
2097 Words
The moment the words left his mouth, John knew he had messed up. Kimberli was finally learning to relax around him, to trust him. Why did he have to open his big mouth? She pushed him away and he permitted her meager attempt, though he hated not being able to touch her. He shoved his hands into his jeans and waited for her onslaught of words. "You read my journal! How could you? It is private. You had no right!" She shouted, as a fresh set of tears threatened to spill. He reached out to her, but she slapped his hand away. Fuck me. An argument with Kimberli was the last thing he wanted. He couldn’t help but wonder if she had ever shared her poems with anyone else before. Yet, none of that mattered, he had to convince Kimberli to trust him. "You're right. I had no right to read your journal, but last night I couldn't stop thinking about you. Reading your poems was the only way for me to feel close to you," he confessed. John was pleased when the creases in her forehead eased as her rage abated. He took the opportunity to reach for her. She maneuvered away, but he could tell she was only half trying to escape. He reached out again and this time she allowed him to wrap her in his embrace. He kissed the top of her head, before he said, "I will give you your journal back. I only read the first couple of poems. If you ever feel comfortable enough, I will love to read your other works. After all, I am your biggest fan." He knew he had won her over when she chuckled. "John Malone is my number one fan?" "Indeed, I am,” John replied. He kissed the tip of her nose. At least she seemed amused by his curiosity, instead of outright angry. The bell rang and he was grateful their next class was together. He didn't want to break away from her just yet, for fear she would revert to her standoffish state. They walked to class together with her hand firmly placed within his. They took their seats in the back. The class was uneventful. Kimberli remained quiet much of the time. Though he didn't want to pressure her to talk to him, her silence began to worry him. When class ended, he reminded her that he was taking her home and to meet him at his car after school. She nodded, he pulled her near and hugged her. He wanted to say something, anything at all, to ease her mind, but he didn't have the words. She needed space and time to think, and he decided to give her that. Soon, the school day had ended. John spoke to his friends who were trying to get him to hang out with them, but the only place he desired to be was by Kimberli’s side. He went to his car and became alarmed when Kimberli was nowhere in sight. Had she gotten onto the school bus despite all that had transpired between them? He turned towards the departing buses and for a moment he considered chasing down hers once more. This girl is going to be the death of me! When he was about to act on his crazed thoughts, he heard his name upon her lips. "John?" Kimberli questioned. John turned to see her standing a few feet away, with furrowed brows. It was then he realized that he probably appeared panicked, which he was. The relief he felt was unreal. He walked over and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek before he said, "I thought you had taken off again." "Um, I had to smooth things over with Jen. She was so pissed I couldn't leave things as they were." He looked at her for a moment, hating the hold Jen had over her. Yet, to speak against it would have led to them arguing. He couldn’t understand why Kimberli didn’t see Jen for the manipulative control-freak she was, she was far more toxic than himself. At least John was upfront about who he was, Jen hid behind the shield of friendship. He grabbed Kimberli’s book bag and carried it to the car to toss onto the backseat. Once inside, he reached inside his book bag and pulled out her journal and handed it to her. She was cautious as she took it into her hands. "I don't want anything to get between us. I know I'm a bit..." "Intense, overbearing," she finished. John sighed. As he felt a lump in his throat forming. Again, how he hated touchy-feely stuff, and she was going to make him work for it. Wonderful. "Yes, all of that is true, but I get that way because..." "Because?" Kimberli questioned. Her eyes pleaded for him to finish his confession. He sighed, again. Then he smoothed a hand over his slicked back hair. "I like you and I don't want you to ghost me. I am sorry if I am an asshole sometimes, but I can be better. Just give me a chance." Kimberli's chest rose and fell in rapid motion. She reached her hand over to him, he took it, and kissed the back of her hand. With her finally on board with being with him, he drove her home. *** Finally, it was the weekend. She had survived not only the first week of school but John Malone as well. They had fallen into a comfortable routine. He would pick her up, they would have lunch together, then English Literature, and he would drive her home. Three times within the week, they broke away from their routine, because of his wrestling practice. On those days she would wait for him to finish, using the time to write poems that he inspired. Her poems used to be about loneliness and being an outcast. Now, with the overwhelming attention she received from John, she longed for solitude and clarity. Yet, she couldn't ignore how he made her feel things that she had never felt before. His kisses, his intensity had broken her in ways she couldn't imagine and part of her liked it, liked him. Nevertheless, with the school week over, Saturday was to be theirs. He made sure she cleared her schedule, to ensure they had the day together. Her cell phone pinged alerting her of an incoming text message. John: Gm Angel. Kimberli: Morning! Are we still on for today? John: Absolutely! I will be at your place in an hour. Kimberli glanced at the time. It was nine in the morning. It was a bit early for an outing, but she was excited because he promised to show her around his house. Another ping came from her cell. John: Bring a swimsuit, or...not if you would rather skinny-dip. Kimberli: Swimsuit checked nasty man, lol. See you soon! She got ready for the day by packing a small bag with her necessary items. She was all packed and ready to go when she ran into her mother in the hallway. "Are you going to see that boy again? John, is it?" Her mother asked. Kimberli had told her mother about her involvement with John. However, she made sure to exclude undesirable interactions. She was curious about him, especially when Kimberli told her he was the mayor's son. "Yes," Kimberli answered. "We are going swimming." "I would like to speak to him before you go." Kimberli wasn't sure if she was ready for them to meet, but there was no sense in arguing. Her mother's stare told her it wasn't a suggestion. Kimberli's cell pinged, it was John outside waiting for her. Her mother watched her closely as she texted for him to come inside. It wasn't long before there was a knock on the door. Kimberli answered and led him to her mother. "Ms. Hart, it is a pleasure to meet you," he said. John's smile was broad and bright as he shook her hand. "It is nice to meet you too. I just want to get a gander at the young man who has been taking up so much of my daughter's time." "Guilty as charged," John said. He held his hands up in utter surrender. When her mother laughed, she realized that John's charm had won her over. She asked about their plans for the day. He confirmed that they were going swimming. What he didn't tell her was they were going to his house, with no supervision to swim. It wasn't long before her mother was finally satisfied and gave them the go-ahead to leave. "I think your mother loves me," John said. As they settled in his car. "She doesn't know you like I do." "Indeed, she doesn't," John winked at her. She waved off his cocky behavior. Soon, they were on their way. It was the perfect day for him to show her his house. His father wasn't home due to a business trip. They pulled into the driveway. His home was impressive, not that she expected anything less. They went inside his home. It was every bit how he described it, as a house but not a home. It was sterile, void of any warmth, the color scheme was different shades of blues and grays. Kimberli, so consumed with the décor and the cold beauty she hadn't noticed John staring at her. "What do you think?" He asked. "It is beautiful, but it feels empty," she answered. Like you. She thought, but she didn't add that tidbit. He nodded as if he completely understood her meaning. They walked through his expansive mansion to the backyard where the pool was. The water was so blue and looked refreshing as the rock-waterfall cascaded fresh water into the pool. She dropped her bag poolside. John wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. He placed a light kiss onto her bare shoulder, just below the strap of her tank top. "Do you need to change into your swimsuit? Or are we swimming naked?" Kimberli smirked as she accepted his kiss. "I am wearing my swimsuit beneath my clothes. So, I sadly must decline swimming in the nude." "Can't blame a man for trying," he said with a chuckle. He released her from his grip. He eyed her with a lustful stare. "Go on then." "Go on with what?" "Strip, I want to see you in your bathing suit." Kimberli chuckled, but his gaze was unwavering as he stared. Her core throbbed as his gaze intensified. She pulled her shirt over her head. Then she undid her jean shorts and allowed them to fall past her thighs to her feet. She kicked them away. His eyes greedily took in her body. He had touched her, kissed her, but his gaze felt more sensual than anything else. But this was the first time he was able to view her body in this capacity. He approached her and kissed her deeply. He pulled her close to him. She could feel his arousal. When he pulled away, his lips were swollen from their kiss. He followed suit, freeing himself of his clothing. Soon he was only clothed in his black trunks. Her eyes lazily rose to his bare chest, seeing what she had only felt. When her eyes lifted she met his stare, a sinful smirk etched upon his face. "Is that lust I see in your eyes?" Kimberli wanted to give him a snarky retort, but she found herself voiceless. He intertwined his hand with hers and guided her to a lounge chair. She looked at the table next to her and saw a bottle of sunscreen lotion, along with a couple of beach towels, and a myriad of items needed for a day in the sun. "I see you are prepared," Kimberli joked. It was then she realized just how vulnerable she truly was. There alone with the one man who tempted her in so many ways. He said nothing more as he took the sunscreen and handed it to her. "Do you mind rubbing some on my back?" He asked. Kimberli nodded as he sat. As she rubbed him with the lotion, he moaned whenever she would kneel his muscles. "Your muscles are so tense," Kimberli mentioned. "I bet you know how to relax me." "Ah, s****l healing huh?" Kimberli joked, but it fell flat. His hand caught hers. John then turned to face her. "It's your turn. Lie on your stomach," he commanded.
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