
2012 Words
After the movie, John struggled with the idea of keeping Kimberli for the night. He replayed the utter look of ecstasy he witnessed when she’d succumbed to her desires by the poolside. He felt like the man, as he made her feel the tip-of-the-iceberg of what he had planned to give her in the future. Only to have the precious feeling ripped away when his father showed up. The way his father stared at Kimberli caused John to rage. If he were anyone else, John would've ripped him in two. Nevertheless, he knew his father wanted him to become unhinged; to reveal his craziness in front of Kimberli. His father got off on pushing people’s buttons, especially his. Anything good, his father corrupted, even John's mother. She was too good for the likes of him. His political ambitions were all that mattered to him, he had always been controlling and manipulative. His mother had shielded John from the brunt of his father’s behavior in the beginning, but that all changed when she became ill. At first, she excessively slept, then she began to lose weight. She went to specialist after specialist, until finally, she received the diagnosis of bone cancer. Nothing was worse than seeing his mother wither away into nothingness. He mourned her even before she was gone, and his worthless father didn’t comfort him; he was too busy screwing all the women hoping to become the next Mrs. Malone. John was only twelve when she passed. Looking back, he supposed that was when he began changing. There was so much rage, he had to release it, and bullying others was his outlet; that, and wrestling. Nevertheless, he had a new reason to hope, and it was all because of his Angel. So pure, and untainted by the disease of his rotten life. She could be his good thing, that’s why he called her Angel. A glorious being beyond human comprehension but divinely placed to guide him along his journey. As much as he wanted her, needed her, he wasn’t ready for her. With thoughts of his screwed-up family history lurking within the recesses of his mind, he couldn’t give himself over to her. He had to be sweet and tender, not the volatile mess he was. “Are you alright?” Kimberli asked. She gave his hand a comforting squeeze as he drove her home. He nodded, solemnly lost within his thoughts. It was night. He wanted to get her home before ten. He needed to make a good impression on her mother. However, Kimberli wasn’t ready to go home. He smiled to himself, glad she had a good time. When they pulled up to her house, she leaned over to kiss him. Her full lush lips felt like heaven against his. Suddenly, the idea of impressing her mother had become a fleeting memory. As he considered kidnapping her for further pleasures. Yet, his rational mind kicked into gear, and he didn’t stop her as she exited. The next day, he had practice. They had an upcoming match on Wednesday, and he had to be prepared. Though he had always thought of wresting as a welcome outlet in the past, he only wished to spend time with Kimberli. Yet, he tried to tell himself to give her time to breathe. Determining it was impossible to spend every waking moment with her, but his heart was arguing otherwise. He had texted her telling her that they wouldn’t see each other until Monday morning. Kimberli, being the reasonable girl he knew her to be, was cool with it and mentioned she would spend time with her friends. Though John agreed it was a good idea for her to hang out with her girls. It bothered him that she could so easily find joy without him, especially when his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of her. He couldn’t deny he was selfish, only wishing to monopolize all her time. Nonetheless, this was what was needed for the growth of their relationship. After all, he didn’t want to become controlling like his father was with his mother. It shouldn’t be so bad, John determined. Tessa was kindhearted and posed no problem to their relationship. However, Jen was a different story. He couldn’t place it, but there was something about her that didn’t sit well with him. The idea of Jen whispering into Kimberli’s ear concerned him. Yet, he had to believe that their time together meant something. It was frightening how attached he had become to her, but he had, and he would be damned if anyone stripped her away from him. Not, his father, Jen, or any other poor sap who would dare to stand in their way. Nevertheless, it was all crazy talk. He was becoming obsessive, he would stay away from her if only for the next twenty-four hours. Be cool. He encouraged himself, but his will was weak. *** It was Sunday, and that meant church with her mother, then brunch. Kimberli was grateful that John had wrestling practice. If not, she would have been with him at that very moment. Forsaking her normal routine with her mother. She had spent every day with him since his abrupt introduction into her life. She had to tell herself it was good to have some time away from him, though her heart was far from that belief. “What’s wrong honey? You have barely touched your food.” Her mother asked. “Nothing,” Kimberli replied. She usually cherished their Sunday date and was disappointed in herself that she had permitted her mind to wander. Her mother worked so hard to provide for her. Long hours working didn’t allow her much free time. Sunday was her only guaranteed day off. Kimberli had to force thoughts of John away. This time was to be theirs. After spending the morning to midday with her mother, she made time to hang out with her friends. Going to the mall was always an option, but they decided to go to the bookstore instead. Jen picked everyone up and soon they were off. The bookstore had a café where they could purchase beverages and snacks. Their time together, for the most part, was easy, like in the olden days. Again, since the introduction of John, their group dynamic has changed. Jen was quieter than usual and seemed to avoid Kimberli’s eyes when she spoke. They had talked and Kimberli believed all had been forgiven and resolved, but something was still off. While Tessa shamefully flirted with the handsome bookstore attendant. Kimberli took the opportunity to ask Jen if everything was really alright between them. Jen quickly brushed off her concern, and told her, “Everything is fine.” Nevertheless, Kimberli was starting to think otherwise. After browsing the store and finding a couple of books each, they decided to chat and snack at the café. They sat around the table, Tessa and Kimberli mostly spurred on conversation, while Jen sipped her coffee. Then Tessa shifted the convo to an uncomfortable topic, at least when concerning Jen. “How’re things going with you and John?” Tessa asked. “Fine,” Kimberli answered. She briefly regarded Jen’s reaction, but her face was deadpan. She sighed before she continued. “We are going steady. He asked me to be his girlfriend." “Shut up! No way! That’s so exciting,” Tessa squealed. “How did he pop the question?” “Relaxed it is not like he proposed,” Kimberli said. As she felt heat rising to her cheeks. Yet, she was painfully aware how he hadn’t asked her but declared that she was his girlfriend. She considered telling the entire story of their time together. How he had pleasured her, the weird encounter with his father, and the overall enjoyable date. However, the guarded look on Jen’s face didn’t inspire Kimberli to want to share. Tessa continued to press her for details about their date. Kimberli responded with short answers that wouldn’t raise too much alarm. Then she asked a question that Kimberli felt compelled to answer truthfully. “Do you think it might be a good idea for you to get on birth control?” Tessa questioned. “You know, just in case.” Kimberli swallowed hard, before she answered, “I was thinking the same thing. Just to be on the safe side.” Jen chose that moment to finally chime into the conversation. “The safest thing would be not to screw the town’s jerk. Are you considering having s*x with him after one week?” “No, I didn’t say that! I am just worried about when we do. I want to be prepared,” Kimberli countered. “I think there isn’t anything wrong with her taking precautions,” Tessa said in her defense. The look of utter dismay on Jen’s face caused Kimberli’s heartbreak. Despite her best efforts, they weren’t in a good place. Jen began to rant a rave about everything changing and how she felt like Kimberli was making a huge mistake. It was too much and Kimberli asked to be dropped off at home. Tessa tried to smooth things over, but it was no use. Jen drove her home, and Kimberli rode in an uncomfortable silence in the backseat. As soon as she was home, Kimberli hurried out of Jen’s car, only Tessa said goodbye to her. To which, Kimberli answered with a wave. Kimberli attempted to say goodbye to Jen, but she refused to look in her direction, opting to keep her focus fixed on the road ahead. Whatever, Kimberli thought as she headed inside. Her mother was resting in the living room watching television. Kimberli greeted and chatted with her for a moment, not wanting to give away her distress over her argument with Jen. Though it played heavily on her mind. It was six o’clock when she got a text from John. John: Missing you. Kimberli: I miss you too. How’s practice? John: Long and hard, like me. Kimberli: You are so bad Johnny. John: Johnny? Why did you decide to call me that? Kimberli: You’ve nicknamed me Angel. Just thought I'd return the favor. He didn’t text back right away. Kimberli’s heart sunk as she awaited his reply. Just when she was about to send another text to apologize, he texted. John: My mother used to call me Johnny. I haven't been called by that name since her passing. Kimberli felt horrible. She remembered how John had missed the last month of school, during their eighth-grade year. She heard of his mother’s passing and was devastated for him. Only kids who lost a parent understood the magnitude of the trauma that was felt by suddenly being without a parent. Kimberli: I am so sorry. I won’t call you that anymore. John: You can call me Johnny. It is nice to hear it again. But only you get this pass. Consider yourself lucky. Kimberli smiled before she texted. Kimberli: Johnny it is. How about John-boy? John: Don't push your luck, Angel. They went back and forth for a while until he had to leave. The rest of the evening she spent in her bedroom, reading the books she had purchased at the bookstore. Until her mother had alerted her that she had been called into work to cover someone’s midnight shift. Kimberli grumbled, she hated sleeping in the house all alone. Her mother occasionally would have to work overnight, but usually not on Sunday. Yet, she didn’t want to give her mother any grief, so she complied with her wishes. Her mother left around ten o’clock and wouldn’t be back until after Kimberli had left for school. Laying in bed, Kimberli thought about Johnny and how incredibly wrong Jen was about him. Though she wished for Jen's blessing; she wouldn't abandon Johnny for the sake of their friendship. As sleep overtook her, Kimberli thought if it was to be them against the world, so be it, because life without him felt impossible.
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