
2154 Words
Kimberli couldn't believe she had gotten in the car with John Malone, but she wasn't keen on walking the nearly eight miles home either. In her irrational state, she hadn't considered the distance. She opted to stay behind knowing he had wrestling practice immediately after school. Jen and Tessa had offered to stay and wait with her, but Kimberli hated the idea of inconveniencing them. So, reluctantly, they left her behind. The journal had personal poems she had written, and she didn't want him to read them. She could only hope he hadn't had the chance to read anything yet. Now, she was in his car and still didn't have what she had waited for. To free her mind of the nagging notion of failing in her goal to retrieve her journal, she focused on how nice his car was. It was a brand new, top-of-the-line, Chevy Camaro. Damn, it even smells new. Kimberli acknowledged. The leather seat was so comfortable, and the interior was black, which beautifully complimented the candy-apple exterior. If this car were a person, it would be the finest person anyone ever had the fortune to behold, next to John Malone. "You like it," John stated. An observation. Of course, she liked it. Who wouldn't? "Would you like me to turn on the heated seating for you? Kimberli wanted to say no, to deny him any satisfaction, to please her in any way; but damn, she was a bit chilly, so she agreed. He smirked, before pressing a button. Her seat instantly began to warm. "So, will it be your place or mine?" He asked. Kimberli's eyes widened in shock, before he added, "I have no clue where you live." Right, it was a joke, she reasoned. A poorly executed and highly suggestive joke, but a joke, nevertheless. After telling him her address, he sported a knowing smirk. "I know exactly where you live, my place isn't too far away." Kimberli didn't bother to question him. The town was small and though she lived on the outskirts of town, it wasn't too hard to figure out her location. He turned in the direction of her home onto a two-lane road. After he passed a series of slow-moving cars, they were the only car traveling down the road. He was quiet for a while, surprising because he talked non-stop while at school. "What kind of music do you listen to?" He asked. Kimberli shrugged, stating she liked all kinds, but R&B and rock were her favs. He smirked, as he glanced over at her. It felt rude not to ask him the same, so she did. He was big on rap and rock, and they began to share who their favorite artists were. Kimberli was surprised how easy it was for them to strike up a conversation, especially considering how the day had played out. "You never answered my question," John asked. "And that was?" "Do you like my car?" "It is okay, I suppose," Kimberli said. Trying not to stroke his ego. It was getting harder to dislike him. He was charming and it was a bit disarming. She had to remember she didn't like him. He had done nothing but torment her all day. A moment in his fancy car and polite conversation shouldn't wipe away all the bull crap he’d put her through, should it? "Do you want to see how fast it can go?" He asked. A sinful smirk played across his lips. She should have said no, but truly she had never been in such a car and was curious how fast it could go. "I am just a passenger, do whatever you want," she answered. The engine roared in response as he accelerated to an insane speed. Her stomach fluttered as she felt the increase within her. "You're smiling," he said. Kimberli tried to hide her smile but when she looked at him, his smile only encouraged hers. They connected eyes for a heated moment. Before his gaze returned to the road ahead, his eyes widened in alarm. He stomped onto the brakes and pulled the emergency lever. The car began to fishtail, they spun for what felt like a lifetime. She felt John's arm protectively bracing her across her chest, pinning her against her seat. When the vehicle finally stopped, Kimberli looked around to see the reason for the sudden stop. Just a few feet from the car stood a deer dead-center in the road. "Holy s**t!" John exclaimed. He was breathless like her, as he tried to regain his composure. The deer looked unfazed as it blinked a couple of times, before gingerly making its way to the forest. They remained in place for a moment to marvel over how, if they hadn't stopped, the situation could have been dire. Only after Kimberli had calmed, did she notice his hand was still braced across her chest. Even more alarming, she realized his hand rested on her right breast. "Um, John." His eyes were still glued on the now empty spot where the deer was. Unaware of the peculiar placement of his hand. "Yes? Are you okay?" He asked. He turned to face her and followed her gaze to his hand that was set upon her. "Oh," was all he said, but he didn't hurry to move his hand. His eyes flickered up to meet hers as he licked his lips. Kimberli's heart was pounding for an entirely new reason as she considered his lustful stare. It took beats of a moment before he released her, but not before giving her breast an ever-so-gentle squeeze. She gasped at his touch, as he gingerly removed his hand. John's eyes shifted away from hers as he focused on shifting the car into gear. He resumed driving down the road, saying nothing more as they made their way to her home. Kimberli's mind was swimming, as she recalled repeatedly how he had touched her. If it weren't for the lingering sensation of his touch, she would have thought she had imagined it. She couldn't decipher if she had enjoyed it or not. All that was going through her head was how they almost died. He put the car in park. It idled before her house. "Home sweet home," John said. As he turned in his seat to face her, "I like your house. It is charming." "It is probably nothing compared to yours. Don't you live in a mansion?" "Don't kid yourself, my house is just that. It is about as homey as a museum." His comment took her by surprise. Another layer to reveal his complicated inner turmoil, but he didn't elaborate, and she didn't want to pressure him. Not knowing what else to say, Kimberli reached for the door handle. He rushed to place his hand over hers. She halted to look at him, as he loomed over her, his face only inches from hers. "Are you sure you are, okay?" He asked. She nodded, not trusting her voice not to quiver. He searched her eyes as if to determine if she was telling the truth. Seemingly satisfied with his assessment, he released her hand. Yet, he instructed her to remain seated. He exited the vehicle and jogged over to open her door. He held out his hand for her to take. She considered not accepting it but thought against it. She placed her hand within his, he tugged gently, pulling her to her feet. He then reached inside and grabbed her backpack and escorted her to the door. "You don't live too far from me. I'm just down the road," John remarked, as he handed her backpack to her. "Oh, yeah, I guess we never had the misfortune of bumping into each other in the past," Kimberli attempted for the comment to come out more as a joke, but it came off snarky. "Indeed," he replied. John shoved his hands into his jeans. "Maybe you could ride with me on the regular. I wouldn't mind the company." "This was a one-time deal, buddy. Now, if you would please excuse me," Kimberli said. She fumbled with her keys, in a hurry to put some distance between them. "What’s the big deal? Sharing a ride would be beneficial for both of us. Besides, if you do, I will consider giving you back your journal." Damn, he is right. He still has my journal. With everything that had happened, she had forgotten her reason for being with him in the first place. Suddenly, her anger reemerged, and she huffed incoherent okays and a whatever, before entering her home. She inconspicuously looked through the blinds as his engine revved. Relief washed over her as she saw him pull onto the road. John Malone was a real piece of work; no way was she going to get anywhere near him ever again. However, she was stuck with him for at least the duration of the semester. The next morning Kimberli awoke to her cell phone's alarm buzzing. She turned it off and swung her feet to the cold wood floor below. With a yawn and a stretch, the fogginess of her mind faded. Suddenly the events of yesterday replayed in her mind. Yes, he had offered to give her a ride, but in the light of the morning, she supposed he was kidding with her more than being genuinely serious. Why would John Malone want to hang with me? Kimberli went to the kitchen for a breakfast bar. The house was quiet, it wasn't uncommon, her mother worked long hours, as a registered nurse she rarely came home before Kimberli headed to school. Kimberli had spent much of her time alone. It wasn't her mother's fault, being a single mom wasn't an easy task. Her father died when she was young. During a car accident, her father had fractured his leg. No one expected a blood clot to develop and travel to his heart, killing him two weeks later. Her mother grieved him deeply, though it had been over ten years she still carried the pain with her. Her mother didn't date or socialize with anyone other than Kimberli. Kimberli wanted more for her mother, to find happiness and joy; but her mother wasn't the type to say such things to. This was what kept Kimberli up at night. If she left for college, who would be her mom's companion? Her mind could've pondered the uncertainties of life forever, but she had to catch her bus. Soon, she was ready for school and, like yesterday, she hopped onto the bus. Kimberli took her usual seat behind Rob, who gave her a bright smile in the rearview mirror. She popped in her earbuds and began to listen to some music as the bus began to take off. It was only two minutes or so into the ride when suddenly she heard honking. She removed her earbuds and slid over to the window where she saw a familiar candy-apple Camaro pulling beside the bus with its lights flashing as the driver laid onto the horn something fierce. Oh lord, Kimberli thought, knowing full well who it was. She leaned over to Rob, whose furrowed brows said it all. "Rob, don't pull over, he is a lunatic." Rob briefly regarded her, before he answered, "Yeah, but he is also my little cousin." "Cousin?" Kimberli questioned as she felt the bus slow to a stop. She watched in horror as John's car parked in front of the bus, onto the side of the road. The bus filled with mumblings regarding what was happening and who was coming aboard. Rob opened the doors, permitting John's entry. "What's going on fam?" Rob asked in his usual happy-go-lucky manner. "Nothing much," John answered as he leaned over and bro-hugged Rob. "This won't take long. I have a personal matter to discuss with a certain someone on board." "Not a problem man. I'm ahead of schedule anyway." Kimberli momentarily considered maybe he could have an issue with someone else on the bus. But she knew that was wishful thinking. His eyes fell onto her, he flopped down beside her. His massive form pressed her into the wall, giving her no mobility. "H-how's your morning going?" Kimberli asked. Her leg bobbed frantically. John's eyes fell onto her bobbing knee, he rested a firm hand on it halting her movement. Kimberli's eyes fell on his hand, marveling at his comfort level of touching her. She redirected her focus back to him. His eyes bored into hers, causing a quiver deep within her. He licked his lips before answering her question. "My morning was good. But then it got off track when I noticed you weren't where I thought you would be." "I thought you were joking." John's smile was cold and unnerving. He leaned forward and whispered, "I wasn't. Now get your s**t and let's go."
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