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Fourteen days. That's all I have to make up my mind. I groaned and snuggled up on the bed as the strong heat swept through my body once more. I was sweating profusely, and I was gasping for breath. I feel like I'm going to die. "Can she handle it?" I heard Cleon's worried voice near me. "She has witch blood. You know it, too. She'll definitely pass through this," Miro answered. "Manang, call our pack doctor," Cleon commanded. Witch blood? Manang didn't answer; instead, I heard fast footsteps that I was sure were coming from her. Seniorito and Miro talked for a few more seconds, and I couldn't focus any more because of the heat that spread over my body. I feel like I have the flu and malaria. Damn. These dogs are very noisy. "Ready the wolfbanes," Cleon said seriously. "Are you crazy?" Miro shouted, obviously disagreeing with his brother's order. I felt something cold touching my forehead and neck. I slowly woke up and saw Seniorito with blurred vision. He was staring at me seriously, and there was concern in his eyes. "We need to severe the connection as soon as possible, Beta. We need to do it now before I become possessive of her," Cleon answered softly. "We both know that since you came back, you've been territorial, Alpha," Miro fired back. Cleon heaved a deep breath. "I don't want to get to the point where I can't accept her rejection anymore just because I want to keep her with me. So, get the wolfbanes, Beta." "Then keep her! Claim her as much as you want!" Miro shouted frustratingly. Cleon stopped wiping me, and his jaw clenched. His lips were in a thin line as he stared at his brother darkly. Threatening. "Mind your words, Beta. I'm the Alpha; you seem to forget that," Cleon reminded him. "You're the one who forgets, brother," Miro said in a serious tone. "You are our alpha before you are his mate. You are the leader of the pack. It is your duty to protect and defend us." Once again, Cleon's jaw set. I feel that he is also struggling with the situation, and he understands what Miro is trying to say. It's funny to think about, but I understand them both. He let out a sigh before turning his attention back to me. His eyes darkened, and he continued to touch the wet bimpo on my forehead and neck. "Stay with me. You are going to be okay, I promise," he assured softly. It was like magic that gradually enveloped my body. I stared at his face until I slowly closed my eyes and completely passed out. I don't know what was going on, but in an instant, I heard some familiar voices. *** "Flavio! We need to save our daughter!" I know that voice. It's been years since I last heard it, but I can't be wrong. It was my mom. "He's right behind us, Annia." This time, it's my dad speaking. What is happening? Why can't I see anything? Why can't I see them? "We need to save her. We will all die if he catches us," Mommy said, crying. "Calm down. We can stall time soon," Daddy tried to calm my mom. Slowly, blurred images showed up in front of me. The car was running fast, and the rain was pouring heavily. Mommy was constantly sobbing next to me while hugging me tightly. Is this. . . my memory? "Faraiah," my mom called. My body moved spontaneously, and I looked at her even though her image was not that clear in front of me. I know she's crying, and she's looking at me tenderly at that moment. It's as if that has been imprinted on my mind, so that even if she is blurred, I can see it. She gave me a gentle caress on the cheek. It seems like she's memorizing every corner of it. My tears started to fall. It's been a few years since I last felt her warm hold, and it's been a few years since I heard her angelic voice. "If the day comes when you remember all this, save yourself. Don't chase him; stay away from danger, Faraiah," she instructed. "Mommy..." I said slowly, sobbing. "What are you planning to do, Annia?" my dad asked. "We have to erase her memory, Flavio. This way we can protect our daughter," Mommy answered. I shook my head again and again. "No, please. I need to know what really happened. I need to remember everything," I begged while holding my mother's arm, but she didn't seem to feel or hear. "Stay away from that werewolf, Faraiah. Live a normal life away from chaos," she continued. I was stunned. Werewolf? Gradually, I remembered my suspicion that what happened to my parents was not a simple accident, and I was right. They were killed. My chest heaved with nervousness. Please. . . Don't tell me it's him. We were both shocked when Daddy slammed on the brakes, along with a bang in the front. We hit something. No. . . it's someone. "Is that him? He caught us?" Mommy hugged me tightly; I could feel the fear in her body as we all looked ahead. She muttered some words that I couldn't understand. It was like a chanting spell. Gradually, I was enveloped in a dazzling light. Some warmth flows through my body as Mommy continues to speak. I can feel Daddy's panic; I don't know if it was for us or for the one he bumped into. I caught my breath when, out of my blurred vision and blinding light, a familiar figure rose from the front. My body started shaking as tears welled up at the corners of my eyes again. I know him. I can't be wrong because I know his posture and appearance even though I can't see him completely. My heart clenched in pain. I cannot breathe. I felt various emotions. Fear, disappointment. . . anger. Please. . . Tell me I'm dreaming. He was breathing hard. His eyes were dark, and I could clearly see his sharp nails. His presence screamed intense danger. I closed my eyes when the surroundings started spinning; it's like I'm traveling in accelerated time. I heard noises, but I didn't understand all of them. My body started to feel weak, and my head hurt too. When I opened my eyes again, the surroundings were dark. I was lying in a forest, and in front of me was a man. He's looking at me emotionlessly. "Cleon..." *** I felt a gentle touch on my cheek, followed by a familiar voice saying, "Faraiah, I'm here." I slowly opened my eyes and blankly looked at the image in front of me. He was looking at me softly, but I couldn't feel anything right now, like I was still lost in the void. I just stared at his face. "Cleon..." I said softly. His attention was quickly focused on me. His jaw tightened, and I saw the secret clenching of his fists. He seems to be preparing himself for whatever I say. "Faraiah, do you still want to res—?" "I'm not going to do a dogstyle with you," I cut him off. I heard something fall and broken, followed by Miro's voice, who cursed in disbelief, "Okay. She's okay now."
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