Chapter One-3

2002 Words
“Okay. Try this…” she heard the voice say and felt the thing in her mouth slowly expand. It kept getting bigger until she felt that she could no longer breathe and then it deflated a fraction and air once more flowed into her nose and through her throat. Shit. An inflatable gag is not what I need, Bibi thought, trying to chew the fat rubber thing in her mouth. Time passed and Bibi hung there, suspended in the frame, unable to move anything but her fingers and toes and these were slowly tuning out and going numb. “You still with us?” the voice, distant and blurred, asked. Bibi nodded slightly. The voice went away and time settled in, unmoving, unchanging. It seemed like an hour. Maybe more. Bibi swallowed, still fighting the huge gag d**k, and waited for the next event. It came in the form of her original expectation. Again she felt Nate between her legs and this time it was his warm hands that manipulated her, slowly, carefully, playing with her cunt, the damned dangling weights and their merciless metal clips, her bright red ass, her swollen and begging clit. Wringing more heat from her suspended body, Nate toyed slowly with her s*x, running one and then two or three fingers in and out, titillating the edgy clit, building her tension, temperature, respiration and heartbeat until she was screaming for him to penetrate her, to do anything that would bring her some release. When he entered her, it was beyond devastating. Bibi’s s****l past contained enough cosmopolitan experience for her to know that this time, the effects were going to be different from the usual, no matter what the usual was. Nate went slowly, holding back, sounding her depths, titillating her, teasing her with his prick and his hands roaming over her body, his fingers tweaking her pinioned n*****s and then squeezing the firm, rounded globes swinging down from her heaving chest. When Nate finally gave in to his desires and began rutting without abandon, Bibi was there, rotating and jack hammering her ass and hips and yelling into the mouth-stuffing p***s gag, shaking the frame and driving Nate onward. The n****e weights whirled and then one after the other, popped off, dropping to the floor while Bibi screamed as the clamps tore themselves away from the suddenly free nips, leaving the rings imbedded in the swollen n****e tissue. In a moment or two, the clamps on her labia released as well, pushed out of the way by Nate’s bullish attack on her wide-open cunt. This time, Bibi felt almost nothing because the sensations coming from between her legs were so intense, so massive, that merely losing the weighted clamps was lost in the frenzy of s****l merging. Nate was losing himself as well and near the final few seconds, he was on top of Bibi, grinding into her cunt and squeezing her suspended t**s with both hands, biting into the back of her neck and screaming along with her. When the end came it was totally, amazingly earthshaking and she allowed it to engulf her, to enshroud her in its enormity. Her orgasms lasted so long that Nate opened up the mouth hole of the hood and pulled the huge deflated gag prong out, allowing her to breathe better, asking her if she wanted release and Bibi continuing to just writhe and moan, seemingly for an hour. She vaguely felt the c**k gag from her mouth being easily inserted into her cunt, driven all the way home and then slowly inflated until it filled her fully. Its presence was like a small band aid on an open wound and it did nothing to slow or ease the continuing orgasmic earthquakes taking her body and her soul elsewhere. She tugged at her steel bonds, twisted and turned her restrained hips and shook her hooded head and then, suddenly the lights went out. She passed out from the exertion and went limp in the frame. When Bibi finally calmed down, she realized that she was lying on the carpet, free of the frame, but leather bound in a spider web of straps. They held her arms behind her back, elbows together, wrists webbed in leather, hands palm to palm. Her legs were strapped at the top of her sticky thighs, above and below her knees and again at the ankles. There was a belt around her waist and a thin strap running between her legs. Deeply seated inside her were two inflated rubber plugs, not unlike the one that had filled her mouth and throat earlier. The final and most effective binding was another thin strap that went from her pulled up ankles to the elbow strap, forming a rigid hogtie. Her body was bent in a cruel bowed arch. A large rubber ball gag was back in her mouth and, completing the picture she couldn’t see was a fleece-lined blindfolded. She shook her head, trying to free the blindfold, to clear out the cobwebs of confusion. She felt Nate lying on the carpet next to her, his hard hands massaging her ringed and clipped t**s, pulling at the hardened n*****s, teasing her. “So,” she heard him say. “How do you like the penthouse suite?” Bibi tried to nod but found that once again, her braid was fastened back to her bound elbows and her head was immobile. She nodded and groaned a bit. Just fine, she thought. Just fine. “Great,” said Nate, closing the n****e clips a fraction of a turn on the adjustment screws, pinching both n*****s simultaneously and driving spikes of pain through her chest. “Good news,” he added. “We’ve got the rest of the week here. I have cancelled all of our other appointments. You, my sweet little Berliner, are mine for the next five days.” Bibi wiggled her fingers. That was all she could move. Just her fingers. She wondered how Nate had taken care of her clients since the “Big Guy” was off the ship and the rest of his staff were devoting a lot of time to hanging around the ship’s bars and swimming pools. Nate was able to deal with his own bosses on the ship, but she realized it made little difference because in her current condition, there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. Down the hall, Mister Edgar Pomeroy was engaged in activities that were surprisingly similar to those of Nate and Bibi. His new girlfriend, the eager and stunningly beautiful daughter of an older couple on board, was lying snugly bound between his naked legs in the king size bed of his second stateroom. This cabin, per his specifications, was devoted to his more serious entertainments than the ostentatious Penthouse suite which was now occupied, with his express permission, by Bibi and Nate. What Bibi did not know was that the reason Nate had access to the Penthouse was because the various rooms and sections of the suite were all under video camera surveillance and the very active b**m exploits of Bibi and Nate were archived in the suite’s high end electronic storage system, for Pomeroy’s later viewing pleasure. But Edgar P was at this moment otherwise distracted in carrying out a training session for Joanie; the adorable, young, and enthusiastic redhead strapped and spread between his widely spread thighs. Joanie, who had plenty of boyfriends back home, had never encountered anyone like Edgar and if she had, they apparently had not chosen to share their individual perversions with her, so s*x and its various nuances had been, until Edgar, unrefreshingly dull. Now this had all changed. Edgar told her that she needed some refinement and that if she would allow him, he would teach her a few things that he doubted she would encounter elsewhere. One of those “things” was how to give head so carefully and artfully that the subject would be able to endure seemingly endless stimulation without coming until she wanted him to. Edgar had given Joanie a series of long and stimulating demonstrations regarding the subtle manipulations of his balls and scrotum, the lesser known details of how his anus was nearly as sensitive as her own v****a and the deeper mysteries concerning the erotic capabilities of internal organs that Joanie had never even heard of. Joanie was now in her second day of training. Her elder parents were more or less pleased that she had found someone close to her own age on the ship and they encouraged Joanie to carry on, discretely of course, with Pomeroy, which was what she thought she was doing. This lesson, therefore, was intended to show Joanie how to get Edgar’s enflamed and rock hard c**k half way down her throat without her gag reflex taking over. She was creatively fastened on her stomach, her arms and wrists strapped together behind her, her knees and ankles also strapped closely side by side. In her warm and tender little mouth was a chromed metal ring, inserted and lodged firmly behind her front teeth and held there with a leather strap buckled behind her head. Her long and straight, reddish-blond hair was neatly braided with another metal ring tied into the last few braided inches. Tied to this ring was a common leather dog leash that Edgar, reaching around behind her back, used to control the up and down position of her head. When he pulled back on the leash, Joanie’s head came back as well. When he released the leash, her head was allowed to sink down, and Edgar’ anxious c**k went deeper into her ringed mouth. Slowly, encouraged by Edgar’s movements, the tightly restrained little redhead worked the head of his d**k in and out of her ringed, lipstick-stained mouth, following most carefully his instructions, but at times seemingly recalcitrant for no other reason than to encourage his retaliatory punishment. When she failed to do as instructed, Edgar applied any one of several incentives: The riding crop resting within easy reach of his right hand was periodically invoked to improve Joanie’s tongue’s performance. The wooden paddle on his left was frequently and rather harshly used to slow her too rapid sucking and the tiny, radio controlled electrodes taped to her n*****s and imbedded deep inside her ass were activated when she made any one of several other common blowjob errors. The live dildoe in her tight little cunt only slightly distracted Joanie, because her attention seemed to wander from her paddle-burned ass to her oral receptors to her clothespin-clipped and electrode bound n*****s. The daisy chain of chromed ball bearings on a silver cable was packed tightly into her tender ass, sharing limited space in her colon with the electronic stimulators. When he wasn’t doing something else to wind up his new toy, Edgar would slowly tug on the ring at the end of the daisy chain and eject one or more of the steel balls. This always got a response from Joanie, no matter what other things Edgar as doing to her at the same time. At one point while he was stuffing the five large, well greased steel balls into her resisting asshole, Joanie, in a moment when she wasn’t gagged, whiningly asked why he was doing these things to her. Edgar, ever sensitive to his partner’s new quest for erotic knowledge, told her that in time she’d not only love what he was doing to her, but want more and bigger balls in her ass and elsewhere. Joanie, being an accepting person and anxious to learn, then concentrated on relaxing her ass so that more of the hard, chromed balls could be inserted. Perhaps for her own reasons, Joanie seemed to learn slowly. Edgar was patient and always interested in improving someone else’s limited education and so the couple spent hours and hours in the stateroom, deeply committed to these educational endeavors. To suggest that Joanie, at twenty-two, was being corrupted or taken advantage of by Edgar would have been only partly correct because, although she often expressed discomfort about Edgar’s methods, she willingly admitted that she was indeed learning a lot. Rapid and frequent applications of Edgar’s learning tools to her t**s, ass and other sensitive body parts apparently served both of their needs.
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