1563 Words

CHAPTER 27 – RICHARD The rage that's jabbing at every inch of my nerves is rather monstrous. And if whoever just spilled his drink on me doesn't have a f*****g valid reason, I just might snap his neck. I don't care. I've had enough frustrating moments to last the night. I don't need to endure this bullshit. "Are you f*****g blind or what?!" "I'm so sorry…I'm sorry, I didn't·" the voice stops talking. My rage drops a notch as I see who the words are from. It's a female. A sexy human female. Not a werewolf. She's drunk, like f*****g tipsy, and even though she's trying to be steady, she keeps slipping and bumping into random bodies. I'm not sore how seeing a drunk, sexy human should make me feel, but right now, I'm f*****g pissed and it's all thanks to her whiskey drenching my outfit.

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