05 || Elris -f*****g-teya

2165 Words
.ELRISTEYA. The Next Day, I ambled through the crowd as I looked forward to see what or who was causing the crowd and gathering attention. Well, some students always gather attention everyday, whether it was bullying a lower class student or a guy breaking up with his girlfriend who thought they would be together forever, there is always one occasion to be watched and I mean, that is the fun in school right? Lestian was yet to arrive at school and my dad had dropped me this morning since it seemed like Joe and Alec had left togther. I had overheard him speaking to Alec about racing to school together first thing in the morning so yes, he abandoned me and I could say that Alec has successfully stolen my brother's attention and left me with nothing. That brought me to remember what had happened yesterday. Alec had walked over to his window, not expecting to me there. I obviously saw how shocked he was because he went rigid and I also stilled in shock. It was like I caught a different him and he was scared that I did. Hmm, this best friend of my brother is something else. As expected it was Samantha, the school bird, she was standing before... Alec. My brows creased together in confusion. What was happening? I looked around for Joe, maybe he could save him from her but Joe was no where to be found. I thought they said a friend in need is a friend indeed. Huh! Best friends indeed. Just as if on cue, Alec turned around and our eyes clashed. His brows somewhat twitched as he saw me, and his nose widened a little before I noticed his jaw clenching. Was he angry? “If there is nothing, I will take my leave now.” Alec said and I watched him turn around to leave. Samantha stood there, she had a smile on her lips and twirled her dark hair around her index finger. She should be shameless, she was hitting on a new student. Why was I even mad that she was hitting him? The students began to disperse and I checked to see if my best friend arrived yet but no. Sighing, I made my way to the library for prep before the actual class began. As I stepped into the place, students sat at every corner, this place was tranquil and serene enough for you to think about your life all thanks to the struct rules of the school. I searched for an empty area and settled down before bringing out my homework and plugged in my phone head set then I began to go through my home work. I studied for some minutes before the alarm rang, indicating that it was time to go through another subject. I packed the notes I used and brought out another. Looking up to take note of my surroundings, the cologne of someone quite familiar filled nostrils. Alec was here? We shared eye contact, my heart skipped several beats at a time at the intensity he used in staring at me. He did not look away like he always did instead he stared on, waiting for me to look away and I did. I looked away because something was starting to happen and I did not know what it was. I sent a glance at him and he was looking back to his book, this time Joe was sitting next to him, showing him something in the his book. One thing is that Joe was a good artist, he knows how to make virtual image into a real image and it was one of the gifts he had that I envy really much. I looked back at my book and continued reading, the hairs of my back standing at being constantly gaped at. With quick speed, I brushed through the book as if his gaze was the important encouragement I needed most. As though the bell ringer knew I needed the bell being rang, the bell was rung and the rate at which I stood up I could have won a marathon with it, okay just joking, I packed my things and scurried out to the library, from my peripheral I noticed he watched me leave. What was he doing exactly? .ALEC. The bell was rung and it was time to return to class. I shook my head as Joe still kept on showing the images of cars has had drawn in his book. What if I tell him that I also draw and it is a special gift of mine my father despises? I had initially wanted to go to school of artistic designs to brush up my drawing skills but my father had gone against it, saying that why would an Alpha like me be an artist. I was really pained because he never supported me when it comes to things I loved doing. All he wanted was I perfect the things he chose for me. That was why I ran away from home but I know that it only with time that he will find me. When I thought I was finally going to be let alone, these human girls were not going to let me be. That girl names Sara or is it Samantha had planted a peck on my cheek in front of the other students which led to the crowd gathering. The moon goddess knows what I would have done to her if we were alone. When I told Joe about it, he had just told me brush it off but I knew something was off with the way he spoke. I would ask him later on. Now back to Elris, I was not expecting her to be at the library. In fact, I had run away from that place because of her not knowing I would meet her here, staring seriously at her book. She was looking so attractive, even nerds could not look as pretty as she did even when she did not dress like them. I could not even take my eyes off her even when I vowed not to pay her any attention. She must have been surprised when she saw that I did not take my gaze away. I did it for two reasons; one, I could not fight against the urge to stare at her and two, I wanted to know if she would cower at my gaze which she did not. She just looked back to her book and the way she did things in a rush made me know that the bond was the one affecting her. I shook my head and began to pack my things into my bag, Joe did the same too and we both stood up and exited the place. We walked to the class and I did my best to avoid any eye contact with Samantha, I think. I settled down and awaited the teacher that will teach us. She soon entered and the lecture started. She asked questions and my classmates answered some while she answered some herself. I just watched and kept my mouth shut, even Joe did which was surprising. The best friend is really getting to my head because I now include Joe in everything I think and say. But what if he finds out what I am? My stomach rolled with anxiety and I relaxed against my chair. I sent a glance across to my Beta, yes he was my chosen Beta which rarely happened. That was why we were able to click together at first sight but now... Will he be scared of me? Well, that is for the future to decide. I should relax while it lasts. As soon as the teacher was done, another female teacher entered. I have not seen this one since I came and maybe she was new. She he liked quite young and pretty by the way, hey, I am not hitting on her. I have got my other half. She introduced herself and started teaching. All this while, my ears twitched as I heard what some guys at the back were saying about her hips and her body. Oh please. She has managed to get these boys’ d***s to rise in the short time that she was here. After she was done writing on the board, she asked some questions and some guys rose up to answer, stylishly teasing her which she laughed to. I looked out of the window, not minding her. “The boy at the window.” She called. I turned my gaze to her and did not bother to rise up. “Aren’t you in the class?” She asked. I looked around the class, eyes were turned to me and giggles and chuckles spread out in the class. “I am obviously sitting in the class.” I answered her and she raised a brow at what I said. She must be surprised that her charm did not work on me. A smirk slowly curled at the corner of her lips and I knew that this lady was not ordinary. It seemed that she got that I already suspect her so she proceeded to pack her books. “Class is over. You,” She looked at me. “Meet me in my office.” She said and I let out a deep breath. I waited for some minutes before standing up and walked out of the class. The bell for lunch break soon rang on my way and the students rushed out of their classes. I bumped into Elris who was standing in the hallway with her phone close to her ear, as if she did not want anyone hearing what she was saying. I quietly walked into the adjourned room so that she won’t notice me. Dread filled my guts as I approached her office. Pushing the door opened, she lifted her gaze up to me and I waited for to speak but she took her time in going through whatever files she was reading. “What are you?” She asked me, not looking up at me at all. What? Am I a thing for her to use what to refer to me? I did not answer instead I lifted my chin. A smile curved her lips but she soon subdued it. “Who are you?” She asked. “You are a witch.” I said and that made her pause and slowly looked at me. “That was not the answer to the question I asked.” She scoffed. “I was just saying.” I replied nonchalantly. “How did you know?” She asked. I shrugged. “Who wouldn’t? Your charms were quite obvious.” “Not obvious for a human.” She cut in. We stared at each other for a while. Then I said, “Only humans are susceptible to your charms.” “And you are not?” She asked, her eyes gleaming with delight. My throat bobbed as I dragged my gaze away from her. She was enjoying this, I knew it. She gave me a scrutinizing look. “You are a mated Alpha. No wonder you were not bewitched.” She said and this time I stared at her. “But not marked.” She made note which made my heart skip a beat. I released a deep breath. “Why are you here?” I asked her. “To work?” “To lure innocent humans.” I corrected her. She chuckled softly and looked at me in the eye. “I am quite older than you, boy.” She said with warning tone. I uttered a snort. “You are older than me. Not quite.” I clarified and she shook her head with a chortle. “Which pack do you head?” She asked. “Not for you to know.” I replied. She looked at me again. “I won’t come in your way and you should also not come in my way.” She said and I tilted my head at what she said. “I won’t have you tricking innocent boys and girls to fulfill the lustful desires of a few hundred years old witch.” I spoke out. “What can a young Alpha do?” She questioned, her eyes dimming with uncertainty. I refused to give her answer instead I rose up, “You are quite matured in this world. You should remember what your ancestors did for your generation to have the access to the human world.” I said and her face fell flat. I smiled a little and walked out of the office with my hands in my pocket. I bumped into someone and reached out before the person could fall. Suddenly, sparks sliced through my body in great currents as I looked down at the only person capable of causing me to feel that. Elris-f*****g-teya.
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