1191 Words

CHAPTER 26 - RICHARD "I'm fine, dude. Told you already. I bumped my head into something hard and my memories are lagging a bit. But other than that, I'm f*****g fine. Don't worry." I say in a firm voice, trying to convince him. He nods, sipping his drink in silence. I'm not dense. I can see on his face that he doesn't believe me a hundred percent. He's probably just tired of bugging me about it, and that's why he's pretending to believe me. But then, I don't honestly care if he believes me or not. I just hope he doesn't bother me anymore with his irritating questions about why I'm acting differently. I'm sick and tired of telling the same lies. He should just give it a rest. We sip our drinks in silence, and I, for once, turn to the crowd to see what's going on. The place is filled wi

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