Can't Wait

2274 Words
Wrestling practice was hell. John kept on screwing up simple takedowns that he has performed thousands of times. His coach yelled at him to get his head back into the match, but John shrugged away the insult. Even if he wasn't at a hundred percent, he was still better than the rest of the team put together. While on break, he sat in the corner of the gym, alone, staring at Kimberli's name on his phone. Thoughts of her replayed in his mind like a movie on a loop. He tried to give her space, but he missed her, so he sent a text. The conversation was pleasant until she called him Johnny. Suddenly, memories of his mother flooded his mind. He hesitated. Wondering if allowing Kimberli to address him by his mother’s nickname for him was somehow dishonorable. Yet, the warmth he felt upon letting her refer to him by the familiar name; couldn't be wrong. So, Johnny, he would be, but only to her. Not even his father could call him by that name. No, only his Angel. On his drive home, only wishing to hear her voice and to say goodnight, John called Kimberli. He learned she would be home alone for the night. Something devious sparked within him; but hadn't he promised to see her in the morning? He forced himself to end the call, trying to convince himself he wasn't a slave to his emotions. When he arrived at his empty and cold-spirited house, his father was still gone on a business trip; at least that is the story he told. John could only hope sleep would urge morning to come sooner, he showered and prepared for bed. Though he wasn't considered a small guy by any measure, 6 foot 2, and a solid 210 of muscle, you would think his California king-size bed would fit him just right, but it didn't. It felt too big and empty. John stretched to his full length, thinking if only he had Kimberli by his side his night would be complete. He tossed about for several minutes in search of a comfortable position, to no avail. He sighed and flopped onto his back to stare at the ceiling as if the relief to his suffering could be found there, but it wasn't. Only his Angel had the cure to his ailment, and she wasn't too far away. However, he knew it was risky. Yesterday, it had taken everything within him to stop himself from seducing her into his bed. He was beyond ready for her, but he didn’t want to pressure her in any way. Whenever he permitted his dark thoughts to take hold. He imagined being inside her until he had sated his desire for her, maybe he could relieve his suffering, but that was selfish. He had to treat her better than the other girls he had bedded, she was special, dear to him. It wasn’t long before he had talked himself into going to see her. He had promised himself he wouldn’t, but there he was prepping to leave. John’s will broke as he thought about how much he hated liars, hadn’t he mocked her for telling half-truths? None of this was like him. Yet, then again, being with her, caring for her wasn’t like him either, but he craved the natural high she gave him whenever she was near. As he drove over to her house, he thought about calling her to let her know he was coming over, but he feared she would say no. So, John deemed it would be a surprise. Pulling into the driveway, John saw her mother’s car was nowhere in sight. It was just past ten o’clock when he parked and called her. “Hello,” Kimberli spoke; her voice was hushed from the grogginess of sleep, as she greeted him “It’s me, open up,” John said. Kimberli chuckled in disbelief, but when he saw her curtains shift as her beautiful face peered through the window, he smirked. It wasn’t long before she opened the front door to allow him inside. “What are you doing here?” She questioned. As he hugged her and placed a kiss on her forehead. “I wanted to see you. Being how you and I are both alone for the night. I figured a sleepover would be nice.” Her eyes widened, he knew it was a bit much to show up unannounced, but he didn’t want to be alone. He had packed a stay-away bag so in the morning he could dress for school. Kimberli looked apprehensive but she didn’t argue. She showed him to her bedroom. He loved the pink and purple color scheme, as well as the framed poems from famous authors which aligned her walls. “Your room is adorably you,” John said. “Next time my place, eh?” Kimberli sucked in a harsh breath. John smirked, enjoying catching her off-guard. “Let’s go to bed, shall we,” John announced. Deciding to give the poor girl a break. He began to undress. Kimberli’s midnight eyes lingered on his body as he did. Her stare made him hard in an extremely sensitive place, and his resolve began withering away, but he refused to give in to his lust, at least not yet. Once he had stripped down to his briefs he crawled into bed, and he padded the empty space beside him. She gave him a quirky smirk, then shook her head. Before proceeding to take her rightful place beside him. The flimsy nightgown she wore rose as she did, giving him a pleasant view of her upper thighs. Again, he had to be strong and had to remind himself she was a virgin and wasn’t ready, but she was getting oh so close. She rested her head on his bare chest, it seemed like within seconds any uneasiness he had vanished, leaving him to slip into a peaceful deep slumber. Sometime before daybreak, John in his dreams felt hands caressing him. He bit his lower lip and moaned as the sensual touch drifted to stroke his member. Was he having a wet dream? Which would be no surprise since he was sleeping beside his inspiration for such things. However, as the touching continued, and sleep gave way to awareness, he soon realized that he wasn’t dreaming. Kimberli was jacking him off. He whimpered at the realization and began to thrust his hips in response to her touch. “Angel, what are you doing?” He asked. His voice sounded small and strained to his ears. John’s eyes rolled into his skull as she answered his inquiry by increasing her strokes. “Pleasuring you as you did for me,” Kimberli replied. He caught the hint of amusement within her voice. She was enjoying seeing him come undone. He panted as he thrust his hips forward to meet her strokes on intake. “f**k, Angel. I am coming,” he warned. She had no idea what she was awakening within him. He was barely holding onto his self-control and her toying with him wasn’t helping. He thrust a couple more times before he climaxed, his broken scream echoed throughout her room. She hurried and wrapped the thin sheet around his shaft to catch his hot seed, then tossed the soiled sheet onto the floor. John's eyes were shut, his mind trying to understand just how she managed to break him so thoroughly. He felt her soft kiss, pressed against his lips. John took her within his arms, nearly smothering her with a massive bear-hug, pinning her to his chest. “You owned me,” he confessed. “I know it was just a hand-job, but I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard ever before.” He could feel her cheeks spreading into a smile against his chest. To her it was a simple action, a return of the pleasure he had given her; but to him, it was so much more. They belonged to each other, and he would never be able to let her go. “Angel?” John questioned. “Yes, Johnny?” He wanted to say the words that had been bouncing around his head. The only three words that fully described his feelings towards her; but he couldn’t. Instead, he opted to say, “Goodnight.” She placed a gentle kiss on his chest and whispered the same. They drifted back to sleep. A few hours later, the blaring of the alarm jolted John awake. He looked over to Kimberli who was just beginning to stir. He kissed her forehead as she greeted him with a smile. It was six in the morning, he had to get dressed and make his exit, just in case Ms. Hart arrived early. He hurried to clean himself, smirking at the stickiness of the dried semen on him. She really did a number on him, a favor he planned to return tenfold. After he had dressed, she walked him to the door, their hands intertwined. John stole a quick kiss before getting into his car. He would be back in forty minutes or so to pick her up. It would give him time to pick up breakfast for them. When he returned, Kimberli was out on the porch and her mother’s car was in the driveway. Judging by the huge grin on her face her mother suspected nothing. The school day blurred by until it was time for them to go home, apart from Kimberli not speaking to Jen, everything was normal. Kimberli had confessed to John of her falling out with Jen. Honestly, he was grateful for it. He could only hope she would end their friendship altogether, but being a supportive boyfriend, he couldn’t let his personal thoughts be known. On the drive home from school, she was quiet. Something was brewing in her beautiful mind, and he couldn’t help but ask. “What’s on your mind?” “It is hard not talking to Jen. Things have been so strained between us lately.” John gave her the usual “things will work out,” speech, which seemed to give her a bit of comfort. He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles. “My reasons for everything being good between Jen and myself isn’t exactly pure of heart. There’s something I was working up to ask for her to do for me.” John's eyebrows rose, his Angel had selfish desires, this should be good. “We have had some hot and heavy scenes as of late. I think it might be a good idea for me to take steps to safeguard myself.” John furrowed his brows as he pulled into her driveway. Kimberli fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, before she elaborated, “I know if we keep going the way we are, eventually we’ll engage in riskier activities. When that day comes, I think it would be best if we have taken steps to keep me from getting pregnant.” “Are you saying you want me to be your first?” John asked. Kimberli’s breath hitched in her throat, she turned away from his gaze. He cuffed her chin, then gently turned her head to face him. “You can tell me, Angel. You have nothing to fear with me. Do you want it to be me who takes your virginity?” He trailed the pad of his thumb across her bottom lip. “Yes,” Kimberli replied, her voice breathless. John latched his lips onto hers before evading her mouth with his tongue. To hear her say the words he has longed for, made him hot with desire. He would fulfill her fantasies and make her proud to be his. “I promise I’ll be gentle with you, but there’s no rush. I can take you wherever you need to go and get what you need. Be it birth control or anything else. I will pay for it all.” “You don’t have to do that. It is my body I can take care of it.” “No, Angel. You’re doing this for us. Allow me to do what I am supposed to do. I want to take care of you, now and always.” The smile she gave him was heart-warming, she returned his kindness and the fever of his kiss with an equal amount of passion. They sat in the car, indulging in each other; for what seemed to be forever and a half; until they finally broke for air. Neither wanted to go, but they both had other matters to attend to. They would decide on a date to go to the local clinic, where Kimberli wouldn’t have to use her health insurance. In hopes, to avoid medical statements, being sent to her house that might alert her mom of their secret plans. He gave her a final peck on the lips before she exited. As John drove home, he was ecstatic. The idea of her giving herself over to him was a dream come true. He had to deliver; their first time together had to be unforgettable. Gripping the steering wheel, he imagined finally fulfilling his lustful needs, and hers. She might be his Angel, but he bet she had a devilish side waiting to be released. He reclined his head against the headrest, he had to clear his mind, she wasn’t ready, but damn she was so close. All he needed was for her to say on your mark and get set because he was ready to go.
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