Chapter One-2

2019 Words
Bibi hummed and nodded once. Nate finished off the hood closure with the heavy-duty nylon zipper, pulling it down slowly, smoothing the thin leather over her skull and placing a small lock through the zipper slider and a D ring at its base. Bibi heard the lock click and knew that was more for effect than efficiency because there was no way she was going to be able to get out of the hood, lock or not, until her hands were free again. Another manipulation of the electronic panel activated hydraulic pistons in the individual arms of the frame and Bibi felt herself being elevated even more, but remaining horizontal. “That’s about right, don’t you think?” Nate asked, as he touched Bibi on the right buttock. The live, well toned flesh bounced and jiggled slightly. Again, Bibi nodded and hummed through the gag. She realized that she was now suspended at a height which brought her crotch just about level with Nate’s, just about the right height for Nate to be able to screw her without bending over. How clever, she thought, feeling Nate’s leather enclosed package rubbing lightly against her spread and open s*x. How really perfect. I can just hang here and he can f**k me in any orifice and I won’t be able to do a thing about it. How truly grand. I wish I’d had some of the champagne first though. Dimly, through the thin walls of the hood, she was sure she heard Nate stripping out of the leather jeans, then she felt his granite hardness pressing lightly against her center and she tried to move her own hips as well. But Nate only touched her for a minute and then there was no touch at all. What the f**k? thought Bibi, annoyed at this interruption. Nate was gone. She heard nothing, felt nothing but the wetness of her own s*x and the tight embrace of the four heavy cuffs and collar. Time seemed to stop. But then, she felt a tugging at her braid and her head was cruelly pulled back, the end of the long blond braid secured to yet another extension of the frame and then tightened even more until her neck was bent nearly ninety degrees and her face now aimed forward. Only the slightest of movements was possible. The strain on her neck was immense and this, coupled with the four rack-like entrapments of her limbs, brought pain that she had not expected. A second later the strain eased as the heavy steel collar pivoted and allowed her head to tilt further back. She tried to relax. She felt a belt being slipped around her waist and pulled tight. It seemed to have some sort of overhead support, for the strain on her arms and legs again lessened. But the belt also held her even more immobile than the four stretching cuffs and the head restraint. Nate was now playing with her n*****s. Squeezing, flicking them with his fingers, stretching each golden turret downward and to the extent of its reach, then releasing it and letting the whole globular breast recoil back against the chest wall, then jiggle a bit. Initially, this tit play seemed pointless and Bibi wondered if Nate actually intended to do anything more than just entice her. A sharp jab on her right n****e provided an immediate and urgent distraction. Nate snared the nip and slowly closed a tight little metal spring ring over the base of the dangling extension. When the ring closed, it was like fire. Bibi struggled in her confinement, tugging uselessly at her fettered ankles and wrists. The piercing pain in her tit only increased as she realized that Nate was adding some sort of weights to the already intolerable n****e-grabbing ring. Concentrating on this one agonizing torment, Bibi almost leapt out of the bondage frame when a second and similarly painful ring and weights were added to the left n****e. Nate took his time, making sure that the weights swung in neat arcs below the bound and hooded blond. Only when he had Bibi howling continuously into her gag did Nate slowly release some of the tension on the n****e rings. The release was minor and the slight reduction of the pulling pressure actually hurt more, but in a few seconds, the pain subsided a bit and Bibi thought that maybe, just maybe, she could endure this punishment, depending on what came next. In her head, she thought that if he didn’t swing the weights, then it would be alright. Lower down, in her swollen and liquefied crotch, she was getting more and more stimulated, thinking about having Nate ram his tool up inside her far enough so that the pinioned n*****s would play second fiddle to the hopefully anticipated f*****g she wanted. What she wasn’t expecting was the sudden pinch of a pair of silver clamps that slowly embraced her lower lips, with one side of the clamp reaching inside and the other arm driving its slightly sharpened edge into the sensitive exterior skin of her labia. Two of these terrible clamps now gripped her lips, and Bibi knew that the same sort of weights still attached to her t**s were bound to follow on these lower instruments of pain. The weights came, attached with care and cunning, making the slow increase of pressure all the more painful. Once again, while she screamed into the gag and hood, Nate altered the tension on her poor lower lips just enough to make it bearable. Then he was along side of her, his mouth next to her plugged and covered ear, murmuring how she would come to love the pain and enjoy what he was going to do to her next. Bibi jerked her sweating, stretched body, blathered unintelligible curses into the gag hood and tried not to move so that the four swinging weights remained more or less stationary. Yet, each breath, each shivering intake of fresh air through the nostril holes in the hood caused her chest to expand just a bit and this, in turn, brought motion to the swinging torment of her stretched n*****s. The next thing Bibi felt was a searing s***h of agony across her hips and ass. Nate swung a four foot long cane and carefully administered four brutal cuts, two left to right and two right to left, leaving her ass flaming in pain and showing a deep, swelling, red X. Bibi had been whipped before, by both friends and foes, but suspended in the pain frame was different. With her t**s and cunt stretched and weighted, the claustrophobic hood dulling all but tactile senses while Nate administered these four, unanticipated blows, she questioned her endurance and her own historical, long term embrace of the pleasure/pain experience. It wasn’t that she wanted him to stop; it was more of a mental shock as she questioned, for the first time in many years, her physical limits. More than one previous session with a cane had been to elicit confidential or secret information from her and in those cases, Bibi had deported herself well, she thought. If gagged while this was going on, she was able to rationalize the absurdity of being interrogated while unable to say anything. When they removed the gag and again asked her to tell them what they wanted to know, she was able to laugh in their faces and wait for the next blow. If she was not gagged, then the release of the expected and encouraged screams and cries usually was her mental and physical resistance device. Bibi was tough, but not stupid. When all else failed, she would capitulate, after holding out as long as she could and giving up as little information as possible. This strategy had served her well, often allowing her friends or saviors time to find and save her. In this case, she knew that neither tactic would work. Bibi had willingly abdicated her freedom by making the date and stepping into the torture frame. She had also, she knew, presented herself and Nate with the complex interpersonal alignment of the yes/no, more/less, more please/please stop conundrum. It was, she thought, like the first consensual date when she and her boyfriend both agreed to have s*x, but both of them questioning the act itself as the scene unrolled before them. Even as Bibi thought this through, she knew that the black and blue marks would remain for weeks. The cuts went from her hip at the waist to the other buttock where it met her thigh. A second line crossed this one, forming the scarring X and making Bibi scream into the leather stuffing her mouth. They hadn’t talked about whipping, but somehow she knew that something like this was going to happen and she did nothing to prevent it. The hurt in her breasts and wide-open cunt was lost in the flaming agony that spread across her back and hips, but the terrible weights swung in full arcs, tugging relentlessly at her poor stretched nips and lips. Bibi buried herself in the multiple pains, using one against the other, letting the searing fire from the cane wash over her back and reach down to touch and tingle the stretching n*****s and gravity tormented lips. Deep inside her open and stretched p***y, she felt the intense need to be penetrated and harshly reamed with something, anything, to help quell this pain-based desire. Once again, Nate left her to simmer without any other touch while her ass continued to glow and her insides flipped about. Bibi felt something below her stomach and realized that Nate had placed some sort of cushioned support under her belly, providing even more relief from the strain on her wrists and ankles. Then the heavy zipper closure across the mouth of the hood slowly opened and the leather gag packing was pulled from between her teeth. Bibi tried to speak, but Nate’s fully aroused prick suddenly plugged her mouth. He thrust it in carefully, telling her quietly that she had better not bite or she would not like the punishment. Bibi almost choked with laughter. Bite him? She had no intention of biting his mouth-filling member and instead she began to carefully suck and lick, seeking a way to abate the molten lava already filling her own veins. Her ass was on fire, her cunt steaming and her arms and legs stretched to their max. What else could she do? Bibi sucked and licked while Nate thrust and withdrew, tantalizing her and then coming much too quickly, filling her throat with his hot semen and jerking his body against her hooded and braid-tethered face. The c**k withdrew and Bibi spit out as much of the warm c*m as she could, again trying to speak, but unable to form any words. The off-white stream of saliva and c*m ran down the front of the leather discipline hood. A different sort of gag was jammed into her mouth now and it felt much like Nate’s d**k except it was harder and went deeper, filling her oral cavity and reaching into the upper regions of her throat. Bibi choked and cried and the thing withdrew a bit. She swallowed and tried again, this time accepting its full length and then feeling the mouth opening of the hood closing again. The entire length of the new rubber d**k triggered her gag reflex and she had to concentrate to hold down the vomit caused by the load in her mouth and the thrusting rubber prick now resting there. Bibi knew about self-control of the gag reflex and was able to keep from choking, but she was not happy with this turn of events. Sensing this, Nate loosened the braid a bit, allowing her head to tilt forward slightly and taking the strain off both her neck and throat. “How are you doing, Bibi?” she heard a voice next to her ear ask softly. She nodded weakly. “You want out?” the voice asked. Her head shook from side to side. “You sure?” A nod. The brutal tit and lip weights swung in their arcs, but the pain was now generalized, no longer local. It was immense and total, so that only fractionally did one injury override the other.
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