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It's late. I've been gazing at the ceiling of my room for a while, but until now I wasn't sure what was actually making my thoughts so uncomfortable. Is it my parents' death? The potential connection between them and werewolves? After I treated Miro's wound, I never left the room. Manang came to invite me to eat earlier, but I didn't join them either. I want to be alone to think. I sighed before slowly getting up. I felt thirsty, so I decided to leave the room. It was eleven o'clock at night, and the house was quiet when I went to the kitchen. I got some water from the fridge before sitting on the high stool. I continued my thoughts while swirling the water inside the glass I had strained. I just stared there, dumbfounded, while remembering some of the things Miro and I talked about earlier. *** "ARE you worried that you might be bullied again at school?" he asked, as I felt him looking at me apprehensively. I didn't answer. My attention was only focused on his wound while I put ointment on it. I carefully ran my finger to his skin. "Don't worry. Now that you are under Alpha's command, no one can hurt you." That's when he finally got my attention. "What do you mean?" I frowned curiously. "That is a heavy command. No one can disobey," he said. My forehead furrowed even more. "Once they disobeyed the Alpha's command, they would suffer intense pain; at worst, they would die." My lips parted when I heard that. "Is that how serious is it?" Miro nodded at me sparingly. "So you don't have to worry now. You're protected by Alpha," he assured. I blinked several times. I still can't believe there is an automatic penalty for them. If a mortal like me had the same system, maybe it would be very easy to command people. However, it also has a negative consequence, because we can't be certain that the superior's orders will always be fair. I just shrugged it off and then continued treating Miro. "About Seniorito... how many years has he been imprisoned here?" My weak and slow curiosity. I don't know, but it came out of my mouth on purpose. I avoided looking up at Beta. I acted like what I was asking was nothing. "Since he was rejected, we didn't let him leave the mansion so that no one else would know about his situation." So, six years. I bit my lower lip and nodded. "Does that mean none of your other colleagues know that he was rejected? I mean, since you are aware of what could happen to you if that happens, I think they will have an idea, right?" That's when I raised my eyes to Miro. He shook his head. "Like what I've said, for us, humans are one of the lowest creatures. It wasn't immediately announced to our pack that Zhen was the future Luna." "But why is that?" I uttered unconsciously and raised an eyebrow from Miro. "Why was Seniorito so badly hurt? Is the connection between the two of them really that deep?" I continued. He sighed. "Unfortunately, aside from being the designated mate, she was also marked by the Alpha." My jaw dropped after what Miro said. Now I understand why he lost himself like that. "Didn't you say you have an inner wolf?" I asked again and bandaged his wound. "What about that?" he said curiously. "Nothing. I just wondered if you could talk to them. Maybe that's why my neighbor's dog sometimes barks when he's alone because he's fighting with his inner dog," I replied with a shrug. Miro let out a deep breath and closed his eyes tightly. "Damn," he murmured. "What? That makes sense? Don't tell me that you will even gatekeep your second persona." I rolled my eyes. "It's not like that, lady. Our wolves are just like a spirit that joins us. We didn't really talk to them, but we can feel them inside," he explained, containing his frustration. "Oh? It means Seniorito was really possessed!" Miro closed his eyes again and shook his head. "Think what you want to think. I'm done talking to you." My lips winced at what he said. I completely distanced away after taking care of him. He immediately stood up in preparation to leave. "But, yeah. I remember one time, like what happened recently, the alpha escaped from the mansion," Miro said casually as he took the kit. My face quickly changed, I became serious. "When was that?" He thought for a moment. "I think that was four years ago. But he came back on his own accord. We were surprised to see him outside the house back then." My chest pounded one after the other. "I'm leaving. Get some rest. Thanks anyway," he said, and he finally took his leave. I just watched him stupidly while remembering the time when my parents had an accident. I'm just overthinking, right? *** Once again, I heaved a deep breath when my thoughts brought me back into reality. I felt like I was still short of breath, so I went straight to the terrace. The surroundings are quite bright because of the waxing gibbous moon. I bent slightly and placed both my arms on the railings. I felt the cold wind caressing my face. Zhen. That was his mate's name. I can't help but think about her situation and decision. If I were in her position, would I also reject Cleon? If they were destined for each other, it was impossible for her to feel anything for Senyorito. She was even marked! I mean, for sure, there was a connection between them. But I also understand her; in the few days I stayed here in the mansion, it was difficult if she chose Cleon's world. I once again felt a strange space in my chest when I thought of Seniorito. Yes, I feel sorry for him. I will also admit that I am attracted to him, maybe because he is handsome. But every time I think about the possibility that a werewolf like him killed my parents, I go blank. For the countless times, I sighed. I hope it's not you. I was stopped in my thoughts when I felt a heavy presence. I quickly looked around to find out what it was. My eyes widened at the same time as I caught my breath when I saw Seniorito in the doorway. He's not well. His darkened eyes stared intently at me. His palms were clenched, but his sharp nails did not escape my sight. "Cleo—" I stopped calling his name and grunted as I fell to the floor with him. My chest rumbled with nervousness. He was on top of me, looking me directly in the face. In a snap, a blurred image flashed in front of me. Same scenario, but I don't know where it came from. "It's you," he said in a deep and scary voice. At the same time as I closed my eyes because of the pain in my head, something sharp was buried in my neck. I shouted in pain. I don't know if it's because of my head or because of something piercing my skin. "Cleon!" I screamed at the top of my lungs before everything went blank.
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