded in response. "Let's go." I couldn't help but be surprised when Miro looked back at me from my seat. "Silly, she really thought I couldn't feel her presence," he whispered and stood up shaking his head. Manang turned his gaze to me and gave me a small smile. "Are you ready, Raya? Do you want to pack some food?" I could only move my legs at that time. I was hesitant to approach them. "No need, Manang. There's probably a canteen at school, I'll just eat there." I avoided looking at Miro because I could still feel his teasing. He brags that he has a keen sense of his surroundings. Shh! How could I know that? At first, they didn't notice me. Wait. . . come to think of it. Did they really don't? Even before my thoughts deepened, I was stunned when Manang handed me a cellphone. "Use it first. It's from Alpha, given to you." My lips parted. "Huh?" I didn't know what to think at first. Giving me a cellphone or what she said that Cleon was giving it to me. "In case you have an emergency, Beta Miro and I have our number saved," she said. "You know how to use it, don't you?" she added. I'm not ignorant, so I know that the phone in Manang's hand is pricey. That's why I'm doubly surprised. It's an iPhone; the brand that almost everyone dreams of. I swallowed and hesitantly took what she offered. "Y-yes, I know," I stammered. "Good to know I won't teach you that, too," Miro interrupted. I was very careful not to glare at him. He thought I was torturing him too much. "Alright. You should leave now, so you can familiarize yourself with the school." She next faced Miro. "Take care of Raya," Manang instructed. I secretly sniffed. I'm not young anymore, but Manang treats me like a child. On the other hand, I couldn't help but feel joy in my chest. I have been without parents for years. Only now has someone cared or taken care of me like this. "Yeah. I'll babysit her," he replied lazily. I gave him a glare that he just ignored. "Let's go," he said, and walked away first. "Very true," I blurted out in sarcasm. Manang chuckled and tapped my shoulder. "That's just the way he is, but that's kind and reliable." I almost scoffed at Manang's statement. I just forced myself to smile and nod knowingly. "I'm leaving," I bid good bye and followed the artful dog. I wasn't even surprised when a car was waiting outside the mansion. I quietly rode in the passenger seat and had no intention of talking to the driver—Miro. I thought our flight would be quiet, but maybe this one was just going to be noisy. "Are you a nurse?" I don't know if he was serious with his question or if he was just giving me a dog show. "I'm still studying, right?" I responded sarcastically. He was silent for a while. "A faith healer?" There I couldn't help raising an eyebrow at him. "Do I look like one?" "Can't you just answer properly, lady?" he said, annoyed. "And I'm still the one who's wrong now? Can I try that on you? Do you eat dog food?" I have no brakes in my words. I shrieked when he suddenly stepped on the brake. "The fvck, woman?!" he hissed, annoyance was written all over his face. I rolled my eyes at him after I fixed myself. "Oh. Isn't it familiar? The question is annoying?" He massaged his temples. "Damn. I am asking because it's weird that my wound is already healing in a short period of time." "Isn't that a good thing? You still don't want that? Then you're an over thinker, aren't you? Can't the ointment has its fast effect?" I blocked his nonsense thoughts. He just shook his head, giving up on my answers. He started the car again but the deep thought was still on his face. "Anyway, you better not do that in school." "Which one?" "Calling someone or treating anyone a dog," he stated. He was the only one I was making fun of, and I really wanted to say something, but I refrained. "It's an insult to us, werewolves. You might be hurt if you say otherwise," he said. "Owkiies," I replied. I heard him murmur a curse. Tss. Short-tempered. In less than five minutes, we were finally at the entrance of a prestigious school. I couldn't help but be surprised because the academy he was referring to was one of the most famous in our city. "I-I am a student here? At Victorious Academy?!" I confirmed. "Yeah. Let's go, I will tour you around," said Miro, while removing his seatbelt. I followed without saying a word because I was still consumed by amazement. "Am I a scholar here?" I blurted while looking around. There are three tall buildings, each with four floors. The students spread out who were obviously rich based on their clothes and actions. I swallowed and simply pinched myself. I am not dreaming. "You are a regular student here." I looked at him in shock. "Really? Is my tuition fully paid or partial? Will it be deducted from my salary?" I have a series of questions. Miro automatically shut his eyes as he massaged his temples. "Damn. I'll accompany you to Mael." I pouted. My question is normal, right? Before I could object, a man approached us. I know he is Mael because he looks like the two awoo awoo twins at home. "Take care of this freakin' lady. I will run out of dignity from her."
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