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Everyone was quiet for a few hours. Cleon, who was next to me, was peeling an apple while Manang and Miro were sitting on the three-seater couch a few meters away from us, watching. I was a bit conscious because I felt like they were all waiting for me to speak. "Here," Señorito said while handing me the bowl with an apple that he had peeled. I accepted it without saying a word. To this day, the scenes I saw in my dream are still running through my mind. I'm not sure if that's true, but part of me believes it. "How do you feel now?" Cleon broke the silence seriously. I tasted the apple before looking away. "I'm okay. It doesn't hurt anymore, but I still feel hot," I answered. "Well, that's normal because you're in heat," he said, making my mouth fall open. "W-What?" I stammered. "What do you think of me? A dog?" I couldn't stop speaking. I heard Miro's sigh and his faint cursing. Cleon quickly frowned while looking at me in surprise. He doesn't seem to understand why I said that. "Are dogs the only ones who feel that?" he asked innocently. I snorted before biting into the apple. "Not really. Just a good example," I whispered. "But..." I stopped for a moment and stared at him. "I have a question." "I think I need to grip for this one," I heard Miro mumble. I glared at him, then focused on Señorito again. He was staring at me intently. It seems that every word that comes out of my mouth is important to him. "When . . . for example . . . we juggle . . . is there a chance that—" I bit my lower lip, thinking twice about continuing. "—it will lock?" Cleon was speechless as Miro continued to let out a weak curse. Manang just sighed while shaking her head at me. I kept frowning; my question made sense, so I don't understand why they reacted that way. "Juggle?" Señorito said, obviously not knowing what that meant. I slapped my forehead. "i*********e? s*x? You're a fool, Cleon; you want a social term," I couldn't help but say. I could see the look of shock on his face. I kept my mouth shut, even though I don't know which of the things I said caused him to act like that. Is my question too vulgar? Later, a ghostly smile drew on his lips. "You casually mention my name now," he said in amazement. My cheeks quickly warmed up, and I looked away. "S-Sorry." "Why? What for?" he asked, still in a hoarse tone. I caught my breath when he approached me. I felt my chest disappear from the nervousness because of his presence, which erased the hidden smile on his face. He looked hurt and . . . disappointed. He simply distanced himself from me. Even his strong swallowing did not escape my sight. "Are you afraid of me because of what I did?" he asked directly. I didn't answer right away. Yes, I was scared, but I don't know if it was because he claimed me by force or because of the memories I saw. As much as I don't want to accept that he killed my parents, I couldn't help but think that's the truth. Right now, I should leave the mansion, I should stay away from him, and I should be mad at him, but I don't know why something is stopping me from doing all that. Maybe because I want to give him the benefit of the doubt? I can't stop staring at him. I still have a few days to decide. Back then, I was only concerned about him, so I hesitated to reject him, but if I had proof that he was the one who killed my parents . . . shouldn't I also take his life? I secretly clenched my palms as I remembered the wounds on my parents' bodies. Even though I am not in their position, I feel their pain. I know they didn't die easily. "What if I choose you to die? Will you accept that?" I asked seriously while my face was blank. Señorito's jaw tightened. I don't know if it was because he didn't like what I asked or because it was a serious question. Even Manang and Miro did not move or make noise in their seats. "I will understand and respect your decision," he answered. My chest automatically felt heavy. It's funny to think that I wanted to reject him to avenge my parents, but when I heard his answer, I hoped he would say something else. I hoped he would beg. Maybe in that way, the thoughts running through my mind will change. My gaze followed Seniorito when he stood up. He pocketed his hand, and there was no emotion on his face. He stared at me for a second before turning his gaze to Miro. "Give her the wolfbanes, Beta," he instructed. Miro glared at Cleon with serious resistance in his eyes. "I told you, let her decide." "Haven't you heard her decision yet?" Cleon fired back. Miro chuckled before turning to look at me. "Are you rejecting the alpha, woman?" he asked directly. We both stared at each other. I don't know if he's just worried about his brother or if he's pressuring me to answer now to calm Señorito down. I know he knows that I can't refuse Cleon right now; that's why I feel a little annoyed. I smirked before smiling. "Do you want the alpha to die right at this moment, Beta?" I challenged. He was obviously shocked by my answer. He probably didn't expect me to resist his challenge. Yes, I understand that he is worried about his brother and that he behaves differently towards me, but I want him to know that I am not always a joker. Cleon is right; my silliness is often just my coping mechanism whenever I feel too scared or confused because of the life I have, but that doesn't mean I'm easy to tease or play with. He looked shocked when he didn't immediately find something to answer me. He just stared at my face as if I had changed something big today. Well, I haven't changed. It's just that I don't often take myself seriously because I prefer to lighten up my life. I looked at Cleon. "What are wolfbanes for?" I'm curious. "To severe our connection before you reject me," he immediately answered. I frowned. "Will that protect you from the potential harm of rejection?" "Maybe yes? Maybe not? But I'm sure the effect on you will be lessened somehow," he answered. I nodded and looked at Miro again. "Get it." His jaw dropped, and he glared at me. I can feel the anger in his eyes. If he could hurt me now, he might have done it. "Our alpha will die," Miro reminded him. I smirked. "Do I look forgetful?" I said, making his jaw tense. I couldn't help but laugh because of the silence in the room. I know that even Manang is not in favor of what I will do, but she kept silent because, apart from being an omega, she also doesn't want to interfere in the situation. She just watched me. "Don't worry. I'll just prepare it. I haven't decided yet . . ." I looked at them all. "For now." "You are a mage. You won't die even if you don't drink the wolfbane," said Miro. My eyebrows met. "What?" I asked, confused. He sighed before standing up. "I don't know what made you like that. But I just want to say that even if you drink the wolfbane, it won't save the alpha," he began. I was even more confused by what he was saying. I already know that, but why does he have to repeat it? I didn't say a word and just continued to wait for him to add. "He's unstable, and even a small rejection will destroy him. As for you, you can handle it even without the wolfbanes because you have witch blood. You are the descendant of Annia Monte Flor, the powerful and last full-blooded witch in this town."

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