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Immediately, Kimberli thought he couldn't do that. He couldn't get on the bus and demanded that she go with him. Her eyes looked pleadingly at Rob's in the rearview mirror, but he cast his eyes away from hers. She turned to look around but was only met with stares from her fellow students. Kimberli began to make a scene, but she thought about the other students and how John would only hold them up longer because of her. She began collecting her things. As they headed off the bus, Kimberli shot Rob a glare before exiting the bus. John escorted her to the passenger side, opening the door like he was a gentleman, but he was far from being chivalrous. She sat down, and he soon took his seat behind the wheel. John rolled his window down and then waved at the bus to go ahead. Rob did just that, the looks of the students onboard only pissed Kimberli off even more. John sighed, before he said, "Angel, it is important that you keep your promises to me. I don't like it when you lie." "Don't call me Angel, and I didn't lie to you," Or did I? She recalled saying okay but she also said whatever. What rational human being would take that as a clear answer? But John isn't rational, is he? "Perhaps you misunderstood our conversation yesterday," he said as he turned to her, his hand grasped onto her headrest. "I wasn't suggesting that we ride together. I was telling you we're going to ride together from now on. I enjoy your company and that is how I want it." "But what about what I want?" "You don't know what you want. If it were up to you, you would remain a loner for the rest of your life," he said as he pressed the push-to-start. "Oh, by the way. I will call you Angel and you will learn to love it." Kimberli opened her mouth only to shut it. They drove in utter silence; he was quiet because he was gloating; she was quiet because she wondered how she had gotten herself into this messed-up relationship. Could it be that he's a sociopath? She thought. The notion makes sense; he does like bullying people. Why did she provoke him? What made her believe she had the balls to take him on? Now she wished she’d never said anything to him. Suddenly, getting her journal back wasn't such an important task. Thankfully, they arrived at school, and she was beyond grateful for the reprieve. She attempted to get out of the car, but he insisted she wait for him to open her door. He held out his hand but, unlike yesterday, she had no problem swatting it away. She stood, but he blocked her way. "Move!" Kimberli demanded. "No, not until we have cleared the air between us." Kimberli scoffed. Angered by his audacity. His body invaded her personal space. She backed away as far as she could until she pressed against the car. His hands gripped her waist, he then pressed himself against her, and their lower halves met. It was then she felt his hard length poking her stomach. She gasped. Her eyes found him and suddenly and without warning she found herself aroused. "Don't make me your enemy. I want to be your friend," John's words were a low seductive whisper against her lips. There were many things he could be to her, but given their current situation, they were outside the realm of friendship. Her body betrayed her when he shifted his hips, his movements caused a sensation throughout her body, and she moaned. He hissed as his heady eyes fell on her parted lips. "You better stop moaning like that, or I will take you somewhere a give you a real reason to moan." He then pulled away from her. The sudden departure of his warmth made her feel cold and hollow. He held his hand for her to take. She stared at his extended hand for a moment. "C'mon, I don't bite," he said. Kimberli gave him a skeptical expression. Before she placed her hand on his. He began tugging her along. She wondered what his end game was. Did he just want to bang her? Was he curious about what it would feel like to be with a black girl, or was there something more? She expected that he would drop her hand by the time they approached the campus, but he didn't. She stopped in her tracks. "What's wrong?" He asked. "We are getting closer to the campus. People will see us together." He frowned, "Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?" If it weren’t for the hurt laced within his voice, she would have thought that he was joking. "No, I only say that because I thought you wouldn't want to be seen with me." Her voice trailed off as the realization hit her that he was out of her league, not the other way around. He pulled her close to him, his one hand that held hers tightened, but not painfully so, just as a reminder that he was still holding it. His free hand lifted her chin to meet his stare. "I don't give a damn what anyone has to say. If they talk, they talk, but I am not in the mood to cater to anyone's expectations." "Not even mine?" He bit his lower lip before he asked, "What are your expectations, Angel? I hope you have set them high because I plan on shattering them." Kimberli's body shuddered at his suggestive words. He resumed his walk, she had to double-time it to keep up with his pace. No doubt, everyone's eyes were on them the moment they entered the campus hand in hand. She shied away from the gawking stares, but John took it all in stride and walked with his chest puffed out and head held high. Just like she remembered Rob during her freshman year. However, Rob never gave off a sadistic aura like John. He stopped to greet his friends and that was when Kimberli's eyes found Jen and Tessa amiss in the crowd. Jen mouthed a "WTF?" But all Kimberli could do was shrug her shoulders because John had a death grip on her hand. Then he tugged her along. It wasn't until a minute before class and after most everyone had surely seen them together that he released her hand. She hurried over to her locker to quickly gather the necessary materials for her classes. She thought he had walked off, giving her time to breathe, but when she felt his presence behind her, she knew he hadn't. "What's your locker combo?" He asked. "What? Why?" "Because I would like to share your locker. It is close to my first hour and it would be a lot easier if I could put my stuff in there." "Don't you have anyone else you can share a locker with? I mean the whole school worships you." "I don't want to share with anyone else. I want to share with you." This was getting to be too much. First, he pressured her into riding with him. Extracted her from her bus, and groped her, which she shamefully enjoyed. Now he wanted to share her locker space. At this point, she just needed time to herself, so she rattled off the numbers. He then widened her locker door and then grabbed a permanent marker and scrolled three numbers onto it. "What's that?" Kimberli questioned. "It is my locker combo. So, I can return the favor." "Aren't you concerned anyone could read it and go to your locker and rob you blind?" "You forget," he said as he leaned towards her. "I'm the bully around here, remember." Before she had a chance to react, his lips pressed against hers. The kiss he stole was quick, but it sent a shock wave throughout her body. He barely regarded her before he said something about seeing her at lunch and he was off joining his friends. As the day droned on, Kimberli became more apprehensive. Lunch was about to begin, and she had some serious explaining to do when she saw her friends. Sure enough, Jen and Tessa were in the cafeteria holding down the same table they were at yesterday. Jen had a pissed-off expression etched upon her face. Tessa offered a cheerful but somewhat worried smile. Kimberli sat next to Tessa feeling her positive disposition might be good to soak up. "H-hey," Kimberli greeted. "Hey, yourself. What's new with you? Got a new man, John-f*****g-Malone at that and you haven't breathed a word to your BFFs." "Jen, let her talk. Can't you tell something is wrong," Tessa said. Thank you, sweet Lord, for Tessa's intuition. Tessa encouraged her to speak and Kimberli did. It wasn't until she had spilled her guts that Jen finally redirected her anger toward John. "I am going to beat him up!" She announced. "No, I can manage this." "How? After he is balls deep inside you? Where do you think this is all heading to?" "I don't know Jen, but your involvement will only cause more trouble. Trust me." Jen huffed and leaned forward, leveling her eyes with Kimberli's. "I get it you are freaked. You never had a guy this interested in you, and you're scared. However, I think you should take it from someone with a bit more experience. His actions are far from normal." Kimberli let out an exasperated sigh. Not believing she was having this conversation and that it was her who was having guy trouble. "Kimberli, can I ask a question?" Tessa asked. Kimberli nodded. "Do you want a relationship with him?" When Kimberli didn't immediately reply no, Jen screamed at her, demanding to know what the hell her damage was. To which, Kimberli had finally had enough. She stood and began to walk away. First, she was being bullied by an aggressive suitor, and now by her overbearing best friend. She didn't get far as she ran into John's hard chest. "Whoa, what's the hurry?" He asked. Concern spanned across his face, he cupped her chin and tilted it upwards so he could look into her eyes. "What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" His eyes darkened with anger. "No, not really." He glared beyond her to see the location where she came from. Kimberli's eyes followed his line of vision to see Jen staring angrily in his direction. "She doesn't approve of me?" he questioned. "I confided to them what had happened. They're worried about me." He considered her words. It didn't take much of an explanation for him to determine why they were worried. An easy smile overtook his worried expression. "Don't worry, I can remedy this," he said. Kimberli shot him a concerned look before he guided her back to her friends. "G'day ladies." Jen refused to hide her disgust while Tessa gave him a guarded smile. "You have some concerns regarding my intentions towards Kimberli." "Yeah, we do. You are a bully and a womanizer from what I hear, and I don't trust you," Jen spat. "Ouch! You don't pull any punches. I see why you are friends with my Angel," John replied. "Excuse me. Are you two already on a pet-name basis? WTF, you two spoke yesterday for the first time ever. How in the hell have you progressed to being a couple?" John smiled tightly, before he leaned forward, "It is none of your business, isn't it, Jen. You are her friend, not her mother. Kimberli is fully capable of taking care of herself. She doesn't need you to be her bodyguard." "She isn't like all the whores you have messed around with. She isn't a slut who you can use and abuse and then toss aside." "I don't want to use her. I like her and want to form a real relationship with her. I would like it if you wouldn't give her grief about it." It was the first time Kimberli had heard him say he cared for her. Yes, he had shown concern here and there, but now it felt real. Regardless, his words might as well have been gibberish to Jen, who just nearly went ballistic on him. He almost looked bored with her rant. She blurted out obscenities that didn't move him at all. It wasn't until she mentioned her primary reason why John shouldn't date Kimberli, that he took notice. "Kimberli is a virgin, too good for a man-w***e like you!" Jen yelled. The lunchroom went dead silent. It wasn't until the cat-calls started and the snickering began that Jen's expression softened. Kimberli tried to blink away the hot tears that began to form in the wells of her eyes, her body shook as she was met with curious stares from her classmates. Not wishing to lose it in front of everyone, she bolted. She heard John curse. He called out to her but she refused to stop; convinced no one could console her. Jen's meddling had no end and now her personal business was out for all who were in earshot to hear. John caught up with Kimberli in the hallway. She tried not to cry but she couldn't stop tears from falling. The pad of his thumbs began wiping her tears away, but as soon as he wiped them, more fell. "Come with me," he said. He grabbed her by the hand, and they walked over to the janitor's closet and stepped inside. Once there, he locked the door behind them. Through sobs, Kimberli tried to ask him how he knew to come to the janitor's closet for privacy, but she could barely string together a proper sentence. He held her within his strong embrace, she rested her head on his chest. He rubbed her back for a while, to soothe her jumbled nerves. "I come here to get away from everyone sometimes. The janitor never locks it, so it is always available," John explained. She offered a quiet, "Oh," in response. His large hand continued to rub circles against her back. Soon she had stopped crying, her arms wrapped tightly around his waist. This was the closest they had ever been for an extended period. "Are you feeling better?" He whispered into her ear. His warm breath fanned the side of her face. She looked up to peer into his eyes. "A little," Kimberli answered. "I can't believe you, of all people, is the one to comfort me. Life is nuts." "Yeah, it is." She had to ask the question that was plaguing her mind. "Why me? Why do you want me?" His brows furrowed with concern before he answered, "I guess, I like how you stand up to me. You're fearless. That is why it is so puzzling why Jen has this effect on you." "I have known Jen and Tessa since kindergarten. They are my first and only good friends. Jen has always been aggressive, it is her nature. I guess I really value her opinion." John tipped her chin up, and their eyes met, his beautiful baby blues entrapped her. Her breath shallowed, thinking about the quick kiss he had given her earlier. His lips were smooth against hers, and if he only knew, that was the first kiss she ever received. His impromptu touch was still new and caused her tension, but those lips, she craved. Yet, she had to lay out ground rules. "I am not going to sleep with you if that is what you are after," Kimberli said in a flat tone. Her words sounded unconvincing to her ears. John's face lit up with amusement. "I wouldn't count on that, Angel. However, if your concern is all I want from you is s*x, I can assure you that isn't the case." His longing stare pierced her very soul, as her heart drummed to an erratic beat. He leaned down to capture her lips. She moaned against his mouth, his hand lowered to grip her behind and she gasped upon contact. He took advantage of her parted lips and slid his tongue into her mouth. As their kiss deepened, their hands explored each other's bodies. Kimberli's fingers trailed the muscles of his back. She tilted her head back; he dragged his tongue along the column of her neck before he began nibbling at her delicate flesh. She giggled as he neared her collarbone. "Ticklish?" He asked bemused. Kimberli shook her head, wanting to avoid him tickling her on purpose. "You're such a liar. I'm going to have to break you of that habit." He then continued to devour her neck as he caressed her. It was then she realized she had lied to herself; his touch was just as desirable as his lips. She began to lose herself within his touch. He reached beneath her shirt, but before he could go any further, the knob to the door began to jangle, then they heard a key being inserted into the lock. They hurried to pull away from each other. When the door opened, the janitor stood on the threshold. He looked surprised at first before it faded away into a look of annoyance. John grabbed Kimberli's hand and told the janitor's nonsensical blabber about confusing the closet for the lunchroom. They rushed past the man, who only called out after them half-heartedly as they ran away. They rounded the corner and flattened themselves against the wall, heaving hard from the exhilaration. John peered down the hall from which they had come. "Is he coming?" Kimberli asked. "No," John said. Before, he pressed himself against her. "You are amazing, do you know that?" Kimberli smiled. He leaned in and kissed her again. But to her disappointment, he stopped. "So, when I finally make love to you, I am going to be your first, huh?" His question knocked the wind out of her. She hadn't expected to have such a conversation with him or anyone. She swallowed hard as she thought about how best to answer. "Who said you would be my first?" She quipped. "It is written in the stars. You will be mine and I will be yours. To forsake destiny is to bring destruction upon yourself," he spoke. The poetic words were elegant and sophisticated, and they were hers. "You read my journal!"
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