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Even though it's well past midnight, I'm still up. I'm just contemplating stuff that I don't even know how to comprehend while gazing up at the ceiling. It's absurd. After a while, when I still didn't feel asleep, I made the decision to step outside for some fresh air. I held the cup of tea while leaning my elbow on the verandah sill to survey the area. 'They're here, right?' I sighed and then took a sip carefully from the cup in my hand. I sensed a presence later. I could see his figure out of the corner of my eye even when I'm not looking at him. The beta. "Still thinking about us, lady?" he asked; I don't know if it was a good approach or not. He went to my side and imitated my position. "Is it true?" I wondered while not looking at him. "Is it true that I'm the mate of your alpha?" I heard him scoff. "Why? Are you thinking about how to reject him?" I didn't answer right away. I drank some tea again before looking at him for a moment. "I just don't understand. How did I become?" I said, confused. "First, I'm human. Second, he just saw me for the first time!" Miro raised his side lip for a brief period before turning his attention to his surroundings. "Seriously, I also don't understand why it has to be you," he started. "All I know is, you are not his fated mate." "Fated?" He nodded lazily. "It's not his inner wolf that likes you, it's the alpha himself." I paused in my shock to give it some thought. Because my brain isn't acting up these days, I'm impressed that I can still think at this moment. Does Seniorito like me? I spoke unconsciously, "Wait," and gave him my complete attention. "Why did he nearly take advantage of me when I entered the room if his inner wolf didn't like me?" Miro's jaw suddenly tensed as he evidently struggled to respond to my query. "It's because his wolf became mad. Because of the rejection and the death of his mate, he lost himself. He became obsessed with finding a mate," he replied. I winced. "Couldn't you find a mateless wolf like him?" He let out a sigh and lowered his back; elbows still on the railings. "We tried . . . but we failed, too." "Why? The chemistry didn't click?" "Damn," he whispered, followed by a short laugh and then he shook his head. "Do mortals really think like that?" he asked. I raised an eyebrow at him. "What? I'm seriously asking! I'm sorry, you said it yourself, I'm human. You, an awoo awoo." He quickly held his forehead. I'm not sure if he's being coy or if my presence was actually giving him a headache. Can it be the same? "They're dying," he said, which silenced me. He addressed me seriously. Bringing me the truth in his words. I swallowed involuntarily as a nervousness rose in my chest. Miro averted his eyes from me and focused on his surroundings again. "We tried giving him a mateless shewolf. But rather than being able to brand the lady he is with, he is unable to control his inner wolf. . . he murders them." My lips parted when he finished the story. Just like before, I tried to cram in my mind the information he gave. "Do you mean to be marked with a bite? Like a vampire, isn't it?" I clarified. He immediately nodded in response. I caught my breath when I thought of their sharp fangs. It hurts when a cat scratches. The bite of a werewolf is even worse! "A creature doesn't become a mate of our werewolves' inner wolf the way you people do. It's either we're fated or we marked and claimed our partners." I blinked several times. "That is, if we are not fated and he wants me to be his mate. He has to . . ." I swallowed unconsciously. " He has to mark and claim me?" Miro slowly nodded. "To make you his official mate. He needs to do that. When that happens, his inner wolf will go crazy with you." "Can he go back to normal?" Miro stared at me darkly. "Hopefully, yes." I was speechless after that. In an instant, it seemed like I was lifting the world because of what I found out. "We need to control his wolf first, if you are thinking about accepting being his mate," Miro whispered. For the nth time, I swallowed hard. "What if I reject your alpha too? Even if we don't have an official connection, will he still be affected? " The man in front of me rapidly darkened his eyes, showing no attempt to mask the complete resistance in his eyes. "We are not sure about that. It may not be, but it's also possible . . . he will die." My chest immediately felt heavy when I heard it. Not for myself, but for a man I don't know very well. With a man I shouldn't care about. "Do you think I can help him control himself?" I couldn't stop myself asking. I slowly drank the tea I was holding while staring into the void, waiting for his answer. "You already did it once. So, yes. I believe you can help our Alpha regain himself." I don't know but I felt a little comfort inside my chest after hearing that. It's crazy to think about, but I'm losing my mind these days. I should be running away. This is not my world. I am not in their place. 'But why did I stay?' It's true that my job pays well, but my safety is also in jeopardy. Why do I surround myself with species that are different from me? I heaved a deep breath and looked at the man beside me. "Can I ask a question?" "Just drop it," he responded to me after looking back. I bit my lower lip and glanced at his naked top. "Aren't you worried about getting indigestion? T-shirts aren't trendy for you? I know it's hot in the Philippines but you still have to dress—" my words were cut off when he suddenly turned his back against me. "—Hey! Where are you going? I'm still talking to you!" Instead of answering me, he simply raised his hand while walking away with his back turned. I just snorted and shook my head. Do they intend to become pants models?
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