
2195 Words
Lie down? Kimberli repeated his command within her mind. Kimberli obeyed, positioning herself onto her stomach. John's gaze was fixated on her every movement as if he was in a trance. Once she was in place, he ran his hand slowly across her back. "I love how your skin glows, like gold," John spoke. Just before he untied the strings to the back of her bikini top, she sucked in a sharp breath. "Relax Angel. I promise you will enjoy everything that is to come next." His dark promise played on her mind as he began to rub her with the lotion. It was all so innocent, so simple. Until he placed a tender kiss on her lower back. She moaned, feeling the old familiar sting of desire rising within her. Yet, if she thought he had finished with his sensual teasing, she was wrong. He pulled her bottom down, baring her booty. "Damn, that's a thing of beauty," he proclaimed. He began to caress her bottom with the lotion, the rhythmic movement of his rough hands caused her to grind into the lounge chair. She had to bite her hand to keep from moaning. Suddenly, he stopped. She lifted. Clinging her loose top to her chest, only the upper tied strings around her neck assisted with her efforts. His eyes fell from her face to her hands. "Drop your hands for me," he commanded, his voice barely louder than a whisper. She shook her head, as fear and uncertainty overtook her. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed hard, he repeated his command louder and firmer than before. "I'm not ready," she replied. Instead of him getting frustrated, as she expected, his brows rose with amusement. "Are you sure about that?" He questioned. He leaned towards her, giving her a tender kiss that made her weak in her knees. Just as she was falling into a state of total surrender, he pulled away, she leaned forward as he did; chasing his lips as he straightened to an upright position. John chuckled. Her desperation only proved his point, she craved more. He traced the outline of her lips with his forefinger, then dipped it into her mouth for her to suck. John bit his lower lip as he watched her, and she loved seeing him so aroused. He pulled his finger away and dragged it down her sternum, past her stomach, until he had reached her core. Through the fabric of her bottoms, he pressed her sensitive bud, and she hissed. Before she knew it, he had slid the seat of her bottom aside and plunged that same finger inside her. She gripped the sides of the chair as she braced herself for his sensual strokes. Her breasts bounced freely from her top, dangling loosely from her neck. "When are you going to start telling me the truth? You're so ready, Angel. You're soaking wet," he hissed. But all rational thought was out the door as she began to grind against his touch. He then snatched her top away and pushed her down as he continued to work her over. His mouth came down onto one of her breasts, she nearly lost her mind. Kimberli never felt so much pleasure. Even in her wildest dreams, she couldn’t have dreamt of the ecstasy John was giving her at that moment. His hot mouth suckled her, ever so often his teeth would scathe her sensitive bud, causing her body to tremble. She moaned his name and other nonsensical words as she climaxed. Her eyes remained shut as she came down from the s****l high. Kimberli's eyes fluttered open to see him looking at her with adoration. At least that's what she hoped he felt. She wanted them to be more than just a fling. John retrieved her top and handed it to her. He watched intently as she pressed the material against herself before he offered to help retie her strings. He stood and she couldn't help but see his stiff erection. She smirked when she considered how uncomfortable he must have been. "You think this is funny?" He asked. A smile teased the corners of his mouth. She did not say anything as he pulled her from her seat. He guided her to the poolside. He strummed her upper arms, settling her into a peaceful state. Just when she had relaxed, he asked, "You know what's funny?" She was about to reply when he pushed her into the pool. She had swallowed what felt like a gallon of water before coming up for air. "You jerk!' She screamed. The sudden rush of cool water over her heated body gave her quite a shock. Before she could swim back to the edge, she heard a loud splash. She looked and saw John swimming towards her. She huffed as he approached, intending to give him a piece of her mind. Until he started to hum the theme from Jaws. Though it was utterly ridiculous, she began to panic, as he swam her way pretending to be a hungry shark. She squealed and splashed at him frantically to keep him back, but to no avail, as he trapped her within his embrace. He nibbled at her skin wherever he could. Before long, her rude introduction to the cool water was all forgotten and they played like innocent children. After their swim, he escorted her inside to a bathroom where she could shower. She was surprised that he didn't offer to shower with her. With his aggressive s****l appetite, she almost expected the invitation. Yet, she did need time alone to properly care for herself, so she wasn't too disappointed. After their shower, she redressed in the clothes she wore over her bathing suit. Kimberli heard a noise coming from the kitchen. Thinking it was John, making them lunch, she went to meet him. She rounded the corner fully expecting to see John but was surprised when she saw a man sitting at the kitchen island sipping from a teacup. His eyes were the same shade of blue as John's, his hair was graying, but he seemed fit and strong. He tilted his head, as he regarded her. It didn't take long for Kimberli to deduce he must be John's father. "Hello, Mr. Malone. I'm Kimberli Hart, a friend of your son," Kimberli promptly introduced herself. She would have taken the next step, to walk over and shake his hand; but he never replied or even smiled. Instead, he only continued to stare at her with an unwavering gaze that reminded her far too much of John's. Her heart drummed, she felt as though it was going to burst out of her chest at any moment. Then, she felt an arm draped over her shoulders. She looked and it was John. John's presence helped to ease her nerves, but his expression appeared guarded or even worried. "Shouldn’t you be on a plane by now," John stated. His tone was blunt. "My flight was delayed, son. I see you scheduled a playdate. She mentioned you two are friends." "She's my girlfriend," John corrected. Kimberli's eyes widened at his statement. He hadn't even told her he considered her to be his girlfriend. Elated, nonetheless, she internally cheered. Especially considering his father's foreboding presence. "My dear boy, I would have been disappointed if this lovely girl wasn't," said his father. Mr. Malone’s eyes settled onto hers. Kimberli quickly redirected her eyes to the floor. Then, she heard a chair screeching across the floor. Kimberly lifted her eyes to see Mr. Malone at the refrigerator. He grabbed a bottle of champagne and three wine glasses from the cupboard. John groaned, before questioning his father, "What are you doing?" "I would like to propose a toast to the happy couple. Kimberli?" He spoke. As he pulled out a chair, "Come sit with me." John's grip tightened around her, and she felt his fingertips pressed into her upper arm. Mr. Malone's eyes had an odd gleam. One that made Kimberli's stomach drop with uneasiness. John and his father stared at each other for the longest while before John finally released his hold. Kimberli didn't want to be anywhere near Mr. Malone, but to refuse would have caused more of a problem. She sat beside him as he filled the flute. "Have you ever had champagne before?" Mr. Malone asked. Kimberli eyed John, who watched her intently. She shook her head. "No? My dear, today is your lucky day. Take a sip, tell me what you think." Kimberli did as he demanded. He waited with an expectant look for her verdict. "It's good," she answered. "It is better than good. Take another sip, this time drink a bit more." Kimberli exhaled as she considered telling him, no, but it did taste good. She took another swig of the drink, this time more than before. "It is refreshing, citrus with a crisp taste," Kimberli described. She eyed him warily as he took in her words. "Ha!" He exclaimed, with a loud clap of his hands. "Finally, you brought home a girl with some taste. Outstanding." He took a long hard swig, as well. "John, don't be a stick in the mud. Come and have a drink." "No," John answered. His eyes challenged his father's cold stare. "Bah! We won't let you ruin our fun time. Isn't that right, my dear?" Mr. Malone said, redirecting his attention to Kimberli. "Tell me are you a registered voter?" "I plan to be. I just turned eighteen this past summer," Kimberli answered. "Oh, you're barely legal, aren't you?" He spoke. John charged forward. Suddenly, Kimberli feared they were going to brawl, but Mr. Malone's cell beeped. He broke away from the standoff to look. He tsked, before he said, "My driver is here. Looks like we will have to continue our chat for another time." He stood and grabbed a suitcase that was on the floor beside him. "Kimberli, it was a pleasure," Mr. Malone said as he grabbed her hand and placed a slow lingering kiss upon it. John gripped her shoulders from behind and gave a warning grunt. To which, his father must've found it humorous because he chuckled. He bid his son farewell. John didn't bother to respond before he took his leave. The pleasant time they spent alongside the pool was a distant memory. In its stead was the unpleasant residue that remained of Mr. Malone's presence. John took Kimberli's mostly drunken glass of champagne and poured what remained out, along with his as well. His father's glass was the last he chose to grab. But instead of gently placing it into the sink, he flung it. The flute shattered into pieces within the sink. Kimberli watched his shoulders as they rose with tension. He gripped the edge of the countertop. His eyes stared, looking out the window. Just over his shoulder, Kimberli saw his father's car being driven away. Kimberli felt his pain, it was so potent, she wanted to soothe him. Yet, he seemed like a wild animal, on the verge of lashing out. She wrapped her arms around his waist from behind. As she pressed her face against his back, she breathed in his scent. His body relaxed a bit, and he sighed deeply as he attempted to regain his composure. "My father is a monster. I am so sorry. I thought he was gone for the weekend," John said. "Don't apologize. I don't scare so easily." John turned around to regard her. Kimberli's brows raised. "You are better to me than I deserve." He stated, his words made her soul shake. It wasn't just his statement but the look of sheer admiration he displayed. There was only one word for what she was beginning to feel for him, but it was too soon. She couldn't admit it, it would bound her to him. He gripped her chin and tilted her head to level her stare with his. "What's on your mind, Angel?" Kimberli bit her lower lip, as she contemplated her next words. She smiled, then replied, "I am thinking about… how hungry I am. You don't have any food in this joint?" John laughed and he announced he would promptly order takeout. After they ate pizza, he showed her to the home theater. Kimberli jumped into the plush black recliner. The large flat screen nearly covered the wall. Kimberli's eyes lit up as she spotted the popcorn machine in the corner, which he started up just for her. John took his seat by her, with remote in hand. "What are you in the mood for? Horror, Action, maybe some soft porn?" He joked as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Ew, you're so nasty!" Kimberli exclaimed. Yet, she was happy to see his playful nature had returned. They settled on a comedy, something to continue to lift their spirits. Soon it was as if things had finally come together for them. Kimberli felt safe with his arm resting over her shoulders. No matter his father's creepy behavior, she would stick it out. Because she was beginning to believe they were worth it.
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