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Manang shook his head at what I said. I don't know if she's laughing or running out of patience with me. "Now that you know us, I will introduce you to the Gammas," she stated. "Do we really have to?" Miro interrupted. Manang heaved a deep breath and looked at him sternly. "You heard the Alpha. He may have chosen Raya or she's a second mate." "We are still not sure about that. She's a human! The lowest creature for Pete's sake," Miro hissed. "Hello? I was right in front of you, I can hear you," I said sarcastically. I am the lowest thing for a creature like him just because he is a high breed dog. Tss! "Beta, I know you're wondering why the servant I hired was a mortal. We have to take care of Alpha's secret, our family could be ruined if another werewolf finds out about his condition." Although I'm confused by Manang's words, I couldn't avoid being proud in front of the guy she called beta. "Alright, let them out," Manang added. Miro could not do anything but leave the house. Later, he also returned immediately with the two. . . dogs? "s**t!" I exclaimed, and clung to Manang. Miro smirked when he saw my reaction. Maybe if he hadn't been annoyed with me, he would have laughed out loud earlier. "Meet Kael and Gael, the gammas. Mael isn't there, maybe he's in the pack house," he said in front of us. On cue, they shifted into human form. My lips parted at what I witnessed. I wasn't satisfied with that and I even pinched myself. I can never get used to this—seeing big dogs as naked people in front of me. "They are the guards or soldiers of Alpha," said Manang. I could not stop raising my hands, surrendering. "Wait, take it easy. I'm still surprised by what I've found out and seen." Miro smirked again, while the two gammas in front of us remained standing like a soldier. I noticed their gray eyes. I don't even have to ask if they are twins because, apart from the sounding names, they look alike. I faced Manang. "Can we continue this tomorrow? It's like I'm suddenly lost today." She smiled at what I said and nodded. "Alright. I'll cook lunch for now. You can take some rest." I bit my lower lip because something stupid came to my mind again. I reluctantly stared at Manang and swallowed slowly. Hesitating whether to continue asking. "What is that?" she asked; maybe my reaction was noticeable. "Manang, it's not like . . . " I trailed off. "You're going to cook human meat, right?" "Oh, damn, woman," I heard Miro utter, along with Manang's laughter. "Don't worry, Raya. We don't eat people," said by the old woman, and then patted my shoulder. "Alright, get some rest. I'll talk to them first." I just nodded and then faced the other three; the gammas and the beta. I saw Miro suppress a smile, I wanted to torture him but I stopped myself, recalling that he's also an awoo awoo. I don't care, I'll just tease you in my mind. In some way, I was relieved to think that I could get back at him somehow. I gave him a silly smile and then turned away. Doggy! I AM now lying on my bed, but my brain was still spinning with all the information I learned today. Alpha, beta, gamma, omega, mate. It's very heavy on the head. I took a deep breath before lying down on my side. In an instant, I thought of Cleon, their alpha. His situation must be difficult. He could only love one person, and only that person could be with him. He could not do anything if the person he was destined for rejected him. I bit my lower lip as I remembered that there was a possibility that I would be his mate. If that's true, what should I do? I can't refuse him. But I could not accept him either. How can I save him if, on the same decision, one of us loses? I grunted and rolled on the bed out of frustration. I never thought that after years of avoiding men who wanted to be in a relationship with me, I would now have this problem. I don't use horse shampoo, but why had my hair suddenly grown longer? Omg, Faraiah. What are your crazy thoughts? I just pulled out my hair and then got up. Again, I remembered the enrollment I had to go to. I don't know if I'll make it today, but maybe I'll just try. I fixed myself for a moment before deciding to leave the room. I moved slowly. I was about to walk towards the living room to say goodbye when I heard the conversation between Manang and Miro. "They're looking for the Alpha," said Miro, a troubled look was on his face. They? "If only the Alpha could come back to itself, even for a moment, we might be able to get through this," Manang replied. Miro stared at her before moving his eyes to the second floor. "Maybe we can try again . . . the talk with Cleon," he suggested. I was even more immobile because of that. I'm not stupid enough not to understand his point. From their story earlier and from what I've heard, it seems that their alpha has just now returned to himself, even for a second. Manang was silent for a moment. "Raya could be in harm if that doesn't work. We can't hurt a mortal for no good reason, Beta." Miro didn't answer yet. He just looked down, closed his eyes and massaged his temples. "I don't get it. How can that girl be Cleon's mate? Apart from being human, his inner wolf is out of order," he blurted out. Manang let out a sigh. "I can't answer that either. Only the Alpha can explain everything to us." "Isn't there someone spreading the word about the Alpha's situation? Maybe they want to see Cleon because someone knows what's going on with him?" Miro's still curious as he inserted another topic. Manang immediately shook her head. "Impossible. They are under Alpha's command. They will die if they tell anyone what's happening here in the mansion." They were quiet after that. I took that opportunity to go out and show them my appearance. Both of their attention automatically went to me. "Manang? Can I leave? I'm just going to enroll in a nearby school," I said politely, not revealing that I had heard their last conversation. "I will take care of your enrollment," Miro answered me. I raised my eyebrows involuntarily. "You'll go to the pack house to study. There I will watch over you," he added. "Huh? Pack house? Watch?" I said one after the other. He lazily leaned on the sofa and crossed his arms. "Our pack house is an Academy, so I can let you in there. And yes, I will guard you because you're his mate." My jaw literally dropped at his statement. If I remembered it right, he didn't want me to be his brother's mate. "It's a payment . . ." he stopped for a second. "For treating my wound." "Wound?" I repeated. He nodded and then pointed to his stomach. "I am the werewolf you called a well-trained dog earlier." My mouth formed an O shape. Now, I understood why he was angry that I called him a dog. And why did he howled earlier when I told him that. Such a sensitive creature, they both have tails! Tss. "Get your papers. I'll take care of it," he said. I just snorted and nodded. I started to turn away from them to hopefully go back to the room, when I stopped for a moment and looked at the second floor. Can I really help you get back to the way you used to be? "Raya? Is there a problem?" It's Manang, she must have noticed my sudden stop. I looked at her with a small smile on my lips. "Nothing, Manang. I was just thinking about where I had put my papers," I excused myself. "Alright, let me find it first." And I finally walked away. Why do I feel this way? Why do I want to help him despite the danger I may face? Am I really his mate?
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