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I was delighted and amazed previously, but now I'm anxious. Not because of the large school or my wealthy classmates, but rather because I felt like someone was keeping an eye on me. I looked all around, but no one was there. There are students who occasionally gaze at me, but it's not them who are giving me the uncomfortable feeling. Weird. "This will be your room," the gamma I was with informed me. I automatically looked around the room. I snorted when I noticed that they had their own world. Some are talking, some are sleeping, and some are studying. I want to laugh because I could not imagine that other awoo awoos are really modern now. I couldn't even tell which of them was my mortal likeness. In fairness, they also want a diploma. Come to think of it, does awoo awoos also need a college degree to become a waitress/waiter? That's how it is with us mortals. Just by searching for a dishwasher, they need a degree holder. Like, hello? What course is that? Bachelor of Arts in Bubbles? "Thank you," I said to the gamma. He just bowed slightly in front of me before leaving me completely. I took a deep breath and was about to enter the room when I stopped. It was that feeling that someone was watching me again. You're just not yet comfortable, self. That's how it is when there are many awoo awoos around you. With that excuse, I composed myself and went in. I immediately got the attention of my classmates, even so no one dared to approach or talk to me until I sat in my desired seat at the side of the window. It's a trick. If they become wild and want to bite someone, at least I can escape easily. I just lost my senses and shook my head. I don't know why I think like this. Maybe because I'm still shocked to this day. It's probably valid, isn't it? I feel like I'm dreaming. Our teacher has arrived. He briefly introduced me to the class and started teaching. Somehow, I breathed a sigh of relief because everything seemed normal. No, it's really usual. It's like I'm in my old school. I didn't realize the time. I must admit that I enjoyed listening to the various professors who came. They are good at teaching, even though almost all of them are serious. Dismissal came, that's why I've packed my things like my other colleagues. Sometimes, I found them glancing at me, but I chose to feign ignorance. Not because I'm a snob, but because I don't want to make mistakes. Miro had already warned me to choose my words right. I don't know who his race is among those I hang out with. Well, what if the wrong thing came out of my mouth? I may get rabies in no time. Wait, do they also have rabies? Once again, I shook my head. I'm going crazy. If not yet, soon! I'll be more mad than them. I was about to walk out when my cellphone vibrated. I carefully took it and looked at it. I was in agony when I saw Miro's number. The right hand of the crazy awoo awoo. I hummed softly as another question came to my mind. If he is the right-hand, when the alpha hires another trustworthy person, will he consider him left-hand? Jeez, Faraih! Just fvcking walk! "Oh?" I answered his call. "Where are you?" he asked seriously. "School probably," I replied philosophically. "Answer me properly, woman." For the second time, I rolled my eyes. Despite his extreme seriousness, the irritation inside me prevailed. I suddenly feel like a child being watched. He doesn't need to. Yes, I'm supposed to be his responsibility, but I'm already old. I know the way out, if he thinks I will lose my way. That won't happen. "Leaving the room. Why? Aren't you studying? You don't seem busy." "Meet me in the parking lot. Don't leave," he instructed. Instead of arguing, I simply replied, "Hmm." "Don't end the call," he immediately stopped me from doing it. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow while walking. "You and your demands, are you boyfriend? Come on, let's just meet there. It's a hassle to get a phone call while walking. Later, I might step on a s**t here. Babush!" Contrary to his wishes, I ended the call. I didn't wait for him to answer. "Weird dog, Tss." Like I said, it's not that hard for me to find the exit. But while I was walking, I felt again a vision that I had never found. I arrived first at the parking lot where Miro's car was parked. I leaned on the hood of the car and distracted my eyes from some students coming out. Less than a minute later, I frowned when I noticed two figures standing in the distance. My mouth parted when I saw the hilarious scene. My hands trembled. I don't know if it was because of fear for myself or because of the scene I witnessed. It's the alpha! I'm sure of it. I have mastered his body even though I have only seen him a few times. At first, he had been talking to a girl earlier. They kissed, then the next thing happened. . . he bit the girl's neck! The girl tried to break free, but since the alpha was not his usual self, he never took his mouth off it as he tried to undress the girl. Miro's words lingered in my head. The alpha's obsession with finding a mate. His accidental killing of them. I don't know if I should approach him to stop him or run to escape. But I must be going crazy because my feet moved spontaneously to do the first thing I thought of. I ran towards them. Despite what the beta told me, I could only recall one thing. That is, his predicament cannot be disclosed to others. Even while I am not quite aware of the potential effects, I am aware that it will be a major problem. a conflict in which everyone is enmeshed. "Señorito!" I said bravely as I got closer and held his arm despite my fear. "Help me . . ." the woman pleaded almost in a whisper. His eyes were dark and blank. His fangs were buried deep in the girl's neck. He had almost undressed the woman and he did not seem to hear or see me at all. "Stop this, Alpha!" I stopped again; crying out of fear and frustration. We may get the attention of others if this continues. I am just thankful that we are far away. Apart from that, only a few students came out. He still did not stop. I don't know what came into my mind. I used his sharp fingernails to wound my wrist. Right at that moment, he stopped moving. His dark eyes slowly landed on me. I trembled in fear. He was still not okay even though I got his attention. His lips slowly let go of the woman's neck, causing her to fall to the floor. I took a trembling step back when the edge of his lips rose. "Do you want to be my mate?" he asked in a full but broken voice. "S-Sir . . ." I stammered. He smiled at me darkly. He was about to come closer but I immediately ran away. I don't know how I can move despite my weakness and nervousness. I can't even follow which direction I'm going. All I knew was, I was running away from him. I felt my phone vibrating. I tried to pick it up even though I was running. I am now here in a vast wilderness. "M-Miro," I said when I answered his call. "Where are you?!" I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to make a single glance at my back. "The alpha . . . has been chasing me."
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