Chapter One-4

1030 Words
At times, Edgar was certain that Joanie, like so many other bimbos he knew and f****d, was misbehaving just so she could be disciplined, however harshly. At some point in their classroom sessions, while she was tied to the heavy suspension rings overhead, to a chair or the handrails on the bathtub, Joanie, it seemed, would bait Edgar until he was forced to spank, paddle, flog or electronically punish her. On these occasions when her master’s prick was not readily available, he provided her with a poor substitute in the form of one of his many oral discipline devices. Most often these were large and larger plugs, pears, balls and faux pricks, some inflatable, some with curiously unpleasant liquid capacities and all capable of triggering Joanie’s oral receptors into a s****l response. Very early in this shipboard romance, if you can call it that, the two discovered that for Joanie, non-consensual s*x was infinitely preferable to the usual consensual kind. So, when Edgar told her as they danced in the ship’s lounge on their second date, that unless she slept with him that night he would whip her ass bloody, Joanie nearly had an orgasm on the dance floor. “Oh my God,” she moaned into Edgar’s ear. “You can’t do that here.” “I have the means and the intent,” Edgar whispered. “Then I must go. Now,” Joanie said, pulling away from him and almost running out onto the deck, stopping and turning around to make sure that he was following her. Edgar chased her easily, watching the girl in the short green dress play hide and seek as they circled the high deck and finally catching her as she leaned against a rail, trying to get her breath. From his pocket, Edgar pulled a simple Flexi cuff, a nylon cable tie, and wrapped it around her wrists, binding them tightly together with the palms facing outward. This position forced her shoulders back, thrust out her excellent and mostly uncovered breasts and made her breathe even harder. “You can’t…” she said, trying to pull away from him. “Too late,” Edgar whispered as he put his arm around her, pulled her Burberry wool shawl down over her pinioned wrists and hustled her up the nearby staircase to his number two stateroom. Once in the room, he pushed the unresisting redhead onto the huge bed and let her fall into the collection of pillows colorfully arranged on the top quilt. Joanie struggled slightly, allowed the tiny dress to ride well above her crotch, made indistinct whimpering cries and buried her pretty head in the pillows while Edgar put a wide leather strap around her elbows and pulled her arms back until the elbows nearly touched. Joanie gasped for air, kicking her feet until Edgar crossed her thin ankles and strapped them as well, then used another strap to bind her legs together at the knee and pulled her feet back and up, connecting them to her wrists. Joanie resisted the hogtie, but was soon almost totally immobilized, breathing heavily. “Humm,” mused Edgar, who was also breathing hard. “What shall I do with you now?” “I’ll scream,” Joanie breathed through clenched teeth, rolling onto her side and allowing both breasts to literally pop out of the top of her low-cut dress. “I have two brothers who play varsity football at Louisiana State and they will get you,” she added breathlessly. “I think not,” said Edgar. He put his thumb and forefinger on her nose, squeezing the nostrils until Joanie opened her mouth. In went a normal sized, red ball gag that Edger pushed deep into her open mouth and then secured with a wide leather strap that fastened behind her head. The strap pulled her cheeks back and lodged the ball in the center of her mouth, well behind her front teeth. “Mmmmmmmph,” Joanie burbled into the ball. “Etttt meee uhoooo.” “Let you go? No way. I just got you. Now I’m going to f**k you silly,” said Edgar, as he helped her exposed and perfumed breasts free themselves totally from the dark green velvet dress by cutting the bodice from top to bottom and pulling away the ruined cloth, exposing her black brocade corset and thong. Her smoky black stockings were the kind that stayed up with their own elastic lace tops and they nicely accented Joanie’s lovely, narrow thighs and smoothly rounded ass. “I’ll give you a choice, Joanie,” Edgar said as he removed his own clothing. “Mmmmm?” was the only answer Joanie was capable of. “f**k or suck?” “MMMMMMM?” louder, but still unclear. “Okay, I’ll f**k you and you can suck me afterwards.” “MMMMMMMMM!!!!!” “Okay, but you had better be really good at sucking. Otherwise, harsh penalties will follow.” “MMMMMM,” was the muted response from her mouth while the slow rotation of her hips provided a more graphic illustration of her desires and intentions Edgar was now naked as well and pushed her over onto her back, despite Joanie’s muffled complaints about her bound arms under her. He slowly unfastened the upper leg strap and Joanie realized that he had unbound her legs so that her crossed ankles came up under her ass and her knees spread wide as the strap holding her ankles and wrists closely together forced them apart. “How accommodating,” said Edgar, easily inserting himself between the spread and stocking-encased legs. “I hope you don’t mind, but I like girls with their stockings and shoes on, and those high heels are quite flattering, so we’ll leave them on if your don’t mind.” “Mmmmmmmm…” repeated Joanie, trying to find a less painful position while consciously aligning her s*x with his rapidly hardening prick. In an instant, Edgar was inside. No preliminaries. No foreplay other than the bondage and gagging, which seemed to bring Joanie so close to climax that the moment he penetrated her, she was writhing and moaning with more vigor than Edgar had ever encountered in his varied and extensive s*x life. The two came together with a force usually reserved for people struggling to survive some terrible physical challenge. The contest that followed was equal in terms of calories burned by running a couple of miles at top speed. In a few breathless minutes, they were exhausted; Joanie still twisting and jerking at her bonds and Edgar pulling out, totally drained, and rolling away to wonder exactly what had he gotten himself into. Poor little, innocent babe from East Goulashes, Louisiana, huh? Edgar thought. This woman could teach me a few things, I imagine.
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