03 || Whose Best Friend?

2173 Words
.ALECANDER. Coming here was hectic. And did I say coming? I meant running away. I thought I was finally going to have some peace and quietness but this... This is even more stressful than applying in the werewolf academy. First, it was the never ending eyes that turned to me as soon as I stepped into the compound of the school and then the endless introduction to teachers but now, it was this young girl that offered me her seat. This young girl whom I found her name to be Elristeya and my... I shook my head as I took my gaze away from her. The only young girl I had vowed to keep off. She was not meant for me. She wasn't meant for a broken person like me. And she was doing things to me and to add to it, she does not even know. I shifted in my seat. Think of what to say, Alec. My throat bobbed as I tried to open to speak but nothing came out. Speak dummy. “You could order what you want to eat.” She said with a small smile tugging at her lips as if she was happy that I finally listened to her words. That brought back the memory of the day she had come to welcome me. I had literally slammed the door to her face. The fact that I had moved in three days prior to the day she came made me think no one would bother me but she came with that smile that made my heart skip and a tray of good looking if not really tasty cookies which I would say I regretted not eating that day. I knew she was mad at me because I saw the paper she threw into my room but I have decided not to pay her any attention. She had called me asshole to made me know she was mad at me. It was my wolf instincts that had pushed me to accept her offer but anyway... “I guess you remember me, right?” She asked, looking at me closely. I tilted my head to the side and she seemed to withdraw. Wasn't she mad at me anymore? You will never understand humans. The girl beside her cleared her throat and she straightened up. I glanced between them and my eyes zeroed on the girl. She was... “Elristeya, why don't you just leave him to help himself? Obviously, he is the type that does not like being disturbed.” She said almost immediately as if she knew I could find something wrong with her if she had not interrupted. I turned back to Elris who cut her a glare. Was she already attracted to me? I don't blame her. That is how the bond works. “Okay, if that is the case. Break will soon be over. You should eat.” She said. Did she care about me? I noticed her jaw tightened and then they stood up. They both scurried out of the cafe and the breath I did not know I was holding escaped my nostrils. Gosh. Her scent was overwhelming. I scrambled up and went to the counter to order for my food. After I was done, the break was even yet to be over when I settled in the class and brought out a novel and got engrossed in it. “Hi,” I heard a feminine voice say but I ignored it. I continued reading. She walked before me and pulled the book from me. Anger bubbled through my veins at the utter disrespect. Calm down, Alpha man. I raised my eyes that was almost hard with a glare at her but do you know she did? She smiled and my eyes narrowed at her. “Hey, you just resumed today and you hardly even spoke to any of us.” She said. I knew what she meant. After I was introduced to the teacher that was in Elris’s class, I had walked into the class without even acknowledging the teacher that was even teaching. Eyes had turned to me and could not stop as I took my seat at the back of the class. I looked at her fully and took in her features. She looked just like how humans do. “I am Samantha Morris.” she extended her hand and I gazed at it without collecting it. She let out a scoff as she slowly withdrew it. “You really have to come out of your shell if you want to survive in RavenHigh.” She said and I let out a deep breath. I picked up my pen and wrote on one of my books. “Can you just leave me the hell alone?” She picked it and read it. I was expecting her to hiss and leave but instead she laughed and her eyes gleamed with amusement. “So you hear what I was saying. I actually thought you were deaf and was beginning to wonder when RavenHigh began to allow disabled students into the school.” She said as more laughter bubbled in her throat. “Anyways, I will leave you. See you around,” She looked at my name on the book and back up at me with a smile. “Alec.” Then she stood up and went to meet her group of friends. My ears twitched as I heard the gibberish they were saying. The bell rang and they all settled properly in their seats. Two teachers came in and taught one after the other but my mind was hardly in what they were saying. The last teacher that came in was the one who I knew I would hate for as long as I am in RavenHigh. She looked around and pointed stand up which I did. “You are new, right?” She questioned and I nodded. “Can you come forward to introduce yourself?” She moved a bit from her position and I tried as much as not to shake my head as I walked to the board and faced the class. Eyes stared at me expectantly and I cleared my throat. “I am Alecander Blackford.” I introduced. Some girls smiled while some winked at me. The guys on the other hand snickered and some of them remained unaffected. “You can go back to your seat, Alex.” The teacher said but I turned to her this time and said more loudly. “Alec.” I corrected and she seemed confused for some time but she came around and gave a soft nod which propelled me to go back to my seat. The day was soon over and we were all dismissed to go to our various houses. But I had to wait behind because I was to see the principal before leaving. As I walked through the corridors that led to his office, I came across Elris who seemed surprise to meet me. He er eyes sort of brightened up and her lips formed a tight smile. I guess no one knew that we are neighbors and it has to stay that way, for now. I refused to acknowledge her as I passed by her without giving her a second glance. I got to the secretary place and she did not even bother to look from the file she was going through. “How may I help you?” She asked. I guess my cologne must have gave me away. “Alec Blackford. Here to see the principal based on appointment.” This time she looked up and eyed my appearance. With a brow raised slightly, she ushered me that enter with small move of her head. I gave her curt bow before proceeds s ing into his office. ELRISTEYA Seems like he was truly dumb. Lestian had said it and I sort of argued with her that he could speak but after what happened during the break and now, I don't think I can argue more on a topic relating to him at all. He had literally seen me and when I thought he was going to acknowledge me or something, he brushed by me and went straight to the principal’s office. I guess he was going to speak there, wasn't he?. Even during the break, I thought letting him sit with me will make us call whatever is between us a truce and he would like a gentleman that he is obviously not tender his apology for slamming a freaking door to my face but no, he gave me even more reason to be mad. I was not going to be mad. I am was a good person and maybe he had his reasons. I shook my head as I picked my bag and turned to Lestian who had her brows furrowed at her phone. “Anything the issue?” I asked. She shifted her gaze up instantly as if she was expecting me to see her. She quickly smiled and turned off her phone. “Nothing.” I arched my left brow and she chuckled and lightly. “It is nothing, I promise you.” She said and I let it go. Lestian was passing through enough and I did not want to bug her to tell me. I am her best friend and I know she would tell me when she deem it comfortable. With concern visible in my face, I reached for her hands. “Know that you can always stay with me at my house if your house is getting noisy.” She knew what I meant by the term ‘noisy’. She placed her hand over mine as her lips formed a grateful smile. “Thank you. At least I will get a chance to your hot brother in his pajamas.” This time I snickered and snatched my hand from hers. “You are not welcome any longer.” I huffed and she laughed. My eyes soon returned to their dullness when I noticed just how forced the laughter. She did not notice as she picked her bag and we both left the class. I pulled out my phone and dialed my brother’s number. It rang for a few minutes before he picked it. “Hi,” “Where are you? Are you not leaving now?” I asked him. I heard him chuckle. “Elris, I am not going now. I am with my new best friend. But you can come over to the park.” He said and my brows knitted together. New best friend. When has he ever had a best friend? “Okay.” I disconnected the call and turned to Lestian who was also making a call. Maybe to her rich father. Lestian was from a wealthy family and RavenHigh would have been a ridiculous school to find people with the same class as her but as the years went by, RavenHigh proved its worth so here we are with students always trying to get in even though it is no easy feat at all. She finished the call and as if on cue, a car drove toward us and she faced me with a smile. “Get in, I will drop you off at home.” She said but I shook my head. “Joe said I should meet him at the car park so you don't need to worry. Get going.” I said. She seemed to think about it for some seconds before giving up. “Okay, see you tomorrow then. I'll give you a call tonight.” She added and I waved at her. Once her car drove out of sight, I began my journey to meet my brother and his new best friend. I scanned through the park and Joe’s awful laughter rang out from behind me. Who was he laughing with? I turned around and saw his dark brown hair. He was standing before someone and I approached him. As soon as I got to his place, my first glance at the person who stood with his hands in his pockets made me halt to a stop and stare blankly at them for a second. Joe noticed me, he motioned for me to come over with a bright smile. I finally came out of my sudden trance and walked over to them. “Elris, meet Alec, my new best friend.” He introduced me like he was a better person and my eyes narrowed into slits. So his name was Alec. Alec what? “Alec, meet Elristeya, my younger sister.” He added and none of us made an attempt to exchange pleasantries as I was too shocked to even think of what to say. When did they become best friends? Hadn’t they just met today? “Well, Elris. I just wanted to tell you that you will be going home with Alec.” And it was as if I was hit with a bell. What!
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