04 || King Of Silence

1962 Words
.ELRISTEYA. I gulped hard and reached out to Joe’s hand then I dragged him to a corner with a glare directed at him. “What is the meaning of all of these? How could you trust a total stranger to take your sister home?” I whispered, ducking my head slightly to hide. He started to shake his head. “That guy over there is no stranger but my best friend.” He said and this even irritated me more. He said it with so much confidence that I might have thought that this Alec guy used some voodoo on him. I sent a quick glance at this guy, he was watching us too with a blank face then I turned back to my brother. “Yout just don't make best friends in one day or even two seconds. You need to go through trials of fights and quarrels.” His brows rose up. “Huh? Those are females friendship. Not males. You all need to go through the jealousy stage then making up stage then the stupid bestie stage but for guys, we see, we click.” He said simply. I was about to say something when he placed his finger on my lips. “Unless you want to wait for me to finish talking with Zoey and playing some soccer, you should go with him. I know he is our neighbor by the way. We spoke.” He added and I let out an exasperated sigh. “I need my own car.” I muttered under my breath and he huffed a scoff. “Wait till you are twenty, youngie.” He said and bypassed me. “Sorry for what my sister did. You know how little sisters behave.” Joe said with a slight chuckle. I gave him a look of confusion and turned to look at this Alec guy. He also nodded and that earned him a surprise look from Joe. “You have a younger sister too?” He asked. Alec glanced at me and nodded. “Wow. That's nice. You know what? Don't let me keep you both waiting. You can go.” He said. I looked at him with a pleading expression but the fucker actually waved at me with a smile. “Alec, make sure my sister arrives home safely.” He said for the last time and I jammed the door. Alec seemed to wait for a second before strapping on his seat belt. I noticed him taking a huge breath. I did the strapped mine too and waited for him to ignite the engine and get this over with. Since he has decided to go all dumb on me, why should I bother talking to him? He ignited the car’s engine and we began the journey of ten thousand miles. Okay it is not even up to a mile. The kind of silence that descended in our midst is enough for a pin to be heard if dropped. Even breathing seemed constrained. I could not relax my shoulders. How was he even dealing with this? Well, I think I got a nickname for him. King of Silence. Because personally, I need more than oxygen to breathe and this guy’s cologne is all over the place and filling my senses. I fell back on my chair and just like that, his hands reached out and turned on the AC. I slid my eyes to him at what he did. He knew I was uncomfortable. Was he also uncomfortable? Well, he should be. Taking a stranger home, cancel that, your best friend’s sister whom you slammed the door on home is something to be quite uncomfortable about. My phone beeped with a message alert, making me jerk and Alec pause. Pulling it out, I checked who sent the message only for me to see it was Lestiana. She wrote, ‘Gotten home. You?’ So quick for her. What did I expect before? Being from a wealthy family got its perks. “Yes” I replied. I waited for her response but nothing came. Maybe she was busy or interruptedm I sighted our building and relief washed over me as I was finally going to be free from this guy. As if he did not want to spend another second with me, he increased the speed and soon pulled over at the entrance of our house. I unbuckled the seat belt and pushed the door open. Should I thank him? No, he won’t reply anyway. Sending a quick glance at him, I stepped out of the car and hurried to the door without looking back. I noticed that he did not move for a while and I turned around to see him looking ahead of him. Was he waiting for someone? It is none of my business. I pushed the door to our house open and went in. As I clicked the door knob, the starting screech of the car’s ignition sounded and I heard a voom! Did he wait for me to enter first? What did he take me for? A young girl? I should not be thinking like that. All of these was Joe’s fault. If he had not asked him to take me. Mom was yet to get back from the nanny job she does and Dad always come back at night so I am the only one at home. Time to call Lestiana. .ALEC. I drove into the garage, my fist white from clenching too hard during the drive. If there was a drive I had ever done and I was uncomfortable, this would top the list. Her f*****g scent filled my senses that I could hardly even focus on the road. And my wolf was not making it easy for me. He kept tugging at me to speak to her or even look at her. I knew that if u had stared at her and she also stared at me. She would have seen my wolf and that would have created a lot of problem. A problem that he almost created the day we met and I had to slam the door to her face. I agree that that was no good way to behave towards someone. At least not your other half. This was definitely going to be hard than I thought. ‘You should have spoken to her.’ My wolf said as he glared hard. He was mad. I shook my head negatively and slammed the door shut. “Spoken to her about what? Dude, she is a human and my best friend’s sister.” I replied. And speaking of that, all I can say is that the things that are happening right now are overwhelming for me and I could hardly focus. Joe had met me during the time I was exiting the principal’s office and with a grin he had greeted me and told me that I was his new long lost best friend. I knew what had happened. In fact, I knew it so deep when I met him. He did not know. Or maybe he knew, he did not say anything. I learnt that he was busy in other classes that he could not come to mine. But things like this hardly or rather rarely happen. This siblings next door were going to be the end of me. Dropping my school bag, I tugged at my tie and pulled my shirt off. It reeked of her scent and I swallowed hard before dumping it in the basket. Turning to the kitchen, I picked my phone and sent a message to Joe since we exchanged contact almost immediately. ‘Your sister was delivered safe and sound.’ His sister. Elristeya. His sister. Elristeya. That name. The moment I heard it, I was so turned on that I knew I was in for trouble. Everything about her was trouble and I knew better than to stay away from her. I opened the fridge and brought out the pizza I had planned to eat in the morning but because I was annoyed at Elris’ singing voice this morning, I think she was bathing, I left it with a hiss ripping through my lips. And now, I was back to eating it. I picked a bottle of coke and sat down before the television. What was I going to do now that I am far away from my parents and pack? I doubt anyone knew who or what I was. Everyone of them in RavenHigh were all humans and Joe... I don't know what to say about him. He and I have made a connection that could only be broken by betrayal and I know that he does not know yet. Maybe it is better he does not know anything yet. It would endanger his life and that of my ma... His sister. ‘You are a coward!’ I hissed out, ignoring him. ‘You have found your mate and you don't know how to approach her.’ I still ignored him. I was not scared to approach. But the timing was totally wrong. ‘Alec, you need to claim her before anyone does.’ And that is how wolves think. Always so primal and instinctive. Not waiting for a chance of relation at all. I downed the last content in the bottle and shoved the last piece of pizza in my mouth before saying, “She is a human. She does not know about us. And we don't need her. Keep your fangs in and stop thinking with your d**k and rather think with your head. Funny part is that you don't even think with your heart.” I replied him. ‘We need her. She is our mate. She is our Luna. Do you think you will be able to stay away from for so long? Let her fall in love with someone and I will forever lose my connection with you!’ Gosh, my head ached a lot. Having an Alpha wolf was one of the difficult job I have to carry for the rest of my life. ‘She is alone at home. Go and check on her.’ He suggested and my brows creased in confusion. Wolves are even more creative than their humans. But I held my ground. “No! We are going to sit here and watch this documentary then we do our homework and sleep. That was the plan, remember?” I asked him. But I could sense the hesitation as he retreated to the back of my mind. Good. This was just the beginning. We still have a long way to go. I stood up and headed to the bedroom where I saw the paper she had thrown into my room that night. Picking it up, I uttered a snort. If only you know that you are more than right for calling me an asshole. But I have to stay away from her. Things have just gone from bad to worse and I knew that very soon it would get to worst. She now has an over protective big brother and because I was once in his shoes, I would not want to see her with any guy. How would I deal with this? Moving towards my window, I looked out and my heart skipped a beat as I locked gaze with Elris. Why was she standing here? Instantly, adrenaline rush to my groin and I knew I was done for. Breaking the eye contact, I moved away from the place swiftly and I knew at that instant that I was indeed a coward. I closed the curtain and slumped down on the bed. Moon goddess, help your son. And as if I imagined it, a voice came. “I already helped you.”
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