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Action or words. Which one is the heavier of the two? How can you believe their actions if they contradict what they say? How can you believe their words if they don't match their actions? And how can you believe in their actions and words if you have your own beliefs? I let out a deep breath and watched my surroundings. We were passing by. I can't help but think of someone who was playing in my mind last night. His words, his actions, everything "You are now unusually silent," Miro interrupted my deep thought. I looked at him and struggled. We are on our way to school, and as usual, he's the driver. I returned my gaze outside the window and continued observing the surroundings. "When I speak, you criticize," I stated. "Now that I'm quiet, you're still making trouble. Do werewolves behave like that?" I almost rolled my eyes again. "I just want to know what you're thinking. You seem lost," he explained. My lips curled into a smirk as I remembered my last conversation with their Alpha. After he treated me last night, he left me in the kitchen. He didn't even wait for my answer to the last thing he said. Who said I was afraid of him? "I was just wondering what Senyorito's SIM card is," I whispered. "Sim card? You have his number, right?" I'm really impressed with his ears. Very sharp hearing. Tss! I looked at him intently. "Mixed signals." He quickly frowned. It's obvious that he didn't understand what I answered. I couldn't help but laugh in my mind. They really can't handle the intelligence of a mortal like me, hmmm. "Anyway, can I ask a question?" He gave me a brief glance before shifting his attention back to the road. I sat up well at his serious tone. "What is that?" He didn't respond right away, as though he wasn't sure whether to ask further questions. "It's about your parents," he started slowly. "What about them?" I asked with a frown. "You're an orphan, right? May I know how your parents died?" he inquired. I don't know why he is curious about my parents, but since he seems serious, I will just answer properly. "Yup, I've been an orphan for four years," I stated. "They died in a car accident. I was with them that day, actually. I don't know if you can call it luck, but I'm the only survivor." I smiled bitterly as I remembered my parents. "So, you are not definitely her reincarnation," I heard him murmur. My brows furrowed. Later, I thought about what he was talking about. The alpha's original mate. I didn't know whether to be annoyed or laugh. "What do you think of me?" I asked. "A wandering soul that can merge with anyone? You're a fool, tss." "Well, my brother is insisting that you're his mate." He shrugged. "Whether you are chosen by him or the Moon Goddess gives him another mate, there must be something with you," he explained in detail. I hummed and moved my head for a nod. "There's a point, but I am not really what you are thinking of me. Apart from being already alive when the woman assigned to Seniorito died, I don't have amnesia," I said. "Oh, I do have partial amnesia—FVCK!" I couldn't help cursing and looking at Miro angrily because he suddenly became a prude. "Hey! I know you're a werewolf, so you have a ticket to death, but I'm human, not a cat. I only have one life, not nine. Be careful!" "You have partial amnesia?" he asked with wide eyes. "Over and over again?" I replied, annoyed, while straightening myself. "You're so surprised, ah? Isn't that a trend with your breed?" My sarcasm was cut off when he gave me a glare. Oh, and you still feel like giving me a bad look after I do fifty-fifty with safety. "Tell me about it," he demanded in a serious tone. "You know, I'm about to beat you up a bit. You're even messier than your leader," I snorted. "I don't know why you are curious about my life, but yes. I have a memory I can't remember, and that is the day my parents died." His eyebrows began to meet. "I thought you were with them?" I tried to smile. "I don't remember anything about how we got into the accident. I just woke up in the hospital with devices attached to my body. I have no idea if someone hit our car or if we lost our brakes. The doctors said, "Perhaps it's because of the trauma that I forgot." "Are the details of the accident not in the police report?" Miro asked. I looked away and silently observed the outside. "There it was. Lost control and crashed into a tree. That's it." "You sound like there's something wrong with the information," he mumbled. There really is. "Is it possible for someone to get killed even though they don't have any enemies?" I asked weakly. "What do you mean?" he asked back. I just faked a laugh and shook my head before turning to him. "I'm going to be late for class." He stared at me for a moment before heaving a deep breath. He focused his eyes on the road and started the car again. We had a quiet ride until we got to school. I know he wanted to ask more questions, but maybe he felt that I didn't want to talk about it anymore, so he didn't insist on continuing the inquiry. "Don't take me to the room. Later, they'll mistake you for being my boyfriend; that's a downer for me. I'll be told I have no taste," I said as I got out of the car. His face automatically looked offended. I slightly smirked because of that. He closed his eyes tightly, shook his head, and took a deep breath. "Just go, woman," he dismissed, obviously running out of patience. I didn't answer him anymore and just closed the door before starting to walk away. A nosy with ego. What a mess. Tss! As I made my way to the room, I couldn't help but think of my parents again. It was an accident, they said. But... there's something strange. My parents have deep cuts on their bodies. Wounds that could not have happened by accident. It's like it's made by a sharp object, but the doctor didn't report anyone who had a bruise on their body. I understand that nothing else is written in the report because none of our things were lost, nor were my parents enemies. But no matter how deeply I thought, something was really wrong. I just know... my parents were definitely murdered. I just hope I can remember everything. I let out a sigh. I tried to put everything out of my mind and fixed my eyes on the road. I quickly frowned when I noticed some of the students I was passing staring at me. Anger, hatred, disgust, I could clearly see that in their eyes. Wait, I did not call them dogs while I was thinking, right? I started to get nervous. I just sped up my walk a bit to avoid them. I thought I would be calm when I got inside the room, but I was even more nervous because they all focused their attention on me when I entered. Such a s**t, Faraiah. Maybe you said something out of your mouth that offended them. They can bite you in an instant, b***h. I carefully placed my things on the seat. I didn't try to look at them. Just like that, I positioned myself near the window and was ready to jump in the back of my mind in case they started to attack me. "Is she the girl flirting with Alpha?" "I heard. She hugged the Alpha to seduce him." "Because she's new, she causes trouble right away. She's not ashamed." Some of the rumors I heard took my breath away. I blinked several times and tried to cram the words they uttered into my mind. Are they referring to me? The whispers stopped, and silence literally enveloped the surroundings. I kept my head down and stared at my desk, even though I wanted to look up. What's happening? I bit my bottom lip when I heard footsteps coming from a pair of heels. It came closer and closer until it stopped in front of me. I swallowed hard with trepidation. "So, you're also here," a familiar voice spoke. Slowly, I tilted my head to look up. My lips parted when I saw the woman Seniorito was with at the meeting. The girl who slapped me yesterday. She's wearing a fitted red dress paired with her three-inch silver heels. Obviously, she has a high position based on her aura. Although she is calm, I can feel the anger coming from her eyes. I'm dead.
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