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I woke up feeling weak and nauseous. Slowly, I opened my eyes, and Senyorito's worried face immediately appeared to me. He sat next to me. I also saw fear in his eyes, and I don't know why. "Are you okay? How do you feel?" he asked softly. My last memory of him suddenly came back. Even though I was weak, I quickly moved away from him, causing me to close my eyes when I felt the pain in my neck and shoulders. I stiffened in my bed and stared back at him with wide eyes. "W-What did you do to me?" I stuttered. I saw him swallow hard. His jaw also tensed before he looked away. If earlier I was the one who moved away from him, now he is the one who has voluntarily retreated. "I'm sorry," he whispered. I don't know, but I feel a little remorseful and confused by that. I have nothing to regret, so why did I feel that way? "I know you're scared. I can feel it," he said again. I frowned. Yes, I'm scared now, and maybe it's obvious on my face; that's why he's aware. I looked around and found that we are in his room. There was no one else besides the two of us. "I didn't mean to hurt you." Despite the seriousness of his face, I couldn't help but feel his sadness. "What happened?" I repeat my question. His hand fisted slowly as he stared at me. "I marked you last night." I was deafened by what I heard. I instinctively grabbed my neck and felt the small bandage there. My jaw dropped, and I blinked a few times. I tried to process everything, but my brain and chest couldn't accept it. "W-What's going to happen to me now?" I asked nervously. He looked away. His jaw set once again before he heaved a deep breath. He slowly stood up and put his hand on his pants without emotion. "Just reject me; nothing will happen," he stated. I was speechless when the door accidentally opened. After that, Miro entered with big steps and seriously approached Senyorito. I was alarmed when he suddenly collared him. "Nothing will happen?" he said in disbelief. "Can you hear what you're saying?" Miro continued to scold his brother. Even though I was weak, I got up automatically. I was confused as to what was going on. I'm not used to seeing Miro angry with Senyorito, even though I can see the concern on his face. "Stay out of this, Miro," Cleon commanded as he looked at him coldly. Miro gritted his teeth and forcely let go of Seorito's collar. "You'll die! You know that!" he yelled with his bloodshot eyes. Little by little, I understood what they were talking about. Miro looked at me for a moment and pointed. I saw the frustration on his face when he returned his gaze to Seniorito, who now still remained cold in emotion. "She's been marked! A bond has formed between the two of you!" Miro pointed it out. "Get out, Beta," Cleon commanded again. Miro palmed his face with a series of curses. "You are unstable; another rejection will make it worse, Alpha," he tried to explain. Cleon's jaw clenched for the ninth time. "Does forcing her to accept me make it even better?" I felt pain in his tone, and I didn't know if I was just imagining it. Miro didn't answer right away. After a while, he stood up properly and looked at Cleon seriously. "Tell her everything and let her decide. Don't give her only one option," he stated. Seniorito laughed emptily. "She's already scared; there's no need for that." "Can you two stop?" I couldn't stop interjecting to turn their attention to me. I focused my eyes on Cleon. "Your brother has a point; I'm the victim here, so I should be the one to choose what decision I make. Besides that, I have the right to know everything." "Whether you know it or not, you'll choose that option in the end," he said. "How sure are you?" I challenged. He gave me a small smile, but I felt pain in it. "Why? Will you choose to mate with me instead?" I got stuck in my place. I heard what he said over and over in my head. He looked away from me when he saw my reaction and laughed again. "Go on, tell her all about the marking," he said to Miro, leaving us in the room without a word. Silence enveloped the room after Cleon left. I can feel Miro's eyes on me. Waiting for me to ask him. "Spill it," I said sparingly, and I leaned against the headboard of the bed due to weakness. I felt like my world was spinning now. My head was throbbing. I also felt a slight heat in my body. "As you know, you've been marked by the Alpha," he started. I just nodded at him. "And I have two options, right?" "Yes," he answered. "That's to reject him or mate with him, right?" Miro's face became more serious, as if we were now going to the crucial part. "I know this doesn't sound good for you, and you might think that I'm forcing you, but if you reject him this time, I don't think he can make it." I nodded because I understood his point. "If you choose to accept him, your world will change forever. You will officially become his mate and our pack's Luna," he explained the second option. I sighed because it was both heavy. In other words, I had to choose who would sacrifice the two of us. Yes, I am now afraid of Seniorito because of what he did to me. I will also admit that I am annoyed, but . . . I don't want him to get hurt either. My conscience can't handle that. On the other hand, I can't let myself be trapped in their world either. "Can't I choose between the two?" I asked weakly. He didn't give me an answer right away. He averted his eyes from me and later took a deep breath. I feel that he is also struggling with the situation with his brother and me. "Unfortunately, you can't. You will die if you don't choose between the two. His mark will slowly poison your body." I felt my body give in to what he said. I don't know what sin I have committed, and I am being given this test now. "If you die, he'll also be affected since there was already a bond between the two of you," he informed her. I remained speechless after what I heard. It's funny to think that even with my increased choice, there is still nothing easy about it all. We will still be affected equally. "Tell me I was just dreaming," I said in disbelief. Miro smiled sadly. "I'm sorry, Faraiah; it seems like the inner wolf of the Alpha sensed that my brother had an attraction to you, and that's why all this happened since he's obsessed with finding a mate." I just closed my eyes again and massaged my senses. "Can't I adjust to all this first?" My breath hitched when Miro dropped another piece of news, "Sadly, you only have until the full moon to make a decision."
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