02|| Even Lunch

1584 Words
Elristeya's POV "Elris, if you do not get your ass out here, I might as well leave you." Joe's voice chimed from outside and I rolled my eyes before picking my bag and rushing out. I waved at my mother who stretched out a flask filled with fruits. My dad left early this morning so he could not drop me. You must be thinking that I might be a small kid for collecting that. Dude, who would not want a mother's show of love? Well, not me. I cherish my parents and I love fruits. That is how she does it. "Bye, mom." I waved at her and proceeded outside to meet my brother who was standing beside his truck with his eyes on his phone. He must be telling one of his numerous girlfriends that he is on the way to school. I let out a snort. "Can we leave now?" I asked him and he looked up from his phone as a hiss pierced through his lips before he stepped into the car and ignited the engine. I relaxed against the seat and brought out my phone, scrolling through the girl's group that I was in. It was the second week of school and I had made sure to complete my assignment, that is if I was not disturbed by a certain somebody. Just as if on instinct, the door to the house opened and he stepped out. I could not see his face but I saw his back. He was carrying a bag and he dumped it into his car before heading back to lock the door. I watched every move of his, just as he was about to face my direction as if he knew I was watching him, Joe took that time to turn on the music and steered the wheel. Ahrggh... I looked through the mirror but the guy had already gotten into the car and the red light shone. I silenced a groan as I fell further into the seat, secretly annoyed at Joe and visibly annoyed at the guy. We soon got to school and I was the first to hop out as I made my way to the gate and a grin spread across my lips as I saw my friend, Lestian. Just as if on cue, she turned around too and her face glowed with joy. We both ran and met halfway. "Bishhh..." She shrieked as she pulled me into a tight hug. "I miss you." I croaked out and she tightened the hug. Okay, I think she is going to kill me now. I tapped her back, letting her know I can't breathe and she slowly let go. She checked me out again. "I miss you, Elris. You don't know, I have been thinking of ways I will hug you and speak to you. And make you realize how much I missed you." She said with excitement and I grinned at her. Okay, she is actually exaggerating it. We spoke last night. Lestian had not resumed in the week before. She said her father and mother were having some issues, that is not my story to tell so... But she is here now. "Common, I miss you a lot. Some new faces joined us and I was so bored." I said with a tiny pout and we both held each other's hand as we walked towards the class block. Students streamed through the corridor as we stepped inside. "Seems like you are forgetting your glasses." Joe called from behind and I stopped to turn around. I shook my head with pursed lips to collect it from him. He waved at Lestian who I know must have blushed because he had his signature cute guy smile on his lips. I sneered at him and he snorted with a shrug. I collected it and went back to my best friend. "I told you to be careful of my brother." I bit out and she also shrugged. "Your brother is hot and I won't lie." She said it like it was nothing. Like telling me that my brother is hot to my face was nothing. I grimaced. "Keep that fantasy to your head." I pointed at her and she chuckled. I shook my head and we both stepped into the class. We greeted the people we knew before going to our respective seats and started chatting about things obviously unrelated to academics. The teacher soon came and did an introduction since not all students resumed the first week. While he began teaching, a wave of someone's presence slightly brushed my skin and I lifted my eyes up instantly, glancing around the class. Was I the only one that felt like that? Because everyone was busy and focused on the board. Then just right there, the guy who had slammed the door to my face stood, appearing with his hands in his pockets and his eyes strangely and particularly on me. Surprise coated my face and my brows itched together. Mrs Wellston was sort of introducing him to the teacher but I could hardly hear anything. Nothing of the word they were saying did I hear. I was focused on him. I don't know why but I could not take my eyes off him, I tried to. But it felt magnetic. Felt like a pull. A pull towards him. I felt my fist clench into a ball. And I still could not break it. It was just like an attraction with a thread. Like the thread that had been tugged towards him ... I felt a jab at my side and the connection broke. I wanted to look up again but they both left the class, not with his lingering gaze on me before the teacher turned to the class. Wait, what was that? Was he not in my class? Well, I was glad that he was not in my class because I didn'tknow how I will deal with that. The second period for class came and we started it. Throughout, I could not help the emotion gnawing at my gut. What was he doing here? Like... The teacher asked some questions and the students who were delighted in being the star stood up and answered. The time for break approached and I was likely the first to pack my things and stand up. "Hey," Lestian called out and I cast a glance at her. My eyes and mind seemed far away and hazy. "Is everything alright?" She questioned as she scrutinized my face. I gulped slightly as I got rid of the haze on my face and mind. "Did you see the guy that was introduced earlier on?" I asked her and she looked around as if he was there. "Yes?" "You did not notice something about him?" She pursed her lips before saying. "Well," a wry smile slowly formed at the edge of her lips and I knew it had nothing to do with whatever I was thinking. "except that he looks hot, I noticed nothing." She completed it and I shook my head. Maybe I am overthinking it. "Want to grab some lunch?" I questioned her and she nodded her head. We soon made our way to the cafe. The chattering and clanging of things in the cafe made Lestian cover her ears. I don't know but she said she has some issues with tingling sounds and that's all on her. Lestain has too many problems that only she can solve. We waited in line to get our orders and went to sit as we chatted while eating. Gasps filled the entire place all of a sudden, the food that was in Lestian's tray hung free as she stared at someone behind me. Okay, I think I know who might be responsible for this reaction. It is none other than the guy who lives next door. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for his magnetic eyes to be on me. I turned around and saw him, just standing casually at the entrance and his eyes scanning through the place as if looking for a seat. Or someone. Maybe I should be a good Samaritan and offer him a seat here since it seemed like the others were filled up. I stood up and Lestian followed suit. I felt his gaze following my every move, biting into my skin that even the hairs on my neck stood. I walked over to him and his eyes trailed every step I took. Like a wolf sizing his prey. I peered up at him and in his eyes, I caught something like color changing through them. Like a brief alter. A swift spark. Maybe I was hallucinating. But why was I always hallucinating when it came to him? He raised his brow, one gesture that made me know that he was not a rock and was still human. "You can have the seat. I am done with my lunch." I said simply and he gave me a look over that says – I don't know what it says because this guy looks mysterious and unpredictable. I arched my left brow at him, half expecting him to flip me off and half expecting to speak but instead he slid past me in a swift motion and walked over to the seat. I let out a deep breath of relief. At least he did not disgrace me in front of the people. And that was progress. At least to me.
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