To Be Loved

2695 Words
Two weeks after they had their talk, Kimberli and John were on their way to the clinic for Kimberli’s scheduled appointment. With his wrestling practices and matches, it was the first time he had been available to take her. They skipped their afternoon classes to go, which wasn’t a huge issue. Kimberli rarely missed school and was doing well in all her classes. “Nervous?” John asked. “A bit,” Kimberli answered. “Don’t be Angel. I’ll be by your side.” Kimberli smiled. It was reassuring to know he would be with her every step of the way. The clinic itself was unassuming, located in a strip mall. They entered the facility; it was much like your typical doctor’s office, possessing that same sterile clean her mother smelt like after returning home from work. Mother. Kimberli literally shook her head to free her mind of any thoughts regarding her mother. If her mother had any idea that she had skipped class and was making plans to screw her boyfriend she would freak out. “Are you okay?” John questioned. His baby-blue eyes were clouded with concern. “Um, yes. I must’ve walked into a cobweb or something,” Kimberli replied. She would have slapped herself on the forehead for saying something so dumb. If it wouldn’t have caused John to question her sanity even more. He gave a bemused expression. Then chuckled, before saying, “Cobwebs? Angel, you and your stories.” As an easy smile played across his lips, Kimberli couldn’t imagine sharing the moment with anyone else, especially Jen. Had Jen been with her, she would have probably been too nervous to speak, let alone enter the office. Yet, with John, Kimberli felt as if anything was possible. His confidence gave her the courage to be selfish, and damn it felt so good not to care about anyone but herself for a change. John led the charge, with his hand securely holding hers, as he made confident strides towards the reception desk. She couldn’t help but smile and think, He’s mine. “Good afternoon, how may I help you?” Greeted the red-haired, bright-eyed, receptionist. She looked to be in her early thirties; her name tag read, Daphne. Her eyes shifted to both when she spoke her greeting, but rested solely on Kimberli for a response. “I’m Kimberli Hart,” Kimberli croaked. Her voice cracked worse than a seventh-grade boy going through puberty. John gave her hand a squeeze. She continued, “I have an appointment at 3 o’clock.” Daphne gave Kimberli a smile as if she has seen the same nervous energy many times before. She handed Kimberli a clipboard and instructed her to complete the registration forms. After completing the necessary paperwork and returning it; they waited a short while until a nurse called for them to go back. They followed behind her as she showed them to the examination room. She wasn’t as friendly as Daphne and seemed more preoccupied with getting through the preliminary vital checks than making conversation. After the nurse finished with her necessary tasks, she instructed Kimberli to undress from the waist down, then to cover herself with the blue paper sheet. The nurse gave John an expectant look. Her pointed gaze wasn’t lost on him. “I’m staying,” he stated. His stare was every bit as determined as the nurse's. The nurse’s eyebrows rose, at his bluntness. Before her face scrunched with disdain. Her gaze shifted to Kimberli for a moment before she abandoned her quest to banish John. “Very well, Dr. Darcy will be with you in one moment,” said the nurse, before she exited. Once they were alone, the mechanics of getting undressed in front of him became nerve-wracking. True, he had caressed her intimate places, but she had never been laid bare for his viewing, at least not completely. However, it wasn’t the time to shy away from such things. As she began to undo her jeans, sliding the material downward; he turned around as her pants passed her thighs. Kimberli breathed a sigh of relief. Delighted he somehow knew what she needed, without her uttering a word. Kimberli hurried to undress. When she was finished, she neatly folded her clothes and set them aside. She wrapped the paper sheet around herself and clumsily positioned herself on the table. There was a knock on the door, and Kimberli beckoned for whoever to enter. A cheerful middle-aged woman with salt-and-peppered hair entered. “Good afternoon, Miss Hart. I’m Dr. Darcy.” Dr. Darcy greeted. She extended her hand to Kimberli and then to John to shake. “Hello,” Kimberli replied. Her throat was dry and scratchy, she had to swallow a few times to lubricate her voice box. “Thank you for seeing me.” Dr. Darcy smiled, as she pulled a chair alongside Kimberli, her eyes swiftly glanced in John’s direction as she took a seat, her professional smile remained in place. “So, Miss Hart,” Dr. Darcy stated, she then pulled a portal computer desk before her. She typed for a bit, no doubt viewing Kimberli’s chart. “You are here because you want to start birth control, correct?” “Yes ma’am.” Dr. Darcy's eyes searched Kimberli’s. Though she hadn’t said a word, her gaze challenged the conviction of her words. “Dr. Darcy with all due respect you’ve read her chart,” John interjected. Interrupting their staring match. “I’m sure your schedule is very busy. Kimberli is nervous enough as it is, let’s not drag things out.” He ended with a smirk. Kimberli held her breath, she wanted to apologize for his crass behavior. Just when she managed to find her voice, Dr. Darcy responded. “You are correct, my schedule is very busy. So, if you wouldn’t mind stepping out so I can better assess Miss Hart’s needs; that would be highly beneficial.” John's brows creased. Kimberli almost thought he was going to argue or worst give his famous line, “Do you know who I am?” However, when all he did was clench his jaw, something he does when he’s angry or stressed, she knew he was going to heed her not-so-subtle rank pull. John was the man at school, and around town; but in her practice, he wasn’t the boss, she was. Once they were alone Dr. Darcy’s nicer side showed without restriction. The lighthearted way Dr. Darcy spoke put Kimberli at ease. After the examination they had a Q & A, when Kimberli had asked all the questions she had, Dr. Darcy stood. Kimberli thought it was a sign that the appointment was over. However, when Dr. Darcy handed her a brochure with a big X over the word abuse, Kimberli frowned. “What’s this?” Kimberli questioned. “Just something I want you to read over. If you ever need assistance, you can call the number on the back.” Kimberli skimmed over the literature. It spoke of healthy relationship boundaries, how to spot controlling behaviors and other nonsense that didn’t apply to her, as far as she was concerned. “I am not in an abusive relationship!” Kimberli nearly screamed. Suddenly her throat began to tighten as she wondered how Dr. Darcy jumped to such a crazy notion. Kimberli shove the pamphlet at her, but Dr. Darcy tucked her hands into her lab coat. “Keep it, if for nothing more than reading material.” She spoke. Then she left before Kimberli could argue any further. John isn’t dangerous, Kimberli reasoned with herself. Yes, he was sometimes a bit compulsive, but never did she ever feel threatened. Kimberli shoved her legs into her jeans. As she finished dressing, she couldn’t help but think about what drew Dr. Darcy to such a dark conclusion. She hastily exited the exam room, to see Johnny seated in the waiting room. He stood, upon her arrival. “Is everything okay?” He asked. Kimberli nodded, not wanting to go into specifics and upset him with Dr. Darcy’s concerns. They waited to be called up, to collect her medication from Daphne at the front desk. She reminded Kimberli to wait the recommended seven days before relying on the contraceptives as a form of birth control. As they exited, John reminded Kimberli of his own physician appointment, to get an updated STD test. She was glad he suggested getting tested. Which only proved to her that he cared for her, despite everyone else’s concerns. In the following days, Kimberli had some minor complications while taking the pills. Mild nausea and hot flashes were the side effects she encountered. John catered to her every need. Getting her everything from medicine to foods that wouldn’t further induce her symptoms. Soon, he was a permanent fixture in her household. So much so, that her mother had started setting a place for him for dinner on her off day. Weeks passed and her body had completely adapted to the drug. John had been nothing short of amazing, not even after the seven-day recommendation did he ever pressure her to have s*x. It was funny, the odd tingle that struck her every time their eyes connected. It was like nothing she ever experienced before. There was only one word to convey the emotion, and that was love. They hadn’t said the word, but it seemed to always be on the tip of each other’s tongues. The weekend was approaching, and John said he had a surprise for her. As she waited for him to finish with practice, she wondered what it could be. Finally, he made an appearance. His wide smile made her heart thunder. They greeted each other with a chaste kiss, suitable for polite company. However, the moment they were alone in his car they jumped on each other's bones. The s****l tension between them had escalated to a fever pitch. John reclined his seat, adjusting it as far back as it could possibly go. Kimberli straddled him, their lips never once broke connection as she did. His hands were everywhere and anywhere she wanted them to be. “Angel,” John spoke. Breaking away from their kiss to speak. “I know I said I could wait but it is getting harder for me to resist you. I don’t know how much longer I can remain strong.” Kimberli smirked before she rubbed against his hardened length. A deep groan escaped from his lips; his head fell back onto the headrest. “What if I said I was ready?” Kimberli asked. His head shot up and his eyes pierced hers with an intensity she had never seen in him. He looked like a caged animal, that had been starved and she was the fresh meat waiting to be devoured. “Angel now isn’t the time to play games.” “I’m not playing. I want you.” He laughed and swiped a hand down his face. His eyes eased as the sensual tension drained from his feature, and a cocky smile spread across his perfectly formed lips. “Well, I guess it's time to reveal my big secret. I want to take you to my family’s cabin in the woods. It's private and cozy. We can be alone for the weekend.” “That sounds perfect,” Kimberli squealed. She was giddy with delight. A weekend alone with Johnny sounded like heaven on earth. Of course, she had to create a believable lie. John shook his head, but there was no way Kimberli was going to tell her mom the truth. So, the story was that Kimberli would be spending the night at Tessa’s house. They had been in communication, despite Kimberli not talking to Jen. Plus, it was comforting to know that someone would know her true location, just in case of an emergency. A few days later, they'd arrived at the charming quaint cabin. Kimberli stretched as she stepped out of the car. The three-hour trip wasn’t too bad, considering they had to leave right after school. Daylight would soon giveaway to nightfall. The autumn leaves had turned shades of yellow and orange; some still hung loosely on their balding tree limbs; just waiting for a gust of wind to blow them far and away. Kimberli breathed in the crisp, fresh air; scented with the earthy fragrances of the forest. Once night has fallen, the great s****l expectations she had promised would need to be fulfilled. Kimberli’s heart fluttered with anticipation of what a night alone with Johnny would entail. “Oh, Johnny. This place is breathtaking,” Kimberli said. “Thanks, it has been in the family for as long as I can remember. We used to come here when I was younger. Before my mother passed.” There was a hint of sorrow within his words, wrapping her arms around his waist she hoped her loving gesture would ease his pain. He cuddled her and returned her kind gesture with a tender peck on the lips, before giving her a slap on the ass to hurry and get inside. Kimberli squealed, as she did what he commanded. She shoved open the door to the cabin. John, hot on her heels, flicked the light switch. Kimberli's grin stretched from ear to ear, she loved it! The open-concept floor plan allowed visibility of every room, except the bathroom upon entering. The decor was cozy, unlike the mansion, John shared with his father, the cabin screamed warmth and tranquility. “The bedroom is on the landing, on the second level,” John leaned over to whisper into her ear. Kimberli giggled as she spotted the ladder and began to climb. “I feel like we are sleeping in a giant bunk bed,” she joked. John followed closely behind, a hand lightly resting on her hip steadying her ascension. “If so, I want to be on top,” John quipped. His s****l innuendo was dutifully noted, but Kimberli was too in awe of the cabin’s glory to comment. Once there, John dove onto the bed. The mattress bounced beneath the velocity of his movement. He outstretched his arms and Kimberli gladly climbed on top of him and rested in his embrace. It had been a long day and unwinding with her man was exactly what she needed. “Johnny, I think I like your surprises.” “Is that so, then you will like what I have planned for tonight,” he said. His voice was as smooth as velvet. The anticipation of what was to come, both excited and frightened her. As twilight fell, John just finished gathering firewood to burn for their bonfire. They had hot dogs, smores, and other camp food items. Kimberli had never been camping before, she felt like a kid in a candy store. She hadn’t smiled this much since, ever. It dawned on her how blissfully satisfied she was to be with John, the joy she had couldn’t be hidden even if she desired it to be. “I love it when you smile,” John commented. The fire cast a golden glow upon his face. He was glorious and he was hers. He licked his lips, before he added, “And, I love you.” Kimberli was so taken by his words, that she stopped breathing, she couldn’t formulate a proper response. He loves me. He loves me! The phrase echoed throughout her mind as she wrestled with the thought of holding his heart within her hands. Yet, one thing she knew for sure, she only had to set her nerves aside to say the words. “I love you too,” she confessed. The smile that spread across his face warmed her more than the bonfire. He wrapped his arms around her frame. They began to kiss, their passions released in waves as they became consumed with love for one another. She had never needed anyone as she needed him, and she knew he felt the same. This was love and she would never let him go.
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