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Even though I remained hidden in Seniorito's chest, I could feel everyone's tension. Little by little, my chest was filled with shame and worry. I don't know how to get away from him now. If I really wanted to be far away, his arm around my waist sent butterflies into my stomach. His scent gave me comfort. The reason why I don't want to distance myself. A chuckle brought me back into reality. "I don't think it is proper to treat your maid like that," said the mysterious man named Konnor. It was like I was hit there, so I automatically pulled away. I noticed the woman who was in the meeting standing up from her seat and staring at me. The Epsilon elders are quiet, but I can feel the weight in their eyes. I swallowed nothing myself. Is this it? Am I going to be the dinner of these awoo awoo? "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hug," I said. "I was just scared; I'm not used to being approached by people like you," I explained to Cleon's colleagues. I can't look at Seniorito. Now I am completely covered with shame. I looked down to get away from him, but I was surprised when he carefully took me by the arm and guided me to his side. We were now both facing the alpha he was talking to. He was stern as he watched us. There seems to be an answer to our every move. I was a little nervous that he might have an idea of the real reason when I hugged Seniorito. "You have no right to interfere with my behavior," Cleon said sternly. The man in front of us unleashed a thrifty ism. "How sweet of you, Alpha?" Then he looked at me. "How about you, lady?" Are you this sweet too?" His language had a double meaning. This jerk, it was as if he wanted to make me a dessert! Although I was consumed by fear, I bravely looked back at him and smiled. "Yes. So sweet that I could hug your neck tightly and create a leak from your side lung. Want to try?" I artfully raised my left eyebrow. That's right, calm yourself down, Faraiah. Just talkshit a show; after all, the one in front of you is a high breed. He didn't answer. He just gently wet the lower part of his lips and smiled sparingly. Hair-raising. "You are in my territory, Konnor. You're just here to check on and maintain our peace agreement," Seniorito reminded. "You can now leave," added Seniorito in a cold tone. The guy smirked, and without saying a word, he turned his back and left. I was about to take a deep breath to calm down when someone tugged on my shoulder. The moment my face turned, a strong slap landed on my cheek. "How dare you, a mere fvcking slave, touch our Alpha?!" said the woman who was with the Epsilons and was now standing in front of me, with shock and glaring eyes. It really shocked me. Her fangs and claws were on display. I could clearly see the anger in her eyes. I stepped back as fear automatically consumed me. I fell because of that and hit the floor. Miro attended to me quickly, but my attention was only on the girl. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean it," I said shakily. She let out a mocking laugh. "He's your master, stupid! Always bear that in mind." "Enough, Aica. Let's just continue our meeting. This is not worth talking about," Cleon said coldly, and went back to his seat. I don't know how surprised I will be. Is it because of what Seniorito said or because of the change in his treatment of me? But either way, I just failed. If I didn't expect the woman in front of me to slap me, I didn't expect Seniorito's behavior even more. Why? "Miro, bring her to her room," he commanded. Miro didn't answer and simply bowed to my side. "Let's go," he said to me seriously. I didn't have it in me to follow his advice. Unlike before, I didn't look back at Seniorito in the hope that he would change his mind. I just faked a smile and tried to get rid of the bitterness that was spreading in my system. "You, okay?" Miro asked how I was feeling when we were in front of my room. I just gave him a nod. "I'm going to rest. I have school tomorrow." He stared at me for a second, then let out a breath. "I don't even know what's going through Alpha's mind. I'm also confused by his actions," he said. "Are you comforting me?" He shrugged. "If that's what you call it." Once again, I rolled my eyes. "You know, instead of talking about your king, why don't you just tell me who that man was earlier?" I changed the topic. "Why is he here? I thought that others shouldn't know about Seniorito's situation. You just brought him closer to possible harm?" Miro smirked and shook his head. He seemed unable to believe my consecutive questions. "Do you like our Alpha, young lady?" My eyes widened quickly as my jaw dropped. "H-Ha! What madness is that, asshole? What do you think of me, a pet lover?" I asked back as my eyes darted around, avoiding looking at him. I thought he was going to tease me back, but his face just got serious. "Konnor is an Alpha of the other pack," he started. "Like you mortals, there are times when the leaders of different countries come together to maintain the order of each subject." I just nodded in understanding. There is a point. In order to show the dominance of each organization, they also need to show that it is running smoothly for other leaders. In the event that other groups or subordinates notice that the Alpha is no longer able to stand up to his family, two things can happen. First, to conquer them. Second, an automatic change of head. I let out a deep breath. I felt a mixture of wonder and fear. Admiration because the pack seems to value their group; fear because a great responsibility must always be borne. Involuntarily, I turned in the direction of the meeting, and although I could no longer see them, I could picture in my mind their serious meeting. I smiled blankly at the back of my mind. A mere slave. That seemed like a slap to me, proof that I didn't really belong in their world. I am not sad to be human, nor do I ask to be one of them. But it's really difficult when you're the only one who's different. "He'll be safe, won't he?" I asked. "Don't worry, the meeting will end soon." I just smiled and nodded knowingly. "I'm going to rest," I bid. "I'll see you tomorrow," I said to Miro. He just nodded at me and left. I started to open the door to my room and went in. I was about to close it when I was surprised by a hand stopping me. "S-Senior. What are you doing here?" I stuttered in shock. He didn't speak. He just stared at my face with his unreadable eyes. Later, I saw the passing of a moment of anger there. "D-Do you need anything?" I wanted to curse because of the rapid pounding on my chest. I didn't expect him to show up, especially since he had a meeting he was busy with. I didn't even think that he would face me after he kicked me out earlier. "Come with me," he said, and simply pulled me to my pulse. My mouth fell open as I let him pull. What the hell is happening? Does he smoke rugby? Wait... do werewolves get high in rugby too? Seniorito took me to the kitchen and made me sit on a chair. After that, he quickly went to the refrigerator. Later, he prepared a cold compress that made me frown. Is he sick? Even though I wanted to say something, I just kept my mouth shut and watched him silently. I straightened up in my seat when he started walking towards me after what he was doing. Seniorito sat in the seat next to me and faced me seriously. "Come closer," he ordered simply. I did not act immediately. I thought about how to follow his orders. I know I'm not that smart, but it's really stupid to follow orders without clear instructions. It's even more difficult than true or false. Thinking that he might want to use the cold compress on his head, I was about to get up to approach him, but I shrieked when he effortlessly pulled me back to where I was sitting. I was only a few inches away from him. I felt like I had stopped breathing. I was afraid that he would feel my anxiety with every breath I let out. "You shouldn't have gone," he said gently, although his eyes remained emotionless. I automatically looked away and forced a smile. "I'm sorry." I couldn't help but sound frustrated in my voice. Does he really hate to see me or be with me at meetings? I sat up straighter when something cold touched my cheek. I slowly turned my head back to Seniorito. I know my eyes were wide at that time, but I couldn't take it back. I swallowed hard. "W-what are you doing?" "I'm treating you," he answered quickly. My mouth literally dropped after hearing that. Only then did I remember the slap I received earlier from his colleague. Just then, I felt a slight pain in my cheek. I was like a fire that suddenly weakened because of him. "You are scared of me, right?" he said. "You shouldn't have forced yourself." In a brief moment, I saw how his eyes softened a bit before going back to being emotionless.
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